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Food and Cooking
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Food and Cooking #100
Food and Cooking
Vegans are murderers
Leftover pizza
Kikunae Ikeda (池田 菊苗 8 October 1864 – 3 May 1936) was a Japanese chemist and Tokyo Imperial University...
Waitress runs after you as you leave restaurant
Slow cooker
Visit a new burger place that recently opened near my office
Foods others hate but you love
Hey, I'm goin to the store. Do you guys want me to pick you up anything? Keep it under $5
He doesn't like his yolk runny
Deep fried pizzas
For me, it's the Grand Big Mac
Name a better fruit
Is it possible to sand cast iron so much that you won't even need to put oil/butter to have a non-stick surface...
Kipper snacks tower over the rest of their canned brethren. They are the poor man's smoked salmon
Roommate dies
Bought meself 4kg of turkey mince on sale
Stance on "stealing" a few food items when grocery shopping...
Whisky thread
What do you guys put in your grilled cheese? I like to put tomato and tuna in mine
When did you took the calzone-pill and realized calzone>pizza??
What's the deal with the club sandwich?
Which is the best way to cook eggs, with butter or without?
Eating a banana in front of your gay friend
This is the ideal coffee-making setup
I'm gonna go get a banh mi. You want one?
Are you ready to order?
Does Veeky Forums like the fillet o fish?
Nostalgia thread?
There's nothing wrong with eating a steak well-done
What kind of food is best for thinking about a world where the good guys won?
What does a man do?
What is Veeky Forums's take on infused oils? Lately I've been infusing nearly every oil I use...
What's Veeky Forums's consensus on anchovy pizza?
I made a tray
Is there any way to eat enough clean/protein calories to get ripped without spending more than $100/mo?
Cold cuts
How come I never see any green tea ice cream in stores...
Am I a manchild for eating this at 22 years old?
What do you guys think of cutco knives?
Why do Mexicans love mayonnaise so much?
/SIP/ general
Admit it, this is the best Quinoa recipe you've ever seen
What would be the millionaire's version of other food items?
Drink coffee
From where did the "wypipo dont season da food" meme even came from?
Brb, headed to Geneva for a latte
How can anyone like sushi rolls?
Al/ck/ thread, kidney edition
What do you think of this hot dog, Veeky Forums?
Yfw Taco Bell makes better fries than any of the burger chains
Who here /cream top/ ?
Show me a restaurant with a stranger name than this
Does almond milk give you boobs like soy?
Barbecue Claws
What are some good things to learn how to make that will impress women?
The recipe is a family guarded secret
Who /vegetarian/ here?
What is the best pizza you've ever had in the New York area?
Do you prefer pizza or hamburgers? Let's just say, you could only eat one for the rest of your life
For me, its Meggeta Express! Deli-Sliced Hot Jalapeño Peppers
Anybody have any cooking YouTube channels you like to watch/ recommend?
Webm thread
Post superb owl meals
Why is soy so delicious?
What is objectively the best fruit, and why is it pineapple?
*siiiiiiiiiiippps* Mmmmmmmmm.... Mmmm..... Mmmmmmm..... Aaaah.... Refreshing
*grows mold*
Now that the dust has settled, which was objectively the best """fruit snack"""?
Doesn't matter what slider you got, just keep munchin' on that spot
Awkward dining experience
What's your coffee of choice?
God Tier Brands
Weekly Baking General
Reminder that Red Delicious apples are the best apples, nothing beats them
Honest thoughts on the london full English?
Where can i buy professional foods
Things non hipsters will never understand
All this sardine talk lately has got me thinking about adding them to a red sauce. Is it super fishy...
What does it taste like?
Why don't Americans do this?
Whats the proper way to eat sushi?
Be american
Do you see this, you fucking eurocucks?
Why do people say rinse your beans?
Korean restaurant
Post pictures of food AND dogs
Patrician snacks
Does Veeky Forums like poutine?
Food Cure
Food combinations only you have done
A&W has motherfucking POUTINE in the USA right now
How come cast iron skillets don't grow mold and shit
Webm thread
Late-nite Fast Food
This is how my pan sits on the stove.Does anyone know a solution to this nightmare?
