Ask a pizza delivery driver anything

Ask a pizza delivery driver anything.

I don't get the picture at all.

Probably some fuckboy fishing for attention or nudes or w/e with the wrong number and a ledditor fedora tipping white knight telling him he's a creep for it.

IIRC a guy saved a number from one of his deliveries and then texted her and her dad or boyfriend answered


How often do you get cunty with the customer because they said you could keep the change and this was supposed to include your tip?

no sir, i don't like it

if you're making a delivery and the person lives like 4-5 mins/1 mile from the store, do you get pissy if that person doesnt tip much.

What's the largest tip you've ever received? Did you have to do something special for it? What's the sketchiest delivery that you ever had to make? What's the strangest situation you found yourself in as a result of a delivery?

You working for a big chain or a local place? I did a summer for Dominos.

Have you ever made a delivery to a person who was naked or lewd

rarely. I don't get that worked up about a single delivery. My coworkers do though.

A mile isn't that far at all. So, no.

$100. No it was kids that were trying to be Chance the Rapper for their snapchat friends.
We deliver to a rundown hotel all the time and sometimes there's hookers, methheads, crackheads, insane people, etc.
There's a REALLY unstable guy that orders every now and then. He always claims it's from brain surger but it's obvious he's just nuts. He doesn't make much sense when he talks and repeats himself a lot. Randomly rages out. Anyway, had me deliver pizzas to the police department and it was just really awkward because they thought they were being poisoned or something.
Big chain

Yes, delivered to a few people who were obviously in the middle of sex.

Not OP, but driver too. Had to fucking pound on their window to get them to stop and come to the door. This was a front window, and its common to peek in to see if people are passed out when its 2AM.

Oh and their dog got out, lady came out wrapped in a blanket dude in undies and I running all over the block trying to get their dog.

Can you ask your shitty bosses to take off the delivery fee? I already tip the driver, why does anyone else need the delivery money

that's for them not the driver and franchisees are greedy as FUCK


>tips menorah

wait hang on
do you have any pepper and parm in your car real quick

"fuckboy" means faggot in hood slang


What the hell is the delivery fee? Where does that money go? Why do I have to pay a delivery fee and tip the driver?

Thanks for enlightening us nigger

brain sugar like cocaine? I like it im gonna start using that

Ever have a milf ask you to give her a quick hosing?

Women don't talk to me

any chicks ever answer the door nekkid?

milfs are actually pretty flirty a lot of the time

No, but a guy did and there was a naked fat lady behind him once

Nope, should have put them on your order.

did you spank it to it while peeping in the window

that's a good one, ill remember it

I'd be too busy laughing to be aroused. That's some sitcom shit.

The delivery fee is there to milk extra money out of you lazy fucks who dont want to order takeout and drive to get it yourself
The driver often does not see a cent of that fee

>The delivery fee is there to milk extra money out of you lazy fucks who dont want to order takeout and drive to get it yourself
Welp no tip then!
>The driver often does not see a cent of that fee
Sucks. Maybe should unionize then.

Why is the interaction with the pizza man always so awkward?

Beacuse you make it awkward.
This is just a hunch, but you're bad at small talk huh?

cause you have no social skills end thread

I just started delivering, after working at the place for a few years, I figured I could make a little extra money with the tips.

Why do you think black people are such shitty tippers? They either tip you barely nothing, or nothing at all.

This is only good if you gently warm it over the stove.

Is this to imply literal change (

Hood slang means different shit every fuckin day.

Black guy here. It's from a history of being poor and disrespected. My race just outright does not respect institutions we see as "white" (don't mean to politicize it too much, but that's really the essence of it); we see respect for these institutions as diminishing to our selves. See, most aspects of the service industry were just not available to blacks in America for the hundred years after we were freed when our modern communities began to form, so we react adversarially. Same reason black descendants of slaves do shitty in school, while willing immigrants from Africa do just fine.

It's difficult for me to explain to some of my more ignorant relatives that fitting in and paying the honky with the pizza a few extra bucks isn't necessarily forfeiting your self. It's just how you be "nice" in the United States of fucking America. Where we live. So be nice for fuck's sake. I don't want to apologize on behalf of my race, but damn if I don't feel like I should.

I’m not OP but his post clearly was a typo that should’ve said “brain surgery”.

What's your favourite pizza?

Well i'm just bringing them their food that they ordered.

I'll tell you one thing, if I know someone is a shitty tipper, no matter what race, they're getting their food last if I have other deliveries. I don't even need a whole lot, just a dollar would be nice.

I think it's pretty awful for people to look back at a time when they weren't even alive and then blame me for it when i'm doing them a service.

>No, but a guy did and there was a naked fat lady behind him once
Did they just receive the pizza nude? Did they even try to cover themselves or hide or did they just act like no big deal?

