I just found out my boyfriend eats the tails on shrimps.
Is this normal?
I just found out my boyfriend eats the tails on shrimps.
Is this normal?
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you are not supposed to eat the tails because of the iodide.
he likes da poopoo
>Is this normal?
there's nothing normal about him at all, he's a faggot
Sounds fucking metal.
I've never eaten a tail, but based on how they feel in my hands I can't imagine they are very pleasant to eat texture-wise.
When a shrimp is deep fried the shell isn't so bad to eat
When they are boiled, grilled etc the shells have a much less pleasant texture
No, but there's nothing really wrong with it. You just shit it out, since it's probably made of keratin. Sometimes they're crunchy like soft shell crab.
enjoy your sea roaches faggot
>scared of bugs
lol but y tho
He's East Asian, isn't he?
Ummm? Not Normal.
My mother does it too. She'll also eat lemons. Not normal but not unheard of.
If they're fried (not breaded, just pan fried or deep fried till crispy), then yes, it's very normal. I like them.
But, I've also eaten live shrimp sashimi, where it tried to crawl out of my mouth while I ate it and had no problems with it, so....
Fuck. Getting called not “not normal” by a Reddit poster has got to be a kid in the nads.
I eat the tails of shrimp. I also don’t devein. I eat the head and everything else too. But I spent some time out of the country, so I learnt to enjoy all types of food.
I only eat the tail when its been fried, its good
Is that people take to prevent thyroid cancer when they are in danger of being irradiated
Fucking nasty
Yeah I think it's potassium iodide. They'll broadcast recommended dose on emergency radio frequencies. If I remember right, it paralyzes the thyroid or some shit to give temporary resistance to mild radiation.
Look it up, I'm too tired to google that shit.
>it paralyzes the thyroid or some shit to give temporary resistance to mild radiation.
it floods the thyroid with iodine isotopes which means you wont get thyroid cancer because the thyroid is already full of isotopes and cant absorb more.
kind of a moot point if you're taking enough radiation to die in a few days/hours and even if you aren't exposed to much radiation, you will probably develop cancer elsewhere
>it's this moron again
Your bf is retarded. Sorry for your loss
At least he doesn't waste half the shrimp like a ton of white people do
My chinese gf does it. Its not normal outside of asia
What if you want to iodie?
It's good for your hair and nails
You should eat the rest of the shrimp too. The meat is also tasty.
As long as he eats your tail who gives a shit?
Real men eat their womens poop line
I keep a paring knife in my night stand just for that purpose.
i just tick me fingers in n rip it out personally, sorta gore the entire thing but its fine to eat still
I like to work clean. When I peel an orange I keep the peel in one piece; to each their own.
wait, you can eat the flesh too?
I thought the panko breadcrumbs were just to grip it so you can eat the tail
I knew a guy in culinary school who would only eat the tails. I'm sure he's gone far.
People do it with Popeyes shrimp but that's only because they bread and fry the whole thing. They're really only there in order for people to hold the shrimp while they dip it.
>that pic
If you're going to panko you might as well make your ow mayo, it's only another 6-7 minutes
When fried, yes. I also eat the heads.
I eat the whole thing, shell, head, legs and all because most of the time they cook shrimps unpeeled and I can't be bothered to peel them.
I laughed
Well he already sucks your dick and that's not normal
when you make crawfish do you suck the head?
It's iodine, not iodide.
And it protects your thyroid by... Okay, look. Your thyroid absorbs iodine as your body takes it in. But it has a maximum capacity, and it takes a relatively long time for iodine that goes in to come out. So if you take a lot of safe iodine now, you can consume irradiated iodine later and it won't be absorbed by your already-full-of-safe-iodine thyroid, it'll just pass through your system. Iodine tablets are pretty much just a precaution...if you regularly use iodized salt with your food, your thyroid is pretty much at capacity all the time anyway.
Iodized salt is a relic from a time when people were generally malnurished. If you're not a hobo sailor crack whore there's literally no reason to buy disgusting iodized salt; a basic food stamp tier diet will give you your required iodine. People still buy that shit only because that's what their parents bought when they were growing up.