Cheeseburger souffle
Food mannerism that Veeky Forums gets wrong
Ya like Jazz?
Freegan experiencies
So I've only got $42 to survive on for the next two weeks
You should be able to drink this
Why are meal preppers so autistic
How do you sneak pizza into the house? You can't hide those big flat boxes in anything...
ITT: things tastelets can't appreciate
Looking for some interesting things to do with peanut butter, thoughts?
Im stoned and im gonna eat this incredible sandwich i made
Dominoes or Pizza hut?
How do you prepare your Brussels sprouts?
I;m thinking about thos sodium-content
Do American millionaires eat these?
This is the best hot sauce on the market today. I stockpile this stuff and use it on everything. Eggs? Fire sauce...
What's your favorite candy, Veeky Forums?
If I blend 1kg of peanuts, will I get 1kg of peanut butter?
Go to Italy
Restaurants where the food is so bad you hope they go out of business
What's the "right way" to slurp ramen? Does it really make it taste better?
Indian food
If it looks good, eat it
Went into my backyard, found this thing rummaging around the bushes in the corner, and killed it
How do I get the top of my pizza to look like this? What cheese do they use...
How the cool kids eat their eggs
Meals you genuinely prepared yourself
At what point do people protest or there is a serious social media backlash about McDonald's not keeping this on the...
ITT: Food you miss
Hey Veeky Forums, why are cans designed so fucking dumb? Every time i have to open one i dread the experience...
Do feed your pets fruits?
I have 4 ribeye in the fridge, a cast iron frying pan and family coming over...
Why is this allowed?
Taco Bell employee Ama
This triggers the coastie
List what you have eaten today
*blocks your path*
Meat is murder
What do YOU know about good fruit punch?
Mealprep my meals at $3 a meal
Trying to remember a chocolate bar. Would have been 2004 or 2005
Here in Sweden we have a brown ice cream called Nogger
How much do you tip at the grocery store?
Ta da
I notice that STEAMING is a fairly common way to prepare fish in East Asian cuisines...
Realistically, does it matter if I refrigerate my eggs?
Is there anything I can take away sir, or are you still grazing?
Name 17 foods that are better than this
Find a flaw
Hey, don't come here a lot, but wanted to know if the books in this bundle were any good?
Always hungry
Bitcoin hundred thousandnaire here
Life Hacks
Alright cu/ck/s, give me the best chili recipe you know
My friends are total faglords and making fun of my sandwich. Post your drinking foods, bros
He's never eaten rocks before
I received an Anova precision cooker sous vide machine for Christmas and I just used it today for the first time to...
Do you find yourself sometimes eating the salt at the bottom of a bag of pretzels?
I've never had gabagool, how is it?
Worst candy ever produced thread
What does estus taste like?
Anyone here into BBQ/Smoking?
Don't salt your eggs until they are cooked, otherwise you'll spoil them
Water filters
Hawaiian "Cuisine"
Al/ck/ General
How can a single guy be this comfy?!?
Times you fucked up
If you were to win a 60 second shopping spree at you grocery store what would you grab?
Moving out for the first time in a month
I have this much to last me 3 days. What should I buy?
In your experience what city or area you've visited has the best tap water?
I have notice food prices have gone up past 2 week in US
Bread thread
Webm Thread
Tomato sauce pasta, I don't get why it is popular. It is kind of shit, but it is so common, pasta, tomato, meat maybe...
What are some huge...
How much horsey sauce do you squirt in your roasties?
[autism intensifies]
Kitchen Knives
Rate my first attempts at cookies, they taste pretty good
You eat shrimps and crabs, you might as well eat land bugs instead of acting disgusted like special snowflakes
Eggy thread
For the cooks and culinary chefs
I need a frying pan
What are your favorite teas? I haven't really had anything outside of green tea and I'd like to try more
Smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel. Literally the perfect way to start your day
Rate my steak
Five Guys
How do we fight the rampant racism in the foodservice industry?
Wtf are alcohol prices
How much food do you eat?
I have £25 to last 7 days. What the FUCK do I get?
Who are some Veeky Forums approved youtubers?
