Not having a seafood dinner for Christmas Eve

>not having a seafood dinner for Christmas Eve
Explain yourself.

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I don't celebrate the birthday of delusional Jews on sticks.

>Not having a seafood Chrissy lunch
Flamin Nora!

We are. Lobster, crab, and shrimp.

Catholic and never did this. Apparently it is a fake-Italian tradition.

It's a secular holiday. Most of the traditions are just about Yule and the winter solstice anyway. Open a book some time.

Just as ridiculous

Have done so... still think it is creepy, weird, obligating and expensive.

>creepy, weird, obligating and expensive
I don't know about "creepy" or "weird," but yeah, a lot of people agree with the last two. That's just because (like Mother's Day, Halloween, etc.) the holiday has been co-opted by retailers to make more money. In fact, many people agree with their friends and family not to promote this expensive obligation and commercialization of tradition by exchanging limited gifts, like "secret santa" or giving only handmade gifts.

>delusional Jew on a stick
That's an... interesting description of Jesus.

A better one is crucified jewish/roman criminal. Iow, scum.

Is this a tradition in some shithole country?


We are too. Going for dive this afternoon for abalone and crayfish.

I'm atheist.

Then why i should eat seafood?
I know those dicks from vatican stole almost all of my ancestors holidays. I am celebrating real holidays not some crap from jewish religion. So I am not forced to eat seafood on that day.

A Polish American woman that I know does it. So probably.

Dont they have the christmas carp?

I always have crab.

I'm neither religious nor Italian.

I'm vegan :-)

Seafood permitted doesn't mean seafood required. Try something else ffs.

You can eat your Christmas kibble. And if you were good, Santa will stir in some rice.

respect the traditions KEK, they are there for a reason. You're sad, SAD!

I will be having a lot of seafood at my favorite casino buffet on Christmas day. Go ahead and judge me, but I'll be waking up in my hotel room, drinking champagne and opening gifts in bed, fucking the shit out of my gf, more champagne, smoke a bowl, then heading downstairs and getting into the buffet at the breakfast price ($9.99) right before they roll out the Christmas dinner ($35). I'll be eating oysters, oxtails, king crab, prime rib, lobster tails, etc. while being waited on and not having to fuck with family, cooking, dishes, or driving. Really the best way to do Christmas

The irony is that Christmas comes from a pagan holiday

I don't eat kibble, only whole plant foods with each bite being different :-)

I have four banana cultivars here right now :-)

The young poop.

doing a surf and turf


Actually sounds like a good alternative. Which casino are you referring to?

The only reason I regret dumping my girlfriend is that her family does a huge seafood feast and I never got to experience it. I love seafood.

My parents do Thanksgiving 2.0... sometimes featuring ham. I hate it.

cant even afford OTC meds for peptic ulcers which i was diagnosed with at a free clinic
im having chili piquin cup ramen with freeze dried shrimp for christmas

If you're trying to piss people off it's definitely working on me

Yeah, the only thing pagans are good for is to get C H R I S T E D

How is celebrating the cycle of the seasons ridiculous or are you just retarded? Wait, don't answer that.

kek, knew you were a pagan LARPer

That show fucking blows. It's just an interpretation of the trump presidency pretending to be oscar bait. I'm not even religious but I could see it as nothing but an edgelords wet dream of making the church's get the screws.

i live in utah,

But...I am user.

Simple, I am allergic to sea food of all types.

I might be making some shrimp for Christmas Day. What is the best way to cook them?

Actually christmas has pagan roots, ever heard of Yuletide?

Nay of comes from the Roman solstice and represents new life originally. The tree was added in by Norse pagan converts as a continuation of their old tradition.

Who cares who started it or why? I hate what it is and will not participate.

My dad makes cioppino every year for Christmas Eve.

ITT: I watched Zeitgeist once and it BLEW MY MIND DUDE

What's up your butt, grumpy boy? You are sperging out about something nobody even said.

>It's just an interpretation of the trump presidency
It's not, it's not at all. It was made in fucking Italy, before he was even elected.

>Implying the Romans were not Pagan...

My boss gives everyone a huge ham for Christmas. So I'm going to be eating that for a week or two.

I dont celebrate christmas. Its just a long weekend for me.

>A ham for Christmas
It's a like two middle fingers to Jews and mohammedins. Love it.

>MFW filthy pagans

We usually do a seafood stew or chowder with some bread and salad.

Oyster Stuffing in the bird bitches

My family isn't religious

For one thing, I don't live in one of the hottest areas of the world.

>not keeping carp in your bath for a couple of days to wash the mud out of their flesh before you pwn them on xmas eve


Let's be honest is it gay to eat fish, your basically eating fish ass

Oyster stuffing is my shit. People just don't know

cause I'm going to eat swan instead

>a couple days
So Slavs smell like shit around Christmas time?

they're alive...they're not rotting in the bathtub


i have two bathrooms

L'auberge in Lake Charles, LA. Got them complimentary hotel nights

How dare you! No one eats swans in MY Britstania except by my leave. I shall unleash the hounds!

>this was a plot point in The Royals

good show, shame about it getting canned because the director #MeToo'd the main actress

she was kinda bangable when she was young, wasn't she

they all were, I looked up young Princess Anne the other day and was shocked. She's such a shrivelled, mean-looking old bitch these days, but she was super qt and had long blonde hair.

Shame about the mongs they're making today. Beatrice is fucking inhuman

If by fake-Italian you mean "nearly all Catholics in Europe," then yeah: it's pretty fake Italian.