I only eat it if it's fried crispy.
This, also I realized most people in Veeky Forums amerilards who barely have any idea of food outside of white places
it's something white guilt SJW types do to prove how "tolerant" they are
only normal if you hang out on college campuses with purple haired hambeasts, or with the H1-B crowd
>thinly veiled sandnigger posting. Begone, Muhammad.
It's because most of us are white and don't eat mudslime garbage
I eat the whole thing. The tail and the shell and stuff.
>most of us are white
He's right you know - 56% white and dropping.
I know a guy that would eat the heads
Weird cunt
I’ve done it a couple times, the texture is kinda fucked. I usually just chew the meat out of the tail tho.
You forgot that most of the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""white""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" sharts have irish ancestory and have mixed with blacks for generations. Maybe 1% of sharts could be considered white
yeah it protects you by competing with the bad stuff. There's a similar treatment if you're dumb enough to drink wood alcohol: You just get blackout drunk on regular alcohol while they flush out the methanol
I was watching action bronson sometime back, and he was at a place that seperated the shrimp skin from the meat, but left them in tact near the tail and fried it up. It looks amazing
1:22 is the spot where the shrimp is
No. You should totally dump him and marry me.
Im an expert at gorilla warfare and have over 9000 confirmed kills bby.
I like AB, but every time he actually cooks something I'm like, "dude, put down the fucking weed for 15 minutes and think about what you're doing".
that shrimp skin CRUNCHED. it sounded delightful. I'd love to munch on that.
Occasionally I'll find fish skin chips. Fried up and seasoned one way or another, fish skin is one of the best crispy snacks of all time.
>salted egg fish skin
Wtf, why have I never seen this before?
This definitely. One of the best things about curing your own lox is frying the skin until crispy after you have sliced the meat off and eating it as a side with the lox. I wonder what jew delis do with it.
its not normal for white people
but the japanese dont mind. some cultures dont bother with the tail
wrap it around their cock heads and pretend to be human
Kinda related question, why the heck are the tails still on the shrimp when served?
They do in Vietnam. And fish heads, and chicken cartilage, and congealed pork blood, and..... ect..
Source: Viet wiafu
I eat the whole thing. Good nutrients. Enjoy your shitty weak bones, wasteful faggots.
White people are dying out because they only eat boneless skinless chicken breast. There are like 900 other animals and animal parts that are edible, you reader's digest junkies. If you want good bones, eat shells/bone broth. Want good skin, eat skin. Want good liver, eat liver. White people act like a bit of dietary fat or organ meat will kill them. They cut the fat off the meat, or buy the bacon with the least fat content, or eat disgusting fake meat pasted together just because it's "lower fat."
>White people are dying
Not like they have ever had a stronghold in the global demographics game anyway.
>Le 15% and declining lol
Everything in moderation my friend, though I'd gladly sit down for a meal of chicken hearts with you.
And I better get around to trying some beef tongue to impress the ladies.
I do too, I enjoy the crunch
we are not dying out. we do not breed like roaches when we cannot even support our drug habits, much less a family of 40.
we also greatly outlive you and own all the good stuff... including your ancestors.
>White people are dying out because they only eat boneless skinless chicken breast.
I appreciate your concern sweetie, but we're dying out because we've collectively lost the will to live.
>Not like they have ever had a stronghold in the global demographics game anyway.
No race should. It shows a lack of good judgement and control. There's a reason Africa's largest desert expanded and it wasn't global warming. Don't get me started on clan-hatred that now spans over 2 billion people who cant let go of shit that happened several hundred (or more) years before they were born.
If someone hadn't noticed the west, I'm pretty sure over half the world's population would have wiped itself out..
Probably chitin, not keratin.
>t.himalaya rock salt jew crack whore
Probably tastes better than your pussy. Also OP is a guy, a 30 year old neckbeard.
Its normal bitch
I eat their shells
too normie for me
plz leave
Prawns are halal.
Only if it's fried. I watched that Guy Fieri show they were straight up frying entire crabs with shell intact and serving them as burgers at this one joint.