What ever happened to the Rick and Morty meme sauce? McDonalds promised more in December but they lied
What's your go-to lunch, Veeky Forums?
Superb Owl food
Even Gordon Ramsay loathes pineapple on pizza
ITT: keto kino
Overrated foods
Like peanuts but not as good
I just got a scoby. How do I make the best kombucha ever?
The official coffee thread
User’s Pizza
He cooks his eggs in butter
Daily calorie intake
This is a french press
Post media shit that makes you want to Veeky Forums
Instant taste pet peeves in others
Steaks aren't flawless, they're a work in progress
So is kimchi good ? I have never tried it . and what do you eat with it ?
Food sin confession thread
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Post a food associated with your country and others who have tried it post what you thought of it
Is ethnic food healthy or should I stick to american burgers?
What is the best brand of instant ramen?
What does everyone think of Coca-Cola?
God Tier Subway
Why is real wasabi so damn expensive?
R8 my pizza
Why is it so hard to find a good gummy worm these days? All the brands i've tried were ass
I'll have a 'gel with extra salmon schmear, scooped
*orders avocado on toast*
Diet thread
Whats the most non alcoholic non alcoholic beer
Been cooking bacon in this for 3 days, when do I need to clean it?
Would oranges be better if they were blue?
What did you cook for dinner tonight Veeky Forums?
For me, it’s a fresh hot Krispy Kreme donut
You ever just eating a steak or ham and realize that you're eating something that was once a living breathing conscious...
I fucked up, Veeky Forums...
What are your thoughts on breakfast enchiladas? Better or worse than breakfast burritos?
How do westerners feel about Natto?
What have you eaten today, Veeky Forums?
Al/ck/ thread
Sous Vide
Name a better salad
Unpopular Veeky Forums opinions thread
Webm thread
A breakfast fit for a king. Literally the perfect way to start your day
Why does lamb meat smell SO fucking bad???
They were on sale
What’s you’re favorite soup?
For me it's the 7 Eleven beef patty
This stuff is anathema for your body. Why do I fucking love drinking it?
My fiance use pic related in Alfredo sauce. I looked an lots of people seem to do this...
Eat mushrooms
About to run to the grocery for supper. What should I cook for my gf and I...
Veeky Forums cringe
What do you put in your grilchee?
That first sip of the day
Grocery Delivery
Margherita Pizza
How do you eat at a diner or a restaurant? I've only ever ate at fast food restaurants...
"When Henry Ford went to hire people, he would take them out to lunch. If they salted their food before they tasted it...
What is the best way to reheat pizza?
Just gonna grab a fry real quick bro
Share your tips on cooking PERFECT basmati rice
My dearest friends
You're running a food stall at a renaissance faire
What beer is even good?
Indeed it is
My stepdad just died. What's the best way to make red velvet cake?
I order my coffee black
Halal/kosher produce
A breakfast fit for a king. Literally the perfect way to start your day
Is it illegal to deep fry pop tarts?
Crisps before burger or burger before crisps?
What are some health concerns one could expect if they were to have a glass or 2 of milk every day? Whole milk...
Burger Big Three
How precise is your knife work?
Help me create a meal I can eat once a day every day that meets all my nutrition needs
Hi Veeky Forums
So what's the verdict /cu/cks?
Steak Thread
Al/ck/ - Relaxing Suntory Time edition
How much would it take for you to complain, or even send back food...
Is it morning yet? What are you going to have for breakfast tomorrow, faggots?
Webm thread
What's the tastiest thing to put on popcorn that isn't butter and salt?
Post your weekly staples
I'm trying to lose weight but diet and exercise aren't working so I've decided to infest myself with intestinal...
Would you eat this if you were desperate enough, Veeky Forums?
Is farm-raised salmon no bueno?
Why does no one on here post about pic related
Eastcoast fags will never have the best burger establishment in the world in their state
Why exactly is freezing-thawing-refreezing food considered unsafe?
What's the best ethnic food and why is it ethiopian?
Order anything
Super Bowl LII Veeky Forums Edition
*blocks your path*
Have you ever eaten bugs before, Veeky Forums?
