Why is white meat preferred in America when dark meat's higher fat content make it more flavorful and less dry...

Why is white meat preferred in America when dark meat's higher fat content make it more flavorful and less dry? Health concerns should be balanced out by not needing as much gravy for dark meat.

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tastes better you goon

>white meat
pick one

Beats me. I feel like someone once threw down some kind of metric about what is "healthier" for you, and it stuck.

Or people like this piece of shit just have no taste and prefer the blandest piece of meat that tastes like whatever flavoring they slather onto it.

White meat requires a high food IQ to enjoy.

I don't get it either, especially since most people add loads of salt to the white meat.

My guess is that is that it's because the breast is the biggest piece of meat, and chicken usually has some seasoning, herbs, gravy, or sauce on it anyway.

I think a lot of people think dark meat looks gross in comparison. I don't think it has anything to do with taste although health claims may be a cause as well.


confirmed retards

White meat is healthier, that's literally the only reason to prefer it over dark meat.


Keep it to yourself, more for the rest of us

white is right

>oh look, it's another "everyone who likes things different than what I like is wrong because taste isn't subjective and I have the supreme pallet" thread on CK

I actually do enjoy the taste of white meat better, as well as the texture.

average americans are incredibly miseducated about nutrition and think fat makes you fat and so they don't want to eat dark meat because they think it's unhealthy

Dark meat looks disgusting to most Americans. I used to not be able to eat it when I was a kid, but now, I'll eat it along with any veins/arteries I find. My dad is still childish in his meat-eating preferences and it's one of the few things I can actually make fun of him for and call him a sissy bitch (not an exaggeration, we're mutually verbally abusive).

Fucking idiots.

white power

chicken breast is really good if it's cooked perfectly.
95% of time time the dark meat is better though, yeah, way better. The margin for fucking up breast is so small. Especially with 'better safe than sorry' lazy cooking.
I'd prefer the breast off a roast chicken if the breast is perfect though, because then the thighs probably haven't broken down enough fat and collegen to be that good.

Correct answer.
But no one will listen.

During the 70s and 80s, even into the 90s, white meat was pushed as healthy food because it is lower in fat. Lower in calories = healthier.
Pigs were bred to be lean on purpose.

Of course now you see Duroc, Berkshire, Red Waddle, and other breeds coming into popularity because of their flavor.

I don't get it either. White meat is dry and flavorless. Dark meat is juicy and flavorful.

>why is white meat preferred
don't tell me there's gonna be some 56% memers in here, is there?

It's used for different things. If I want some nice grilled chicken strips on a salad, it's gotta be white. But if I want to slow cook some shredded chicken for tacos, dark is the only way to go (you can have both, but dark is essential). If I'm roasting a whole chicken, I'll eat any part of the bird nobody else wants.


Dark meat is usually better. White meat has a bad habit of getting over cooked and dry, so it gets a bad rap.

I’d like to add a third option though: organ meats. Cooked right, the liver, heart, and overall organs of any animal is usually superior.

Organ meats are a delicacy, to be enjoyed once a month or so. Eating them too often promotes all sorts of nasty diseases, especially if it's something like liver or gizzards (though heart is typically fine)

I do love chicken gizzards, goose livers, etc. though

I don’t buy into that whole “liver and kidneys absorb toxins” myth.
Are there any other reasons to not eating organ meats exclusively? I’ve been eating a lot of beef heart lately, and wanted to try eating organ meats exclusively for a couple months just for shits and giggles. Is there a legit reason not to?

Just to clarify, I’ll be eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, but any meat product will be strictly organ.

>Are there any other reasons to not eating organ meats exclusively?
They're very high in purines so you might get gout
It's a strange and arbitrary dietary restriction to only eat organ meat, so if you do this, i'd suggest you don't tell anyone.
It's good to eat a wide and varied diet whatever it is

Is it really? I thought steak, ribs and burgers were massive in America?

I'm sure chicken is the biggest seller but.. it is everywhere. I would have thought chicken would have less of a percentage than in many other countries, but I haven't seen any stats on it.

White meat with butter>>>>>dark meat.

I must be a pleb, because I’ve lived/traveled all over the world, and will eat anything put in front of me, but I absolutely prefer white meat to dark.

I used to eat LOADS of (pork) liver, but I got spooked about getting gout or something and backed off. Dunno if that’s actually a thing but I think I convinced myself it was at the time.

>this desu

Most people do not enjoy pulling apart a thigh, drum or wing.

Those people are milquetoast faggots then. There's scarcely anything more grounding and primal than using your hands and teeth to pull apart a drumstick. It's so satisfying.

>I don’t buy into that whole “liver and kidneys absorb toxins” myth.
Consider what the liver and kidneys' biological functions are. It's not a myth, it's basic biology.

Amerikkka will always prefer white meat

No, that’s bullshit. The liver and kidney don’t “store” toxins. They help filter them. They get released. That’s like saying a highway is made of engines because cars drive through it.

The kidneys and liver are always working. There's no point at which they're completely clear of the substances they're filtering out and they never stop except when they're harvested from the animal they belonged to.
Your analogy is flawed as hell, it's more like you're saying the wear on the highway's asphalt goes away just because the cars have stopped.

>chicken breast is really good if it's cooked perfectly.
this desu.

I overwhelmingly prefer chicken breast because I know how to prepare it so that it stays juicy. And it takes well to seasonings and marinade. Depending on what you're eating, sometimes dark meat feels downright greasy to me. But I don't mind either, I really enjoy poultry.