Have you ever made your own cocktail? I made one called the Fizzle Pop Berry Twist
Have you ever made your own cocktail? I made one called the Fizzle Pop Berry Twist
My bloody marys are famous. Take a jar of salsa, pour out half the liquid (while retaining the tomatoes etc), replace liquid with vodka. Yummy!
I made an original drink called the tempest shadow, it involves berry drink, red pop, and a twist of lemon in vodka
>the tempest shadow
>Fizzle Pop Berry Twist
I made a drink with the exact same ingredients and called it the insufferable prick
its a cocktail thread, you didnt expect soyboys?
In high school I would make drinks using whatever I could find in people's houses because I couldn't buy my own booze. Some were good like Hawaiian Comfort = Hawaiian Punch + Southern Comfort but the worst one was called Quit While You're Ahead and contained port wine, olive juice and amaretto. Thinking about it still makes me gag.
>olive juice
Um, that's weird
yes i have...
This is a stealth pony thread.
No it's not.
Yes, it is.
t. Ponyfag
I made a bloody helmet once. same thing as a bloody mary, but garnish with a raw bratwurst.
My great-aunt invented The Shipwreck one night for a houseful of cold wet people: Hot apple cider with a cinnamon stick and a healthy splash of rum. Even better with a twist of lime or lemon.
Is there much of a difference between Jose Cuvero and 1800?
for charity
Brain Bleach
1 part goldschlager
1 part rumpleminze
1 part midori
Shake with ice and serve chilled, with a top layer of Bacardi 151
Rasberry Truffle
1/2 oz chambord
1/2 oz kahlua
1/2 oz gin
Griffin Egg
Splash of Franks Red Hot Sauce
1/2 oz amaretto
1/2 oz gin
1800 is also a cooler bottle, and tastes woody to me
i made a drink once while my pal garrett was drunkenly fucking this whore on new year's eve
i called it the garrett balls deep
equal parts cognac, creme de violette and benedictine, top with champagne
most of my drinks aren't actually named tho
tonight i made a really good one: 1 oz slivovitz, 1 oz lemon juice, 1 oz prickly ash bitters, 1/2 oz maraschino, a dash each of absinthe, peychaud's bitters and celery bitters. shake with cracked ice, strain into coupe glass
Why would you end a question with a period? Need to know.