Snacks you can finish in one sitting

I can finish anything and I'm always sitting

Seriously? You can finish a whole bag of those? I'd get bored after 3 bites

Salty crunchy bready bits of flour, with a bit of strong taste to are you not amused?

Shit is crack to me. I'm not a big snack guy, but this shit doesn't matter how much there is. All of it is gone in one sitting.

I swear this was autistically designed to have a perfect ratio so its very addicting...i would get more of these if they didnt have soy in them

He fell for the meme...

What meme? Soy?


Enjoy those irreversible hormone imbalances

Enjoy meme.

Gotta go with the flavored ones man. Ranch or Honey Mustard and Onion are the bomb

If I'm not paying attention I'll finish a whole bag of these. So much better than flamin' hot

>Honey Mustard and Onion
I gazed upon my fellow user, and in that moment I knew, he was my fucking nigga

Oh my god, these idiots from /pol/ are actually serious, aren't they?

These things were so processed that they made my eczema flare up (shitty genetics ftw)

They also tasted fucking awesome

>tfw they were discontinued months ago.


True my dude

Those mixed with the flaming hot are tits.

They bring out huge tubs of these around this time of year.


Found the nu male soyboi.

No one except uneducated sheep willingly eats soy, you moron. Far left hippies have been anti-soy for longer than /pol/ has existed.

I will go fucking apeshit on a bag of pistachios without even realizing it.
It's like a reflex.

underrated post


pleb detected


Goddamn Sour Patch Kids


>perfect ratio
Bullshit, there's always too many pretzels proportionally.