Eat meat

or you will kill your family!

Other urls found in this thread:

>will kill your family
>I just grab pic related

gg no re

>plants did this


i feel like i could crumble her forearms with just my thumb

quick rundown?

>Plants did this

Posted vid to Facebook. Hour later, killed three people including two kids.

News flash: vegans are horrific, incompassionate people when it comes to other human beings. More at 11 tonight with John Q Anchorman.

Still, the vegan bitch who celebrated the deaths of all those "carnists" (her word) who died in the Vegas shootings a few months back is worse, IMO, because now she's crying the blues that she gets hatemail and mean messages online, like she's some fucking victim. Bitch, you said some incendiary shit and now your surprised when it blows up in your face? Fuck you. You get what you deserve. You deserve the loss of your vegan food truck. You deserve the loss of your livelihood. You deserve the shouts of disapproval you get. You're sixty fucking years old. You should know better. Stupid vegan cunt.

Also, I thought 'carnist' was just some dumb shit fauxvegans here say to bait Veeky Forums. Never dreamt people would be stupid enough to say it elsewhere.

Poe's law is becoming more true every day.

I'm not a vegan and I hunt and butcher a fair amount of game every year but I must admit I feel more outrage at animal torture, inhumane living conditions and suffering than I do humans. Humans are incomparably evil and vile compared to animals and a destructive virus intent on destroying the planet, and by extension the universe. If we ever contact alien life we'll either try to farm it for consumption or fuck it. Maybe both ;)

Nigga, there was no irony or satire to that bitch saying that an innumerable number of animals will live now that all those "carnists" are dead. This is how vegans really think. It's no different than """"""""pro-lifers"""""""" who celebrate attacks carried out on Planned Parenthood that result in the deaths of women, girls and medical professionals because well hey: at least a possible abortionist died, too! What better way to show how pro-life you are than by murdering someone and/or celebrating someone's murder? What better way to show the compassion you have for all life than to say you "don't care about those fucking carnists" who died in Vegas?
Fuck these people, srsly.


>I am incapable of avoiding hyper-generalization in my views of people and the world

>News flash: vegans are horrific, incompassionate people when it comes to other human beings.
Their behavior is consistent with their expressed moral values. You're free to disagree with those values but they would be hypocrites if they claimed that killing animals for food is murder and people who eat meat are no better than cannibal serial killers and then proceeded to be very kind to those same people.

They're perfectly compassionate when it comes to other vegans - they just consider eating meat to be a heinous act and they treat people who commit that act accordingly. I'm sure you can think of many cases where normal people have a lack of compassion toward people who they feel have committed one terrible deed or another. The average person has no compassion for child molesters but that doesn't make them incompassionate people.

>the fact that they lack compassion for their fellow man doesn't mean their incompassionate because of their beliefs and shit
Friend, that's literally the definition of the word. 'Incompassionate' literally means 'not being compassionate.' Whatever the reasons for their stance, you can't say these are compassionate people if they have said stance in any respect.

I don't support abortion. I don't support the death penalty. I don't support torture or war. And I don't eat meat or dairy. However, I would never be so calloused, cold or downright evil as to celebrate an abortionist's murder, the deaths of meat-eating bystanders unlucky enough to find themselves in a crazed gunman's crosshairs, soldiers' funerals or anything of the sort.
Again I say: fuck vegans.

>'Incompassionate' literally means 'not being compassionate.'
Yes, as a whole. Reserving your compassion for people who are deserving of it does not mean you lack compassion. If I hear about a child molester who gets stabbed to death in prison and I don't feel sorry for him, that doesn't mean I lack compassion. It means that particular person has committed an act which I feel makes him not deserving of compassion.

Vegans believe that eating meat is such an act. If you believe that killing animals in order to eat them is utterly morally wrong then there is absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating the death of someone who eats meat because, yes, it means that the lives countless animals will be saved as a result. It is no different than your or I celebrating the capture and execution of a prolific serial killer.

You're just a sad little hypocrite who doesn't have the moral fortitude to follow his beliefs to their logical conclusion. You think that abortion is "wrong" but you're not willing to take anything but the most shallow measures to prevent it. You surely realize on an intellectual level that the death of one abortion-performing doctor would prevent hundreds if not thousands of abortions, but rather than support that position, you prefer to hide in the background watching this doctor, soaked in the blood of countless murdered babies, offering nothing but a faint cry of, "I don't support what you're doing!" as if that carries any meaning, or offers any comfort to the children he's killed.

You can have as many opinions and beliefs as you want but if you're not willing to support them even by offering your approval of the people who take direct action in support of them then your beliefs don't mean a fucking thing.

yall a buncha nerds stop posting vegan shit

>murder is perfectly justifiable if I disagree ideologically with the murder victims
ISIS much?

Look, amigo: murder is always wrong. Always. Always always always.

He literally looks like a normal person who's been stretched.
Healthy my ass.

>Look, amigo: murder is always wrong. Always. Always always always.
>mfw this baby-tier morality

So if there's a guy standing next to you who is about to press a button which will drop a nuke on a city full of innocent people, and you're holding a gun and could shoot him in the head before he presses the button, you would be wrong to do so? The correct choice is to allow him to kill thousands of people instead of killing him because "murder is always wrong"?