I just ate a dozen hostess hoho cakes for second breakfast
Is this "deconstruction" trend the culinary arts equivalent to edgy Hollywood movie remakes...
Going to subway for the first time in four years
Chef Daddies
Best beer
I don't like beef, pork or chicken liver; will I like foie gras?
Genius food
Talking about drinks with an American
What is Kim cooking ?
How come corn dogs aren't nearly as popular anymore?
"I deserve a 10% tip."
What’s the most delicious way (in your opinion) to prepare tofu?
Want some chili user?
We should start calling sliders SMASHED AND SLAMMED burgers
For me, it's the Maggi® Liquid Seasoning
Cheap food
Confuses your flyovers and foreigners
For me it's the bread with butter and nutella
Does everyone else keep their chocolate in the fridge?
/sqt/ stupid questions thread - i see a lot of unecessary threads editon
He fell for the red onion meme
ITT: things you loved as a child and still eat
Let's make a hotsauce
Everyone loves avocados. How come you can mass produce enough of them to be cheap like tomatoes or bananas
I've got a whole container of this shit
Should cooking outdoors be illegal?
Itt: perfect food ONLY
Dear Veeky Forums
Knife enthusiasts
During Glasgow's dairy conference...
How did Starbucks convince people that drinking a 2000 calorie milkshake for breakfast is not only normal, but good?
Is pepsi fine?
I was so shocked today when I found out that Americans don't use electric kettles...
So you’re telling me that grape jelly meatballs are an actual thing? They’re all anyone is talking about now
Did you know that you can use an immersion blender to combine tomato soup with bread to thicken it without using dairy?
Grocery store pet peeves
Would you listen/watch videos/podcasts themed around fantasy cooking?
Dinotendie cook along
How well did I cook my sirloin tonight Veeky Forums?
Costco used to sell iced "Mocha Freezes" for $1.45
What's the most disgusting food you tried?
Any good mid calorie soft drinks you can suggest?
Me likey
What are the ins and outs of getting secretly drunk at the office instead of working...
What am in for Veeky Forums?
Should American cheese be a protected designation like Parmegiano Reggiano, Champagne, Prosecco, and Kobe beef?
Anyone here grow their own fruits/veggies?
Rate this sandwich. It's a 9/10 braised short rib, according to the person who made it
How can I make gourmet sloppy joe’s?
Guess the secret ingredient in my award winning pizza pie
Flamboyant Gay Server Rejected By Older White Couple
How does Veeky Forums feel about mead, compared to other alcoholic drinks like wine?
Can someone explain to an American what a Cadbury Creme Egg is like?
What can I use miso paste for other than miso soup?
What dinner can I get for myself and my girlfriend with only 5 dollars
Instant Noodle Thread
Mommy is going to do the weekly groceries tomorrow what should i ask for ?
State of the uniom
Post your lunch
Webm thread
Ramen thread
Shit parts of great food
In Toronto, Canada for work
Can someone find me a better dish than lamb over rice from an NYC Halal cart, doused in white and hot sauce?
Milkshake Thread
ITT food Gore/cringe thread
Why is it that cheap restaurants only have green peppers? I go to Subway, it's green pepper. Pizza places? Green Pepper...
Buy cheap chef's knife
Just yourself today? Follow me to the bar if you please
I'm currently making a stew with pork shoulder (for the very first time) and I've been cooking it for like 2 hours now...
Do Ameriturds really put eggs in the frig?
The reason anchovies is such a rare topping in pizza stores and pizza chains is because of the price...
Delicious Drug Dinner
A diet please
Life is so unfair
Food service industry story thread
Garn servo, you cunts want anything?
Buy ingredients for ______
He's not even trying anymore
Why haven't you gone v3gan yet, Veeky Forums?
Is this shit some kind of placebo meme?
I've heard people claim that fish caught while ice-fishing taste better/fresher/more flavorful than fish caught during...
No story with this one: KFC Original Recipe thigh and drumstick, chips, potato and gravy, and coleslaw
For me, it;s the McFishin'
How do i make the best fried chicken at home?
About to pack a fat dip Veeky Forums. Y'all dippin'? Y'all know I be dippin'
You have 30 seconds to give me your BEST chicken noodle soup recipe!
