Too spicy for me

Too spicy for me.

you must be black, they can't handle jalapeno's which are hotter than these noodles.

they're actually roughly equal on the scoville scale

but you see, you eat one jalapeno and you're fucking done. it's over.

you eat a bowl of this and every spoonful adds up. at the end it just tastes like pain.

it doesn't add up like that. 8k scoville is 8k scoville, it doesn't add on, it just lasts longer. You can take small bites of a jalapeno for 5 minutes and experience the same thing.

I have had these noodles a few times.

if you want actual pain from spice you need to eat ghost peppers or ghost pepper powder, only then can you come back and revise your statement about these noodles being painful.

maybe you're right but I'm going to go by what my mouth is feeling

I love how these taste but halfway through I usually can't taste anything anymore

the regular version is fucking delicious though

nobody cares

nobody's impressed

the regular version is 8k as well, you were just swindled by marketing.

no it isn't

does your tongue even work

read the package idiot.

it says 4k and the difference in taste is obvious

how are you so full of shit

Dude I poured it wrong the first time and didn't make a soup of it and instead strained the noodles and added the packet. It was painful but it was love at first sight.

no it says 8k on both. if you could read, the 2x isn't about spice it's about the second release.

Koreabro here, no I agree it’s not really that good and more just a gimmick.

Shin is fine but pic related is really the ramen everyone’s sleeping on

You don't know any black people.

This is the best way to make samyang noodles. Cook them as normal, drain them of as much water as you can, then stir in the sauce.

I don't know any canine people either

Do you know the muffin man?


THE MUFFIN MAN!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I do.

that's the alphabet soup of instant noodles. no korean would actually say "koreabro"

Sure you do. White people have two settings for spiciness in my experience.

>Sir can you take this back? This milk is far too spicy for my liking

and two
>What? I don't have to sign a waiver to eat this because the scoville rating is too low? Its cool, I brought my own Molten Magma in a bottle for such occasions but, this will be reflected on my Yelp review

Far more err to the side of needing assistance because the mild isn't mild enough though.

Neither do you.

this comic makes me want to punch the artist then squirt hotsauce up his ass

u mad, wite boi?

this is my favorite. i toss in a bunch of shrimp and crab into this all the time.

>the author self inserts himself as Goku


Reminder that Veeky Forums x is better than the inline extension.

Speaking of soup, any tips about getting good flavour from the noodles dry? I don't like having noodly soup bowls

Where should I buy these spicy meme noodles? Theyre really expensive on amazon

Protip: Add an egg. You can have it boiled or poached, doesn't matter as long as the yolk is runny. The egg will take the edge off of the heat and make it a bit more bearable.

i'm honestly not a fan

too spicy and not that interesting of a flavor to boot it

rather just get some noodles and add my own hotsauce to it


>self inserts himself
Loving every laugh

Too wh*te to handle spicy

>haha whyte peepo aren't accustomed to spice
>haha your single mother didn't add tobasco to your food and laugh with her gurlfriends, "dat too spicy lil' baby? hahaha it just hot sauce dayumn, ay Tyroll come loook at dis keekkekekeke sheeeit"

I once worked at a ghetto amusement park and saw this frequently with da caliente nachos. Dem nonwhites know how to administer pain to their youngins, mad respek yo, jejejeje