Why don't Americans like to buy bulk smoked meats or animal parts? Something very common in Europe like a smoked ham-hock is a "specialty" item in the US and is absurdly expensive considering the amount of pork the US produces. Why is this?
Why don't Americans like to buy bulk smoked meats or animal parts...
>ham hock
Literally what?
Are you talking about coastie retards or something?
It's incredibly normal for people to buy entire cows and to have a dedicate freezer in the garage to hold all the cuts and ground meat over the course of a year.
>entire cows
Sorry I meant half cows. Usually you buy the whole cow with somebody else and split the cost.
Unless you have a really fucking big freezer or something
Most murricans don't like knowing their meat used to be a living animal. They can only deal with it in sterile styrofoam packages from the freezer section at walmart.
what state are you in. only people in the rural/countryside do this.
cityfags don't buy half a fucking cow, and the only cityfags who eat smoked meats do so at trendy hipster gastropub bars.
only people in the countryside understand the superior taste of smoked, or dry aged, or salt cured meats.
i live in los angeles, surrounded by mexicans and chinks, and no one around here gives a fuck about smoked meats.
>cityfags don't buy half a fucking cow, and the only cityfags who eat smoked meats do so at trendy hipster gastropub bars.
which is why I said
>Are you talking about coastie retards or something?
Because otherwise purchasing full animal parts or bulk smoked meat is completely normal.
>Most coasties
The problem with saying "coasties" is that a significant portion of Americans live in states that border the coasts, "coastal" states where buying bulk meats or smoked meats is uncommon. Then when looking at peak population density the second trend seen are cities and the areas around cities where buying bulk meats or smoked meats is uncommon. Coasties and city "folk" comprise the majority of people in the US.
So when OP asked
>Why don't Americans like to buy bulk smoked meats or animal parts?
And you respond that it's "incredibly normal for people to buy entire cows and have a dedicate freezer", you are saying it's normal for very few people in America to do this.
You basically ignored the question and said very few people do it.
I agree.
It's a cultural thing and a social problem we have in America. Culturally we have a very weird relationship with food and socially it shows in our food buying trends. Processed foods, prepackaged garbage, nonsense "food" products thrive in America. Smoked meats are processed but not in the same way that Doritos or Oreos are, smoked meats is too "raw" and healthy for Amerilards to like.
Coasties is Veeky Forums slang for city slickers, dummy. Stop being so fucking literal.
>Coasties and city "folk" comprise the majority of people in the US.
Right, lets just ignore the 49% of americans who don't live in metropolitan areas.
>inb4 "51% is the majority hurr durr durr durr!"
Where are you getting these numbers from? Your ass?
2/3rds of the country live on coasts
>Not knowing what "coasties" means
>Thinks everybody on the coast doesn't buy smoked or bulk meat
>Refers to pop density graphs and then refers to the entire coast as though it were exactly like that
You're fucking retarded, you know that?
People in new york, LA, SF, and other coastie roastie city shitholes don't buy this stuff because it's insanely expensive and "gourmet" to them.
Everywhere else, literally EVERYWHERE else, rural shithole to middle of fucking atlanta, it is completely ubiquitous.
It's not uncommon whatsoever for people to buy whole chunks of animal, or smoked/cured meats across the fucking board here, except for those mega-metro shitholes.
>smoked meats is too "raw" and healthy for Amerilards to like.
Literally what are you on about?
I'm living in Alabama and stuff like smoked ham hocks and pork necks are in literally every single grocery store all the time and not expensive at all.
Because not even half of the most populous cities in the US are on the coasts, the "majority of america" doesn't live in those regions.
[citation needed]
You have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe it's common for you but it's not for the majority of Americans who buy their meat at the grocery store.
>not for the majority of Americans who buy their meat at the grocery store.
What majority? What are you talking about? The only time I didn't see entire legs of beef or pork at the least in a grocery store is when I was in Oakland.
In the States ham hock is another name for pork knuckle.
Yeah damn those Coasties in Kansas City Missouri, fucking COASTIES.
Citation needed for you. Look at the map, most Americans live on the coastal states or in cities, not in rural flyover middle of nowhere boonieville.
>Look at the map
That's a population density map, not a population percentage map.
You do understand the difference, right?
>Kansas City
>Not flyover central
Go ahead and try to tell any coastie roastie that you're relevant. Go on. I'll wait for them to finish mocking you.
Do you understand the significance of population density at all?
I'm not from Kansas City. I'm calling you a retard for referring to people who live in cities "Coasties" regardless of said city being near any coast at all. Your dumb Veeky Forums slang is shit you invented in your head.
Having been all across yurop I think you're full of shit claiming that they buy bulk smoked meats. A full leg like in your pic is still expensive as fuck in Europe.
in flyover land, foods that don’t come out of a cardboard box are considered so exotic and luxurious as to call the buyer’s patriotism into question
it simply isn’t safe to eat real foods as that’s highfalutin college boy liberalism and you can be assaulted or even killed
source: lived in flyover land for several years, got a reputation as “california health guy” (I’m from rhode island) because I ate a salad my first week there without any doctor telling me I had to do so
Do you understand population distribution at all?
10,000 people living in 1 sq mi surrounded by 100,000 people living in 10,000 sq miles doesn't magically make those 100,000 people somehow not exist, and those 10,000 people be the only relevancy.
