Just cashed out $48k in crypto. What are Veeky Forums approved items to spend on...

Just cashed out $48k in crypto. What are Veeky Forums approved items to spend on? Im thinking of buying 3 boxes of nissin ramen

isn't it pathetic that someone, who has a lot of money to spend on good food, has absolutely no clue about what's actually good food and what's not

invest that shit, bro

keep it until the irs takes 40k of it in taxes

Looks like you can afford a private chef now

The smartest move would be to re-invest it all in lottery tickets to multiply your money by like 100 times. Almost a guaranteed win. Otherwise you should get yourself some hand burgers

Use that money to go to grad school, you faggot.

Save 5000 for a trip to a cool place and a meal at a nice restaurant
The only time you should spend money on expensive stuff is when you’re able to make the most out of it
You don’t need high tech equipment if you don’t make anything that necessitates it

>grad school with less than a 3.67 gpa

>nissan ramen

I wouldn't even serve that stuff to the special ed kids at the local elementary school.

buy a rice/pressure cooker. you can use lentils, rice, beans, meats, veggies. make tons of food. even use it to tenderize meat to make stuff like pulled pork.

But I love the seafood ones...

crab legs

prove it
post the transfer

A couple eggs, but you gotta eat all of them.

one box of this nissin ramen costs $12,000?

go to mcDongles
buy every single McChicken they have, even if it takes 8 hours to cook them all
give a mcChicken to everyone in the store and drive through

this this this
go to europe or japan or wherever the fuck
go to a fancy restaurant or two
don't dunk ALL your money but a couple grand on something you'll very fondly remember for the rest of your life isn't a bad thing
buying quality =/= wasting your money

40k vs. 375 million+ odds is not a good investment. It's been weeks without a winner and millions are playing! Lottery is for morons who can't into math.

Deposit on a house. With a good kitchen inside

Dont waste your money

Yeah but if you don't play the lottery then you have ZERO chance at winning. Somebody's gotta win the jackpot and 40k worth of tickets gives you a huge advantage over everyone else. This is why many people who win once often win again. They re-invest some or all of their winnings. It's strategy
