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pall mall blues.i need to quit. fucking drugs man.
For me, it's Lucky Strike
I'm a vape smoking faggot now. At least it tastes good. This one is blueberry crumble with vanilla custard.
roll my own with a crank machine. got it down to about 1.40 a pack.
This. For me it's rollies because I can't stand the taste of melted plastic and the resultant headache afterwards.
Rolling machines are for faggots though, desu.
I can hand roll. I got better shit to do with my time, and it isn't slow dancing with dudes.
>Travelling for Christmas
>Multi- stop trip
>Wife's family first, then mine
>Wife's grandpa is dying
>Spent entire vacation in ICU
>Probably won't get to see my family at all.
It's enough to make me want to start up again. About to go but a pack of Camels and my wife can just fucking deal.
i’ll stick with cancer sticks
not going to start sucking boysenberry ejuice from a robot penis and get popcorn lung
Lucky strikes, if I can find them. Alternatively, Marlboro Reds. The long ones.
Except you don't get popcorn lung. Shit's better for you, but do what you do.
Marlboro Red desu
Smoking one right now
Rainer, gib a Ruh
Are cigarette smokers aware of their bad smell?
we are dying. fuck off with your nose and opinion.
Das darf doch ned war sei alder
I'm a hipster faggot who smokes American spirit blacks
>smoking often enough to smell
That's me too
I want to switch to a pipe tobacco though, even if it reeks of artofmasculinity reddit numales.
I don’t smoke much anymore but I like marlboro smooths. They only sell them at one store I’ve seen tho
i’ll have maybe two cigarettes a day at most
>smokes jewgarette
I don't smoke cigarettes anymore. When I did, I literally bought whatever camel or marlboro had a coupon or rebate for. But pic related was my "splurge" smokes, and I was never disappointed. Close 2nd were some camel unfiltereds (rumor has it they use higher quality tobacco, because the filter can't hide the harsh flavor), but those got to be too much.
Started smoking camel with rizla blue or micron and rizla slim tips
>insecure about smoking a pipe because of some poofters also claiming to like it
That's a real shame, user. It's a great smoke and a great hobby.
I'm not, it was more of an >inb4.
What’s a good tobacco pipe to start with? I’ve heard good things about Bjarne, they’re around $50-70, which seems pretty cheap. What’s a good tobacco? I like stronger cigarettes, as I like nicotine a lot.
I gotcha. Tbh famalam, if you’re not a pseudo-masculine soyboy, but you smoke a pipe, you’re still not a soyboy. Do what you like, and others can take it or leave it.
Just smoking one cigarette is enough to make all your clothes smell, desu.
Are you a noselet?
I smoke pretty infrequently because it screws up my sense of smell and taste for the day.
Pall Mall Red and someone once told me that those are trucker tier. Is that true?
Smoke a cigarette when I wake up and have coffee, then shower and dress. No smell. Smoke a cigarette after dinner and go to bed shortly after. Never had anyone complain, even my parents when I was younger and used this system.
I need a Canadian to send me some djarums. I ordered from ciggies world or something and spent 60 something bucks on a mixture of cigarettes from around the world. May have been my favorite online purchase, I remember some fancy Chinese furongwang something, Korean vanilla whale this plus, some menthol popping cat cigs (raison) , boy howdy the wismilak unfiltered kreteks were nice, some fucking dank smelling djarum super, and finally some French camel essential luxury normals. I smoked like a king then. Rip the old Turkish packs.
Back in the day I bought out a gas stations reserves of the camel signature blends, y'all 'member? Frost, mellow, robust, infused... why'd you have to do us like that, Barrie...
Pall mall blues remind me of smoking pot when I had the flu a few years back
About as bad as you can get user. If you smoke 100's I'd go get checked for lung cancer.
I sure hope you eat something then brush your teeth after coffee + cigarettes, otherwise people are just being polite about your disgusting breath
Bjarne died like 10 years ago, they closed but might be expensive for that reason. Savinelli is a good starter brand from what I heard.
Bjarne died like 10 years ago, they closed but might be expensive for that reason. Savinelli is a good starter brand from what I heard.
Missouri meerschaum are good cheam corncob pipes you can experiment with.
God I hate the shit out of all of you. Inconsiderate pieces of shit that blow smoke on people's faces or all over the air, reducing what little oxygen there is left to share with you every other asshole on the planet. Fucking faggots in this thread voluntarily aware of fucking their lungs up and being literal walking cancers.
Wish you idiots all die sooner and that tobacco gets driven to extinction.
cry more :^)
>individual smokers
>holding a candle to industrial pollution, automobiles, and China
>cry more
Will gladly cry tears from laughter while you morons writhe in agony, clutching your tumor-ridden chests
>o-others are worse!
no you're all one mound in the same sack of shit
I assume you don't buy any consumer goods, only eat simple farm crops, and never drive anywhere?
Fuck off, you holier-than-thou shitbag.
Spirit blacks make me sick. Southern Cuts and Turkish Royals are nice.
>this bastard must think he's a saint!
My faults will always pale in comparison to you fag-sucking fags
>getting this assblasted over cigarettes
I fucking love you user.
i’m a smoker and hate assholes who smoke in public places
when I decide to have a smoked I go to a secluded place far removed from others so I don’t bother them.
These days I smoke only when I go to the casino, which is about once or twice a year. Bought a pack of Marlboro Menthols after watching this cigarette review video
I'm assblasted over inconsiderate human beings, and smokers are the best ones. Puff cancer sticks all you fucking want, just do everyone else a favor and swallow your poisonous smoke instead of blowing it out.