> Your dumb Veeky Forums slang is shit you invented in your head.
Good, now look at the map and tell me what you can infer from the data. Look at the map key too. Most people are concentrated in certain places that outnumber how ever many dumbasses are just wondering around empty fields.
Phone posters are losers.
sorry you had to move to a shitty place because you weren't good enough to find a job in a good city. do you exaggerate things about it to make yourself feel better about your choices?
But earlier you said Houston was flyover when by that map its a populated metro center. Maybe your elitism isn't grounded in reality? think about it
A century-and-some-change ago, a select few kikes established a monopoly on the meat packing industry. Needless to say, these kikes let all sorts of rat shit and other undesirable substances into their meat, and the average impoverished american was eating e. Coli for dinner. It was so bad that we had to create an entire federal agency just to make sure the general public wasnt eating bioweapons-grade rotten shit. Unfortunately, this created a deep distrust of the food industry that still pervades American culture today, and we now pride ourselves in doing some of the most disgusting, unhealthy shit imaginable in the name of food sterilization.
Thanks, kikes.
it sucked, but I did what I had to do. I live in a good place now, of course. california, ironically enough. you can get arugula at a normal store here, not just the hippie store which has to plaster the front door with america flags to ward off molotov cocktails
Who said what? You're clearly confused.
go suck off a nigger city slicker
good argument, you really showed that mean coastie
piss off back to /pol/, we don't need you here
I'm so enlightened because I eat like a eurofag overpriced meats
Replace the word "kikes" with "folks" and my post is 100% factual. Stop being a bitch.
>only time I didn't see entire legs of beef or pork at the least in a grocery store
You're delusional. I've lived in 3 flyover states and the only groceries you ever saw a whole leg were international markets. Most groceries if they have "butchers" at all, don't even break down a carcass, they just receive primals and break them down. But most groceries just receive the meat in cellophane styrofoam packages and put them in the cases on floor.
The irony is those same international markets have to put Gawd Bless Footbawl and the Screeching Eagle of USA PATRIOT posters everywhere because otherwise they'll get firebombed by Cleetus McSisterfucker.
I mean they'll still probably get firebombed but at least if plastering the front door with lowbrow jingoistic symbolism reduces the risk of attack by 25% it's better than nothing.
Nothing but respect for the decent human beings who put up with hatred and evil every day, but until the white population has been safely reduced to 25% or less in those areas, I consider it a no-go zone.
That food y'all eat and are so proud of is poverty food. Fact is yuros can't get decent cuts of meat because they can't afford it. That's why Germany has 100 kinds of sausage, ham sucks compared to beef or chicken
The nice thing about large international markets in bumfuck flyoverville is in addition to the quality and variety of meats and produce, it's the one place you're guaranteed not to bump into Billy Bob, Jimmy Joe or Bobby Sue because they're scared to death of being in the vicinity of an asian, hispanic or middle easterner.
>edgy literal nazi forum praises killing of minorities
news at 11
This is such an ignorant post.
Our beef and poultry in America is cheap. I'm not sure if you've ever been to Europe but they have no issues getting any cut of meat, Germany having so many kinds of sausage is just a cultural thing, kind of like how we have so many McDonald's everywhere and are overweight burger eaters.
>is in addition to the quality and variety of meats and produce
You fucking idiot. If you live in a place that actually produces a large amount of the food you are going to eat, chances are that the freshness and quality will be higher. Another bonus is having a better chance of getting specialty products like certain cuts of meat. You should probably stop replying to yourself and just move away from flyoverville when you turn eighteen.
Yeah I have to admit it was fun getting free stuff from the old chinese man on account of being from roughly the same general hemisphere, doesn't even matter if we're not from the same country, you see another gentrifier and I guess those are the rules, you have to be friends. Felt super weird at first but I kinda miss that guy. Went back last year and the shop had been turned into a drive-thru bank. Who knows where he even is. Maybe a flyover used his skin to make lampshades
Compare that to where I live now no one gives a fuck because you walk down the street and you hear 20 languages being spoken at once. I shouldn't romanticize flyover land too much, it's a lot safer here
>If you live in a place that actually produces a large amount of the food you are going to eat, chances are that the freshness and quality will be higher
True, but that doesn't describe bumfuck jeebusville. The crops grown are corn, soybeans, millet, rice, cotton and wheat. The quality meats are shipped to major cities and the coasts and the lower grades remain for the flyover's to fill up on mcgargles and taco bell.
I've been to places like that and there were always butcher shops and produce stands. The one good thing about hipsters is they've brought a bunch of "artisan" butcher shops to cities, but they are expensive as fuck. If you hate the middle of nowhere so much than move, but cities tend to suck ass. If you're rich enough to buy whatever you want and not have to contact the stinking masses than go for it.
Depends on where in Europe. But indeed most people don't buy full hams, usually because you need to eat it eventually and unless your family eats it on the regular or if you have a correct way to store it it's going to spoil
It's a cultural thing because they don't have enough meat so they grind a bunch of shit together to make it palatable. Gooks do the same thing by cutting meat razor thin. They just don't have enough to go around because of poverty and call it good. Europe is full of McDonald's btw
ITT retards arguing personal experiences and opinions.
>because of poverty
That would be economic rather than cultural, you fuckwitted retard.