>only ISIS murders innocents
>hundreds of thousands of documented civilian murders perpetrated by the US war machine since the trumped up endless wars began in Iraq and Afghanistan

You were saying?

People who constantly broadcast their meat eating habits now annoy me more than people who constantly broadcast their vegetarianism. Yes, we get it, you like bacon. Most people do. At least vegetarians can pretend they have an ethos (whether it's caring about animal lives or acknowledging that animal agriculture is horribly inefficient and terrible for the environment), but bragging about how much meat you eat is never more than hypermasculine posturing.

That said, I'm a complete hypocrite because I do nothing to curb my meat eating habits. At least I don't yell about bacon whenever anyone mentions they don't eat meat.

>not aiming for his hand/leg

>implying being against one group which murders innocents means you support a different group with also murders innocents

You were saying?

Well the definition of murder is 'the wrong kind of killing' so that's not saying much.

>At least vegetarians can pretend they have an ethos
Yeah, this is because what you refer to as "constantly broadcasting their meat eating habits" is also known as, "Discussing food".
When someone talks about NOT eating meat (and its usually vegans), its because they're posturing.

Literally the only time people "brag about how much meat they eat" is when some vegan is doing his moral posturing routine, so there will never be more of the former than there is of the latter, but other meat related conversations are called, "Being fucking normal" and you need to get the fuck over it, autist.

Maybe I spend too much time on Veeky Forums, but I see no one responding to meat dishes by talking about how it's animal abuse or whatever the fuck, but anything vegetarian gets lambasted as being "numale".

Also, what's the point of the thread we're in other than to blast vegetarians/vegans? I can't imagine the OP had any other intentions. I see the reverse much less often.

This. Veeky Forums in particular get their panties in a bunch about vegetarians/vegans so much more than vegetarians/vegans do about people eating meat.

>I see no one responding to meat dishes by talking about how it's animal abuse or whatever the fuck
That's because vegans just spam new threads.

They can't keep getting away with this


>not aiming for his hand/leg

>be presented with straightforward thought experiment
>try to weasel out of it
Confirmed coward.

Seems a perfectly cogent answer to me.
Considering user's conviction against ending a life, if faced with that predicament, it makes sense for him/her to shoot to wound rather than kill.

But this brings up several other questions: if user eats no meat and is dead-set against ending a life, then, presumably, user has no experience with firearms. If user has no experience with firearms, why would user have a firearm in any situation never mind this extremely specific one? And if user has no experience with firearms, how would user have the skill to pull off a headshot? The entire premise is flawed from the start.
See that? /That's/ how you weasel out of this thought experiment. Douche.

>no firearm experience
>claims shooting to wound is easier than shooting to kill


>thinks murder = homicide
Imagine being this fucking stupid
Murder is, by definition, morally unjustifiable

>Plants did this
>The physique of a man in his 50s who doesnt lift and only does cardio
>While that man is probably 35 at most
You sure convinced me

He's 45, I think. Pretty sure I read that he's 45 earlier today.

I have no firearms experience.

But that doesn't stop me from aiming as best I can for his hand or leg or something, even if I have no experience with guns at all. I certainly wouldn't aim for his head, at the very least.

denis leary said: meat tastes like murder and murder tastes good, you eat enough meat ya wanna kill somebody thats the way it works.

>aiming for hand or leg
confirmed for never having shot a gun in your fucking life
hands and legs are hard to hit, center mass is easy

What's this guys name?

>surprised a vegetarian knows nothing about guns
You're a special kind of retard, ain't ya Cletus?

Something Milan Something.
Um... Anthony Milan Ross.

>we wuz vegans n shiet

>Planned Parenthood that result in the deaths of women, girls and medical professionals
>whores and murderers dying is the same thing as someone who kills others for eating meat

Doctors who perform abortions are not murders.

>this helps me sleep at night
Whatever floats your tiny boat, fampai.

>has trouble sleeping because some gay bundle of biology that statistically would have amounted to nothing was sucked down a drain pipe before it was even able to feel pain or conceptualize the end of its own life

It’d be really hard to lose sleep over that.

The Vegan Vigilante
The Meatless Murderer
Anemic Asshole
The Plant Powered Punisher
Soy Slayer

>some gay bundle of biology that statistically would have amounted to nothing
And yet, here you live and breath, wondering if anyone would consider the "loss" of you as anything but opportunity. Fuck it, this never leads anywhere but circles. Not like I particularly give a shit, but I'm not some retard who can't recognize murder. Just wanted to say either abortion is murder or killing grown people isn't. Can't pick and choose between what killing is murder and what's m-muh describing life like a fucking robot makes it ok, you gay bundle of biology that has actually amounted nothing with less potential than a baby. Cue no one changing minds or giving a shit I guess.

realistically, this nog successfully reduced the amount of future suffering in the universe. In a rare flash of clarity, he realized that his sons would eventually eat thousands of chickens and most likely commit rapes. Then they would go to prison and suffer for decades more, and they would also consume meat while in prison.

so, he took fate into his own hands in the only way he knew how. pop pop

I want /pol/ to leave

All of this shitposting aside, he had serious crazy eyes

>it must be hard being that fucking stupid
Well, tell us about your hardships user. We will care deeply.

How do I go vegan without murdering my entire fucking family?

Gotta weigh the odds, something's gotta die