I made you some mini pizzas, Veeky Forums

I made you some mini pizzas, Veeky Forums
$2 each

6 more bases left, what should I put on them?

You should put your mini pizzas as a topping on a larger pizza and then let me fuck your pussy


This, but unironically

prosciutto, arugula, pear, crumbly cheese of your choice

>You should put your mini pizzas as a topping on a larger pizza


fuck the pizzas i want your cock down my throat

shit on your throat. I want to suck out your eyeball and make you give me a wink job.

great contribution guys

Done deal. Pepperoni and sausage. Chicken and garlic and mushroom.


So none of you tards noticed the "cheese" is french fries?

I think im banned for posting about the presidents pizza with tina pizzas as the topping. Test test test


Ok. I guess im not. Just my thread got pulled, But thats pretty funny that the stuff the president does and says about pizza apparently isnt appropriate enough for Veeky Forums.

No one cares about your faggot thread

The president did you idiot

This faggot’s right.

Actually you're confusing my deleted thread with your worthless life faggot.


aw shit
it was a troll thread all along

OP here. It's cheese.

Chocolate sauce and small chocolate candies since lunchables doesn't seem to sell their dessert pizzas anymore.