I agree man, but all this shit is internalized and we don't even realize it's happening to us. I would love to let go of the past, but within cultures people like to nurse and re-open wounds when it suits them rather than letting them heal and moving on. Victimhood is a hell of a drug.


fuck outta here with that weak ass shit tyrone

It isn’t clear from your post - are you saying that you generally agree with their attitude/perspective even though you don’t agree that tipping pizza delivery is degrading?

If you do agree then why would you say black people frequently vote for the ones who have wanted to keep them enslaved (i.e. the political left)?

I am curious what other institutions black people would deem “white” and thus view the same way? How do black people view Chinese food delivery? Do they tip for that? Surely that isn’t classified as “white”. What about catering?

Your post is very dumb. Please, mon cher, promise me that you will do better in the future.

No, I don't agree with it. I'm just saying people in general make poor decisions because people choose to self-identify and qualify their self-identity in strange ways. And I hate to say it, but in the minds of many of my negro brothers, it is not a very complex dynamic. Tipping = less for me and more for someone I don't know. I was simply trying to explain the root of that. Black people are not used to "service with a smile". We (generally) do not see its value.

>keep them enslaved (i.e. the political left)?
lel what? If anything it's the cultural left that prevents us from true self-actualization. The political left is great for blacks (and for everyone imo, but my pinko commie bullshit is showing).

Thing either
1. have a complex series of antecedents and root causes that provide only a murky picture of a world made of lapse morals and imperfect promises and offer no simple solutions
2. an easy explanation that confirms all your biases and allow you to blame problems on a specific group

I'm not surprised most people pick 2.

2. have an*

it was a reference to ck lore

The political left is not your friend, they seek to keep you shackled to the gilded chains of victimhood and government dependence
If you don't break these chains you will never be free. As long as you think "someone else has it better" you cannot ever truly succeed. You'll only be a slave to your emotions and the people who know how to play those emotions

Nah nigga, the political and cultural left are greatly different. Leftist politics are great for oppressed groups and anyone generally economically disadvantaged. The cultural left, which is something entirely distinct, has become nearly identical to the cultural right in its efforts to undermine the fabric of society.

If you are one of these degenerate rightists, make no mistake that you are having your emotions played like a harp.

I dont want to order takeout because I dont have a car and dont want to walk 20 minutes to the nearest pizza place through snow and ice and 20 minutes back to eat cold ass pizza up hills both ways

It's the fucking nihilists, they've gotten into everything and they're burning it all down.

>gives a very well thought out response
>throws a meme at him

This is how you spot a dumb ass.

Most pizza places pay drivers by the mile or the minute. That's where the fee is.

why do I have to tip you when I'm already paying a $3 delivery fee? why do you take 20 minutes to get to my house when it's within walking distance from the store?

5+ mins to actually get to make if it's busy. 8+ mins. in the oven. 5+ mins. to get to your house after my other delivery.

Fee pays the money the company pays to the driver for gas and hourly wage.
Tip is saying thank you.

the website says what time the pizza leaves the store. it usually takes at least 20 minutes after that time for my pizza to show up. I could walk to the store and back in 20 minutes.

sometimes you're not the only delivery they're talking also I personally drive like an old lady because it's not good when you get pulled over.

>oy vew you better pay our drivers goyim
can't wait till they completely jew waiters and make it completely tip based, of course without actually changing any of the food prices

so you deliver my pizza last even though I have to be the closest to the store, and then you expect me to tip you when I'm already paying the store to pay you?

do you want to talk to a manager???

I've recently considered becoming a pizza delivery driver.

What is it like?
Is it comfy?
Do you ever have to perform any duties besides delivering the 'za?
Do you get compensated for gas?
Do you get paid well in tips?

Yeah, can you deliver a message?

Not OP but a driver as well

It’s all right. Spend most of the time in the car listening to music. Consider investing in a box to put pizzas in cuz your car will smell like it after the first day.

As you won’t only be delivering pizza, you’ll probably be asked to help out with stuff in the kitchen. Prepping dough, washing dishes, or if you’re trained for it, taking orders from the phone or the front

Depends on your store for gas compensation. My store is about a dollar per delivery so that usually covers most of it since our delivery radius isn’t that far.

Depends on the customers. Indian fucks don’t tip for shit. Hell, even mexicans tip better than them. High school kids don’t either, but that’s to be expected. If you deliver to businesses they tend to tip a lot. Not schools though. Delivered twenty pizzas to one in one order and got five bucks for it. Teachers wages, go figure.

Sure that'll be 5.99 plus tip

Why do you think you deserve tips? All you do is sit on your ass and drive.

>Not schools though

I used to be a student senator at my college. I would have to order pizza for events using school funds, and I was told that I was not allowed to tip over 10%. Don't know why.

>teacher's wages
Teachers make like 50k, the whole "oh teacher's don't make much money" thing is bullshit.

