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No questions

Best way to prepare dog What are some good dishe

I have the entire thing so anything work


Dog seems like it'd be best suited for a stew, they aren't very fatty.

He was kinda fat dog

I know you said no questions but this post just makes me want to ask so many.

Are you starving so you killed your dog?

W-why do you know how big the dog was before

seems this dude knows its name

>look at me, I'm so edgy guys! I killed a dog and am gonna eat it! :XDDD.

Try hunting a rabbit if you can figure out which end of the rifle to hold against your shoulder.

if you named it do not eat it

If he was fatter then I assume he was an older dog. This leads me to think that the meat will be tough. Whatever you use this meat in you will want to make sure that it is well done. Dogs eat all sorts of garbage and you might catch a parasite if it's not cooked through.

Follow a guide for butchering and then use or buy a pressure cooker. Toss in spices you want. Then toss in the cuts of meat. As a bonus you can add flour to the broth you strain afterwards to make a pupper gravy.

You vegan fuckstick. If you want to be a gay fag you can fuck off. user has requested cooking advice and needs our help.

This guy dogs.

Make a stew, let it cook well to tenderize the meat, and enjoy, OP.

So the obvious needs to be said. Pics or didn't happen. Also...are you eating your dog?

Thank you everyone

yes he was kinda fat and i he was there for a while

Im happy to find a solution before he starts going bad

I second this, it's Veeky Forums law.

What the fuck

>you're a vegan hippie sjw antifa liberal if you don't eat dog

Fuck off. I've hunted and butchered more game than you've ever even seen, faggot, but only a wimpass would kill and eat a dog in the US. You want a recipe? Stick the dog you cowardly killed up your ass and it might be like the old grampas in korea believe: "Eating dog will give me muh erection again." Absolute low class ignorant disgusting shit. I hope OP is tracked, arrested and spends a few nights with Tyrone in county.

Bosintang soup
-100g dog
-500ml broth
-20g leek
-10g chinese leek
- 100g taro stems, soaked
- 8g salt
- 2g minced garlic
- 3g perilla seed
- 2g chili powder
- 2g grated ginger

Soak taro stems for 1-2 days to blanch. Boil dog and taro stems until cooked through, let cool, then add other ingredients and return to a boil. Serve in a stone bowl, seasoning with black pepper just before serving, and serve accompanied with kimchi, green peppers, and quick-pickled cucumber.

Dog stew
- 200g boiled dog
- 20ml broth

- 50g leek
- 40g chinese celery
- 20g shiso

- 1g salt
- 2g minced garlic
- 2g grated ginger
- 2g chili powder

- pinch perilla seed powder
- 5g perilla seed oil
- 5g perilla seed

Add broth and veg to hot pan, and cook through. When cooked, mix in meat and spices, stirring in finishers when meat is fully seasoned. Remove from heat and serve.
It also allegedly makes a decent fast-food burger.

What you do is you take a gun, put bullets in the magazine, load it into the magazine well, turn off the safety, rack the slide, pull back the hammer, put the barrel in your mouth, and pull the trigger.

This but unironically. Dumb larpthread.

>I've hunted and butchered more game than you've ever even seen, faggot,
I bet your faggot ass never touched a rifle


Stewing & braising isnt about the fat, its about breaking down connective tissue. Rendering a tough and chewy piece of meat into a tender and succulent slice of tastiness.

Fat just adds flavor to anything.

I bet you never touched a rifle

I touch yours