I'm going to start volunteering for free with the janitorial team at a local hospital...
First sip of the day
Do Chinese people really eat like this?
He inspects his food at the drive through window
What was y’alls favorite drink during college? What’s drinks do you dumbasses create?
Modify My Diet?
You ever made your own candy before? Tell me about it. Mostly talking about stuff like pic related
What's the consensus on raw milk?
Weird Family Recipies
Low blood sugar/hangry
Townsends is at it again with some top tier comfort food
I, for one, enjoy the results of GMO’s
He doesn't get the spiciest flavor
Meanwhile in prehistoric Veeky Forums
Someone raves about their personal or family recipe
How come rum is very widely used in baking, but gin almost never?
Anyone ever try mixing spinach in beef for burgers?
You have a $100 what do you buy?
What's for Dinner Poorfags?
Thoughts on these eggs?
And this water, where does it come from?
Does anyone else think these 4 cuisines are overrated AF?
Who here peanut butter cookies?
How old were you when you were realized your parents were actually terrible cooks...
/ch/ general
Anyone else stop eating here after they got rid of half-price Tuesdays?
What is this good for
What's it like eating in a restaurant alone?
So not to make this an obese/obsessed thread, but I seriously have to ask...
Vegan hate thread
It is the OIL which gives it the taste
My dad got me an ulu and a concave cuttng board on his last trip to alaska. i find it works preddy good on herbs...
Is this the pinnacle of american cuisine?
What's the last meal you took a picture of?
Are there any cuisines/foods/restaurants you really want to try but can't because of some practical obstacle?
Rank my homemade Belgium waffles ck
They're patrician
Is ginger beer the king of pop?
Decide to make scallion pancakes
New diabetic 1 here. What aliments won't raise my sugar level?
ITT: Shit normies say
Once you pop....THATS GREAT
Al/ck/ alcoholics
Ok Veeky Forums, I need some advice on how to avoid as much soy as possible?
Had to throw out about $500 worth of food yesterday because I fucking well forgot to close the freezer properly...
What's the best way to eat shrimps? I'm used to the popcorn kind but I'm looking to branch out
Party snacks
ITT: Food mascots you would fuck into oblivion
Do americans really eat humongous breakfasts like this?
Cheese thread post god tier cheese itt
What's Veeky Forums opinion on this?
6 Quick Ways to Hydrate Your Body
Cooking with Marie
I've never ordered a meatball marinara sub from subway, what bun do you lads recommend? What cheese (if any)...
Okay, which is superior? Long Black or Americano?
Pâté thread
Webm thread?
How many ya want?
Which lunchbox do you use, Veeky Forums?
Can someone recommend me a nice way to eat raw carrots? A recipe, or a general raw vegetables recipe? Thankss
What can I do to hide the taste?
Any tips on boiling water?
How many White Castle sliders can you eat? Cheese or no cheese?
What are some essential Veeky Forums youtube channels?
Is it ok to use slightly spoiled rice for fried rice, if i cooked it thoroughly and overheated it a bit?
Al/ck/ alcoholics
How's your himalayan salt plate holding up, Veeky Forums? I must say I like mine better and better every day
Obligatory whiskey thread, all are welcome
Would human meat be a nutritiously complete food? Especially if you ate organ meats and all the various cuts...
Fridge thread. Post what’s in your fridge right now, no cheating!
Hi Veeky Forums. Robot from /r9k/ here, and I'm a first time poster so don't bite
Why is shitty chocolate marketed to women as sexual?
'vark is the best and the sweetest hot sauce on the market...
Why is it so good?
Coworkers started weight loss challenge
Costco hotdogs
Hey Veeky Forums
The national dish of canada
How come a Swiss company is the one making the best Chinese cleaver on market right now?
What makes Arby's and Dr. Pepper so enticing for weeaboos/gamers...
If you aren't in the green, you obviously don't know shit about food and should get off this board. No exceptions
Starting to feel guilty when eating meat
What am I in for
Has anyone actually ever gotten goiter from eating too much raw brassica?
Eating raw meat
This is Bullshit. Nobody in Europe would putrify themselves by eating something as gâuche and crude as a fried potato...