Teachers are often hard-up because they are stupid and made poor choices.

>$50k is a lot of money
What exactly is your cutoff for "not much money"?

Teachers get 3 months off per year. . . $50k for 9 months of work is pretty gud

It's a minimu of 60 hours a week

>paid 1250 to work 60 hours. That's decent pay, fag

Maybe if they don't save at all and work full time during the summer. Try looking at incomes the way an adult might. Run that through a 401k calculator with a 9% withholding rate (go out on a limb with me and pretend it's possible to survive after withholding 9%), look at the post-retirement figures, and tell me if you still think that's "pretty gud"

t. $120k and still worries about retirement

Can't speak for other back people, but I tip so little because I'm broke and I want to stick to a strict budget. When I save up enough and I feel like treating myself, then I either make something relatively expensive or I order delivery.

I feel like when you order 10 pizzas it's not much more effort than delivering one pizza so 10% seems reasonable to me since it's just one trip

Don't teachers get a pension as well?

Fuck if I know, but if its a defined benefit plan I wouldn't count on solvency a few decades from now. Those are usually the first to get cut from state budgets when times are tough, "we can make up the difference later" is usually how it goes.

Forgot to say that I at least tip 10% and round up to the nearest dollar.

If I used extra virgn olive oil as lube for sex, would it become regular virgin, or stop being virgin altogether?

Maybe if I use it for anal only it will drop the extra but still be virgin?

Hey bro, why do we have the best minimum wage job of all time?

>Half your job is driving around listening to music
>Other half is getting high, washing dishes, and eating free pizza
>Gas money

Fuck I love it

I want to quit my current job. Should I go delivery driver? A pet spa opened up nearby so I was thinking of applying to that too, and if they don't take me, I was thinking of going to Petco or something to become an apprentice dog groomer and get experience for later.

You have to imagine the worst day on either job. Imagine trying to both restrain and give "the works" to the yappiest, meanest Yorkie Schitz on the planet while the "dog mom" stares you dead in the face the entire time. Now imagine trudging up an unplowed driveway in the middle of a blizzard, -10 degrees in a gated community where you had to call the dumbfuck kids three times to even get in, you wait in the freezing cold for about 10 minutes, calling them again and again even though they just answered the phone for you, and then not getting a tip.

The former I made up but the latter actually happened to me. That's about as bad as it gets as a pizza man. Otherwise it's everything I said it is.

>You have to imagine the worst day on either job.
Wow, that actually is really good advice, thanks. I'll try groomer first since that still sounds fun and I'll try driver if that doesn't work out.

I've worked a variety of different jobs and I've realized this is the best strategy for figuring out what you really want to do.
If you wanna work with kids, you have to imagine working with the worst and the brattiest.
If you wanna go into programming, you have to imagine those days where the code fails 12+ times, you rewrite everything, and it fails again.
If you can imagine yourself going through those days and still retaining your passion for whatever you're into, stick with it.

If you are that close why are you paying for delivery? Get off your fat ass and go get it. The only time i paid for delivery for something that was within walking distance was late at night after the store stopped allowing walkins because they were getting robbed all the time.

Women are like dog crap.
The older they get, the easier they are to pick up.

Tough one for all americans out there:
Defend your tipping system.

Why should I, as the customer, be the one to pay for the waiter / delivery guy salary ?

I order food, you give me the note and I pay.
Then its the manager / owner's responsibility to cover his expenses with it, incl. payroll.

How is that tough? The standard rebuttal is that if it wasn't for tipping, you'd be paying more for food across the board to make up the difference, so you wouldn't actually save any money, but you'd likely get worse service.

Have you ever worked in an industry where tipping was a part of it?

I was a golf caddy in high school and college. Getting tipped, even a small amount, wasn't about the money: it was about feeling like you did a good job, like the person you're giving the service to appreciated it.

It's not logical at all and is pretty dumb from a cultural viewpoint. Just look at it from the viewpoint of the individual: do it so you make a person's day a bit better.

Then I would not frequent that place, they would lose revenue, and go out of business... or, you know, change their practices to not lose their business.

Why would you be paying more?

Yeah but you feel good only if you actually get good tips, no?
>doing a good job when delivering food
Don’t want to be insulting but what gratification should you really expect from such a job?

Good luck finding a place that wouldn't have to raise their prices to pay their workers if tipping stopped.

Because the restaurant would need to increase waiter wages and they would have to make up the cost difference in order to make a profit.

Bill + tip = bill incl delivery guy salary
You wouldn’t be paying more.

Should I also send a tip for the cook?

>Should I also send a tip for the cook?
Yes, actually.

>Bill + tip = bill incl delivery guy salary
What the hell is your argument right now, because that's exactly what I said the first time. You are paying no less money overall but will likely receive worse service if the tip is eliminated since the employee doesn't have any extra incentive to make you happier than the bare minimum.