Pork Belly

Why the hell don't they just call it '' Big Bacon '' or '' Extra Thick Bacon ''? It's just bacon, but thick.

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Bacon is cured

A thread about veganism or smelling a lady's butt died for this.

Bacon is just thin pork belly

Was it sick or something?

o... thanks.

American bacon LOL

Not nearly as sick as you


Why the hell don't they just call it '' pig '' or ''sliced pig''? It's just pig, but cut.

why the hell don't they call it "animal" or "fat animal". it's just an animal, but fat.

Bacon, Pork Belly and Fat Back are from 3 different places on the hog.

why the hell don't they call it "meat" or "dead meat". it's just meat, but dead.

But what about bacon that's not from pigs

Is it genuinely bad for your health to eat pork?

It's bad to read really fatty pork like bacon. Port chop is basically a tastier chicken.

Pork belly and fat back are from different parts of the animal, but generally speaking in a local/NA way, bacon is cured pork. Side/streaky/rasher bacon that you pick up in North American supermarkets is salt-cured pork belly. Guanciale is jowls, fatback bacon is... fatback.

>you eat pork belly for the fat
Deal or No Deal?

Why don't they call salt pork "bacon"?

kys redit

Thanks brah


Where I live salt pork you have to de-salt whereas bacon and cured pork belly type preparations you can just cook and eat. Sometimes, if they're smoked too, you can eat them as is.

Is... that a problem?

Seems like an easy case of, "And nothing of value was lost"

Is it? I've never had it but I do love bacon, and most parts of a pig, but this thread make me realize I never had nonsliced noncured bacon meat.

I gotta try it now.

Why call pork belly bacon in the first place?
It's the cured and salted belly of a pork.

fully sik cunt?

In the Netherlands we call them bacon slabs. Roughly translated.

>Why the hell don't they just call it '' Big Bacon

Americans, everyone.