>"Mmmmmmmh yes I love the taste of alcohol™. Barkeep, send me another paint thinner in a ridiculously snobby glass. What's that user? You don't like the taste of perfume, throwing up in a taxi's drivers car, and waking up with excruciating week long migraines? Oh, ok. I'll just buy this 48 pack of propeller lubricant™ not because I totally need it or anything to feel normal haha"
"Mmmmmmmh yes I love the taste of alcohol™. Barkeep, send me another paint thinner in a ridiculously snobby glass...
You sound bitter.
Bad quality bait.
Too close to home
Bet you're a riot at parties.
what kind of a fucking permavirgin goes to a bar to get wasted?
OP and his b8 thr8d
I have literally never had a hangover
I've never drunk more than 300 ml or vodka in a night though
they don’t start until your 30s
How's those coolers treating you?
it's ruined drinking for me
Vodka is for sorority girls and alcoholics
so you've never drank or been drunk before
>Consuming poisonous amounts of food
>hating fun
Little secret to avoid hangovers.
Always drink twice as much water as alcohol while drinking. Hangovers are mostly due to severe dehydration as a result of alcohol being a diuretic. If you drink more water than alcohol, youll offset the effects of the dehydration and avoid hangovers as a result
>drink twice as much water while drinking
>kill 14/18 natty ices out of a case
>expecting me to drink 42 cans of water
Chug a pint bottle of tepid water, pop a Tylenol, smoke a spliff, sleep all day, boom
I meant 28 cans of water idk why I tripled it
Underage or pussy?
probably both
fucking checked man
But that's what bars are for, r-right guys?
Butt hurt nu male can't into the taste of a good dram. Don't worry daddy will get you some wine coolers sugar tits.
just came here to check
I was 16 once
Almost 50 here, i have hangover about once a year. And its only when i overdo (like 24beers (european) and 0.7 at end). But my hangovers mean that i am very thirsty during night (drink water + pee vicious cycle) but in the morning all is gone after i eat and drink one beer. Then i am just tired.
Watching my friends how they suffer i may claim that i never had real hangover.
If you have mild hangover in morning eat scrambled eggs on bacon, then drink either SINGLE beer, or white russian. White russian is great for hangovers, alcohol in it will kill hangover, milk will be easy on stomach, and caffeine will give some energy. After that go to bed an sleep if you can.
Or smoke some meth in the morning and go about your day normally
Worked better then any hangover cure online for me and has no negative side effects when used responsibly
I don't drink for the taste.
>24 beers(European)
>he fell for the American beer isn't as strong as European beer meme
not every beer is miller high life you fucking faggot
This is well known. But having to chug water down after each drink is hard to remember doing when you are smashed
You've never been drunk then.
I've seen a man drink 750ml of vodka in one go.
Mass market European beers are, on average, stronger than mass market American beers. Sorry if this fact offends you; take comfort in the fact that both European and American craft beers are of roughly equivalent strength.
Bad hangovers started at around 25 for me.
I usually chuck down a 700ml cheap vodka before hitting the clubs/bars. It’s really common in many places in Europe
I'm a 5'1" 105 pound female and I can do that.
Maybe if you have a low alcohol tolerance and a lot of money.