Wait you're supposed to blow it out? I've always just swallowed it
Hey non-smokers... news brief. Life is a terminal condition, and stress kills faster than damn near anything. Also, you owe me for breathing any of my second hand smoke. That shit is expensive.
>started smoking after seeing comfy steve1989 videos of him reviewing 75 year old cigarettes
For me It's the newport menthol cigarette. The best cigarette
>he doesn't vape
>sucking on a robot penis
The obligatory snus post.
What the actual fuck?
I was pretty fucking distraught when RJ Reynolds discontinued Lucky filters in the US. I switched to Lucky straights for a year or so since that was all that was available, but filterless cigs got annoying for a variety of reasons. I smoke American Spirit perique blend these days, but I'd kill for a pack of 'murican Lucky filters (the yuro ones kinda sucked desu).
Yeh, I have a couple vapes for at home when I'm too lazy/comfy/busy to step outside for a smoke. I'd like to switch over completely to save money, but I can't be arsed to deal with filling juice, changing/charging batteries, and keeping all that with me when I'm at work or out doing shit.
For a dependable pipe, a Missouri Meershaum is an inexpensive but solid first. Packing a little more loosely is better than too tight, as you can always tamp down. Also, consider getting a second pipe so that you can rotate them out between smokes, giving each ideally a day to rest between uses.
When setting up a pipe, start with a small amount of tobacco in the bottom, and smoke that, adding a little more than the previous time you smoked for each future smoke. This builds up a protective layer of char around the interior of the pipe that helps the tobacco burn better, and starting at the bottom and building the char up with increasing amounts helps ensure a more even char, as using a full pipe each time can result in tars and liquids building up at the bottom, preventing a proper char.
If you like something a bit stronger for your smoke, I'd say to try either Solani Aged Burley Flake 656, or MacBaren Old Dark and Fired.
>tfw like smoking burning leaves
>tfw also know it's bad for me
Can they just make cigarettes that don't cause cancer already?
yeah its called weeed
user..... all smoke is bad for your lungs
Nice meme. Enjoy your lung cancer though
Good. You'll die quicker. I don't even have to tell you to kys - you're already fucking doing it :^)
American Spirit Mellow here
When I was learning german, there was a food chapter. Everything in there was food, everything except for cigarretes. What is wrong with you guys?
As someone who's tried a good few normal Camels and Marbs, alongside Menthols and Kreteks, are there any other cigarettes out there that provide something different?
General is good but jakobsons is better
Cant wait to smoke these
For me, its Amsterdam Shag, the best rolling tobacco. A generous flavor, a classic dutch taste!
Where are you that you can buy clove cigs?
Germanfag here. The Blue Nil is godtier. One of the oldest cigarette brands that are still in business. You can probably only get them in Germany and Austria tho.
bin gerückt.
smokers are weak and they stink
Stop smoking.
Smoking sherm
I vape in my car because fuck stanking up the whip
I saw galousie at the duty free shop and I dont know whether to cop some.
Damm, are those still around? I thought the FDA banned all cigarettes other than Marlboros, Camels, and whatever those black people cigarettes are that taste like toothpaste and bathroom cleanser
t. quit smoking in 2003
Haven't seen those in years. I've been to the Nat Sherman store in NYC. They have cigars and smoking jackets upstairs. Nice and comfy.
The old Nat Sherman store was better, but they turned it into a Topman or Express or something horrible like that
Duty free ie international airports n sheet
You can smoke your way around the globe.
Australia here. Taxes are so high and only rising. Same with alcohol. My two favourite things to do and I can barely afford those, let alone a house (Melbourne)
I hope I die from it soon
Did you know that you have a select few alveoli. Those precious few avoli get destroyed everytime you smoke your cigs and they don't regenerate. This will lead to a lot of complications with many that can't be cured or are painful.
You only have two longs and one body. Why do you treat your body like shit, Veeky Forums?
How do you call a cigarette in your cunt?
Those are just one of my favourites
I just bought some vaping gear because the price is out of control
I haven't used it yet though, tried it a few times but have got no idea what I'm doing wrong because it's harsh as fuck
Have done some reading, I think I just fucked up with the strength I bought
That tickle in the back of the throat you get is from the nicotine. Higher concentration means more tickle. Drop your wattage down until you get used to it.
I'm using a 1.5 ohm coil with 18mg 50/50 juice, hoping to do MTL.. Have wattage set really low (between 8 and 12w)
Getting lots of spit back which I hear is a common problem with the joyetech cuboid mini I have.
I've ordered a nautilus mini because from what I've been reading they are the best MTL tank out there. Also ordered some 12mg juice just in case the 18mg was also part of the problem.
I'm a pack a day red/strong cig smoker so I figured that'd be the best place to start.
18 mg is probably too strong mate.
Try 12 or 6.
give me the formuoli
Cheers, will do as soon as it arrives.
I can crush a pack of cigarettes no problem if I'm drinking but I'm at a 6 mg running 75-100w. If I hit it 3-5 times I'm good. You inhale this a bit differently than a cigarette and I find this works for me. Using a Uwell Valyrian tank on a Cartel Revenant 160 if that matters.
What ohm coil are you using? If you're at 75+ watts I assume you're sub ohm. I'm trying to do MTL while I first give up the cigs and look at buying a fedora and filling the room with clouds at a later date.
Sometimes I add a pinch of tobacco to my weed and get really fucked up.
.15 ohms. I'm direct lung bc you just can't catch that lung expansion sort of thing with a douche flute. I've tried before and it wasn't working for me. You can still get a small sized box mod that'll do up to 75w and not be carrying an obnoxious brick with lights.
Thanks. Mine claims to go up to 80w so I'll do some experimenting with the other sub ohm coils that came in the kit.
>I can hand roll. I got better shit to do with my time,
it takes ten seconds