Blood pressure

Blood pressure
Mines 186 over 80 something. But im skinny and generaly healthy. What are some good foods to help me combat this?

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No booze and salt.
Enjoy your boring life.

DASH diet. mostly reducing sodium, but other things too

Wouldn't small amounts of alcohol lower blood pressure?

I'm in the same boat dude. I lift and shit, but still totally crap blood pressure. Family history, genetics and I'm probably an alc. Not drinking helps.

This is the truth, unfortunately. I should take this advice.

Vodka and liverwurst.

Fix mental problems to reduce stress and thus cortisol levels, otherwise just take beta blockers

dude knows his shit.

that's like stroke levels dude
you should talk to a doc and get on meds
but blood pressure just runs high in families sometimes and what are you gonna do
you die when you die anyway

Whole plant foods :-)
Torrent a copy of this book and read it. Don't get the cookbook because that soymayoboi is bad at food.

Mental health problems are often caused by diet. When all your blood vessels are always inflamed, that's not good for the brain.

Eat more potassium. The whole “eat less salt” thing is because we don’t eat enough potassium/other minerals to balance it out.

I had back pain when I stopped bothering to have any added salt. Now I salt my food to taste, which for me is rarely even half a gram in a day.

Whole Plant Foods

Also, eat 1 Brazil Nut per day.
1 AMLA Pill Supplement per day. (Lead Free)
1 Tablespoon Vinegar per day.

Confirmed to lower your BP at least 20 points.

I do drink alot, i had no idea it fucks ur blood pressure up tho. Great. Now ill have to be miserble and sober

Would apple cider vinegar count for vinegar? And no idea wtf that pill is

It's a fruit you can get in other forms without the expensive capsules.

fucked up diets are often a part of mental problems. It is which came first scenario.

I will google it, thanks. Because desu, the (((supplement))) industry isnt trustworthy

Apple cider vinegar?

stop eating fat

Its more salt related

actually this

I'm an overweight alchy who regularly eats fast food and drinks almost daily (260, 6'1) and my blood pressure is always around 110/60... sometimes even lower.

my doctors always freak out about it (I'm honest about my habits because why the fuck not) but that's how my dad is as well, no explanation really and I'm generally "healthy" other than being a fat fuck

Exercise, lower sodium, avoid fats, avoid alcohol, cut fast food and soda out entirely.

What do you normally eat?

Some fats are good for you.

Sodium does not directly cause high blood pressure, it's only a contributor. The solution to high blood pressure isn't just "No more salt for you!", it's fixing your diet completely (salt is still fine, just stop eating 5000mg daily in frozen foods) and exercising.


no salt, more water, exercise, cut cholesterol, no caffeine, no alcohol,

>avoid fats
All the fats?

Just in general. Fat-heavy diets tend to have unbalanced cholesterol which increases blood pressure.
Don't be one of those fucking weirdos who stops eating anything with butter.

I take spironolactone.

My blood pressure used to run like 170/110, but with my medication it has dropped to healthy ranges. If you are a boy, it also has side effects like making you grow tits.

That's not a "just eat a healthy diet and you'll be ok" blood pressure, user. That's a "start the patient on medication before he strokes out" blood pressure.

They put me on amlodipine, which worked well. In your case, it might not be enough. There are at least two other entire classes of drugs that they can also put you on. See a physician immediately.

Fuck that, it's nothing but vegan propaganda by a shill.

Yeah, mine was low until I hit 50 and then it nearly killed me. Keto diet works wonders.

Is he a shill for Big Broccoli?

care to explain more? my dad just turned 52, I am 26.his blood pressure is still always low however he eats much healthier than I do but he does drink beer every day.

Who let you in here old man

Boomer genocide soon

yeah, until you eat a single slice of bread and throw yourself out of ketosis for a month.

You don't actually go into ketosis unless you're water fasting. 'Keto' diets just help restrict calories without having to think about it much by just cutting out carbs completely but you're still consuming enough to stay out of ketosis, your metabolism doesn't switch over until the glucose stores in your liver deplete completely.

My diets not so bad, fast food once a week. Other than that, its good stuff like chicken, oats, etc. I did just get my CPA and ive been so stressed i cant sleep. Maybe stress? I also drink alot

You could have sleep apnea. sleep on a wedge pillow. that may help keep your airway clear during sleep.