Anyone else here almost have to have a glass of cold orange juice in the morning? A big glass just makes me feel so much better in the morning.
>inb4 nice blog post
Anyone else here almost have to have a glass of cold orange juice in the morning...
I've almost completely stopped drinking fruit juices but I used to know that feel
It really does help improve the morning. Heard apples help you wake up, so tried adding apple sauce for breakfast. Seemed pretty good. Or maybe I'm retarded, so there's that too.
This. I'll often have milk in the morning, but I only use OJ for cooking, or mixing to treat a hangover.
Yes, but only if it's made by me with real oranges. I hate sugarfull bright-orange industrial juice
This. The nice thing is juice oranges are inexpensive. The flavor is incomparably better than the mass produced trash.
I do sometimes, but it's not worth the heartburn. I've drank enough booze to burn a hole through the floor.
This. Any faggot on this board who can drink orange juice in the morning and not feel like their stomach is being torn apart by a thousand tiny knives needs to fuck off back to redit
>I'm a lil bitch and so is my stomach
drinking processed orange sugar water is for literal manchildren, nice fedora image though
>t. Underage reditor
Le kill yourself my faggot
>t. newfag who can't handle juice
Right back at you, my insignificant pussy fart.
too much fructose
Juice is almost unhealthy like cola. Its also got the same amount of sugar
>t. dead of scurvy
at least we can agree that this was science taken too far
Yup, the colder the better. I love OJ that is just a degree or two from freezing.
Isn't the citric acid actually bad for you stomach lining after a lot of alcohol.
They are all made fucking fucking oranges you god damn retard.
Unless you're drinking Sunny D, which is orange flavored fruit drink.
Fucking retarded hippies I swear to god.
Drink it after brushing.
Yeah it's the only time I drink fruit juice. It just goes so well with breakfast.
>drinking sugar water
>i prefer stale, pasteurized, industrial juice over fresh squeezed
"Corporate Freedom" palate detected.
When did I say I perfer one to another. I'm saying that they are indeed using real oranges and oranges only.
It's not some where chemical concoction, unless you are drinking something like Sunny D, which cannot legally refer to itself as Orange Juice because it's not Orange Juice.