Why on earth do people drink soda? The stuff is so bad bad for you!
Why on earth do people drink soda? The stuff is so bad bad for you!
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people are like bees
They sacrifice themselves for their queen?
bzz bzz bzbzbz bzz.BZZZ. "bzz"
> bzzZzz Z
b. buzz
Sugar triggers dopamine production.
They rip out their lower half during anal?
I've seen that on efukt
Marketing etc. But that stuff really fucking us bad. Sugar is even worse for the arteries than trans fats
People eat meat and there are literally no benefits compared to a fully plant-based diet.
People are dumbasses.
Cures my upset stomach. I don't drink soda often but I do when I need to settle an unease stomach
>but it's bad for you
everything is bad for you and slowly killing you user
>People eat meat and there are literally no benefits compared to a fully plant-based diet.
I don’t understand, user.
Existing is actually way worse for your health compared to drinking soda. Everyone who has ever existed has died. Think about it.
Tastes good. Thats it, theres some alternatives but I prefer soda.
that's what I'm saying, we all come with an expiration date. quality of life is more important than quantity. think about it, would you rather be all alone and live to 110 or have a loving wife and family and die in your bed at 50.
are there really people on here that don't drink soda?!
Tastes yummy in my tummy. I drink light sodas tho gotta watch that waistline! :)
Shut up bitch
To be fair, if you cause yourself to die that young by eating unhealthily, you deserve a Darwin Award. There's a line between enjoying some unhealthy things occasionally because you only live once versus pure nihilism.
I drank not more than like one or two liters of soda in the last four or five years
vegancucks ACTUALLY believe this
I drink about 2-3 cans of coke/pepsi a day. Is that bad?
if you're not fat it's probably not a big deal, any more than that would be bad imo though
That's around 80-120g of sugar when 40g is the recommended daily limit. You can be unhealthy even if you're not fat. Try to cut back to one can and that's if you're never eating desserts or added sugar anywhere else in your diet. If you eat dessert or anything else with added sugar you might want to stick with 6 oz cans.
Thankyou, ill cut to one can.
But what about pepsi max? Since its sugarless.
i only drink diet, thanks.
I accidentally the entire
great POST
Except, you know protein, convenience, ability to eat in a hurry, b12, omega 3 dha, vitamin A, zinc, bioavailable iron, not looking like a pencil neck skeleton your whole life, i could go on forever
Pour some salt and sugar in a cup of water and drink it. Has the same effect.
Just drink carbonated water
Those zero calorie sugar substitutes are supposed to cause other issues like messing with the bacteria in your digestive system. Someone also said that it still trains you to seek out highly sweetened foods which isn't a good thing too.
Soda in paper cups is disgusting.
Soda in bottles is one of the few legitimate reasons for living.
Hydration, sugar for easy calories for when you're too tired to find food, caffeine to keep the caffeine withdrawal headaches away and also to wake you up and make you feel good, carbonation which is one of the greatest sensations there is, etc.
>You can be unhealthy even if you're not fat.
Technically, yeah, but if we're talking about food related unhealthiness the worst you could do while not eating an excess of calories is somehow eating such a restricted diet that you develop scurvy. Or being anorexic and dying from slow motion starvation.
Way more often than not the "skinny people can be unhealthy to" thing is just something fat people say to try to feel less uniquely damaged.
Type 2 Diabetes is a good example of this thinking in action: I hear all the time (from fat people / diabetics) about how you can get diabetes even though you're not fat, and that's just really not a very reasonable picture of the demographics for this condition. I would honestly be shocked if there were even one example out there of some average height guy weighing 140 lb for the past 10 years who suddenly developed Type 2 Diabetes. That just wouldn't really make any sense with how that condition works. Now *after* developing Diabetes sure, you can definitely end up at a normal or even underweight size, and that's because when the Diabetes kicks in your body can't even handle processing sugar anymore and you just piss it all out and waste away overnight.
If you read the literature on Type 2, it usually speaks in terms of obesity, as in it's not the bad eating itself that directly causes Diabetes, it's the state of obesity you get to after all that bad eating.
Vitamin / nutrition needs aside, if you ate nothing but twinkies and kept it below 2000 calories a day starting with a non-overweight body, you wouldn't become overweight and I would also bet all my life savings on you never developing Type 2 Diabetes.
What do you think this is?
It's carbonated water with evil sugar in it. Only by making sure you body is kept 100% glucose-free can you achieve maximum healthiness.
Going on 2 years of only water, coffee, liquor and sometimes milk. Had a sip of Coke about a week ago and it felt so gross that I had to brush my teeth immediately after. I can't believe I used to drink so much of that garbage.
I have a hard time imagining it too, user.
20 oz bottles of caffeinated, sugar having soda (none of that artificial sweetener bullshit) are on my short list of things I always make sure to have stocked in my apartment at all times. I don't even want to imagine what would happen if I suddenly didn't have soda and American Spirits on hand, they're my goto solution for any bodily discomfort I have.
Not being overweight reduces your chance of developing multiple illnesses, and there are some that are mostly related to being overweight. But even if you don't become overweight and diabetic you could develop nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, all the sugar and lack of healthy foods will cause your gut flora to consist of "bad bacteria" which has been linked to mood disorders, some studies are showing excessive refined sugar being linked to heart disease, and just feeling crappy because your diet sucks and you have no energy.
I'm not fat and just trying to make thinner people feel like they're just as bad as I am, but a lot of people assume thin = healthy and don't look into it any deeper.
>visit aunts for Christmas
>Been kind of sick, stomach hurts
>Ask her if they have sprite or ginger ale
>"Ugh, user! We don't keep that crap around here. Don't you know how bad it is for you?"
>Goes on long tirade about eating healthy, no GMOs, gluten free
I just wanted something to help my tummy ;_;
You, uh, you could have just told them that. You know, with your words?
Smoking makes them chill?
I'm sorry Apu, but other user is right. You should have explained it better.
Witness the birth of bee-posting
It baffles me that some people are this delusional.
Taste alone might create insulin spikes.
I have depression
At this point? addiction. I have a super hard time stopping. break time comes around and i pop 50 cents in the machine and drink a pop. Every time.
I need to start cold brewing tea at least. Might try experimenting with sugar, stevia blend to cover the taste.
>caloric intake
meat is good in moderation, diet should be heavily plant though
i like diet soda for the refreshing flavor and zing of carbonation. still the acid in it eats your teeth away so its only once maybe twice a week.
I never really drink soda. Every couple of months I'll get a hankering for a Mtn Dew Voltage though. I do drink alot of flavored soda water though. I tried coca cola once as a kid and hated it. It turned me off from alot of other sodas.
That being said I'm a borderline alcy and will crush very unhealthy amounts of beer.