Tired of driving to LA to eat ramen
Hey guys, what's your favorite recipe for gumbo OR jambalaya?
Things That Piss You Off: Veeky Forums edition
Live in canada
There are a bunch of rose hips in my yard. What do with them?
Whore of a wife refuses to make a batch of mirepoix
Boss burrito
Have you ever been out at a restaurant and sent a meal back to the kitchen?
Did you find everything okay?
Europeans will never understand
Is it ok to season a cast iron skillet with bacon fat?
What would a Veeky Forums cookout/bbq be like?
Go visit dad
What’s the most you’ve ever eaten in one sitting, Veeky Forums?
How the fuck do i make cheeses???
Milk chocolate is better than dark chocolate
What's the difference between top and bottom...
Pasta - Storebought vs Homemade
Visit Rigel 7
Who was in the wrong here?
Alternatives to bacon thread
Not a mexican, so I've never tried these, but I've always wanted to,,, How the fuck do i make good tacos?
Really craving a grilled cheese, anyone got a good recipe I can use?
Let's talk about Tonic water for a moment
This is supposed to be real pizza
The boiling of these poor creatures is simply barbaric........ BARBARIC!!!!!!!! Who’d be so cruel?
How much spicy is too spicy?
What did you eat today, Veeky Forums?
Posters you recognize on Veeky Forums
Who do the french think they are master minds of the culinary arts?
Average american school food
We S I P P I N today bois
What does it taste like?
Not an american, so I've never tried these, but I've always wanted to
You are in a restaurant supply store and you can only have 5 items for free, regardless of price
Why did this come with my beer?
Old bay seasoning
Tfw you prepared some chili fruits without gloves
For my daughters 14th birthday, I hear it’s what the kids like
What vegetables, groats or nuts can I eat without heating them...
/deenz/ general
If I wanted to add some vegetables to spaghetti carbonara, what do you think would fit best...
What's your favorite recipe for crab, Veeky Forums?
Education time!
Rice cooker
Ate a habanero
Go to mostly empty restaurant
For me, its Anthony Bourdain
Potatoes, you see
Oh, I bet that bunless burger really offsets those calories you're drinking from your sugared soda
What kind of restaurant would you run if profitability was not an issue?
Be American
Why not eat at Long John Silver's?
Hey guys
Lets settle this once and for all
Guacamole thread
Should I order a pizza or get higher first then order it? best chain pizza open late...
*makes your board obsolete*
I just had this Taco Bell box combo meal for breakfast, it was FIVE dollars. Wow...
Who makes the best fast food burger? For me, it's the Culver's butterburger
Pho vs Ramen
There's this guy across from me in Starbucks who keeps taking these big breaths and then gulping really loudly and it's...
First day off in two weeks so I made cajun chicken alfredo tonight. Who else here works in food service?
"good steak doesn't need anythign but salt and pepper"
Is there anything worse?
Okay co/ck/s whats the consensus on these things
Products that exist due to American's incompetence
Name a better breakfast. Protip: you'll have extreme difficulty
WEBM Thread
This is the *only* way to eat chili. Fight me, you co/ck/s
Roast Chicken
La Croix
My drunk cooking adventurws ronught
ITT: Food facts that blew your mind when you first heard them
Uncovered Pork Delivered to Local Grocery in Costco Shopping Carts
Food that looks like a big slop of shit
Chinese Takeaway Thread
Shouldn't American Sauce be ranch dressing? Or ketchup...
Smoked Pork Loin
What does Veeky Forums order at their local family mexican restaurants? i usually get chicken enchiladas
Why is Scotland the only place on Earth that can't figure out soda?
I grant you 3 foodwishes
Outside of tonic what is the god tier gin mixer?
Why do euros hate peanut butter?
Mexican Food
Ketchup is the best condiment
How much do you drink a day?
Would you care for some Greek food to go?
Have you ever sat in a restaurant by yourself? Did you enjoy it?
How the HELL do I choose a chef's knife goddamit
How do I make leafy green soup taste good without any bacon or meat?
I hate cheese
Lads... If I put soy sauce in my food, does that make me a soyboy?
The meme is OVER. These are NOT good
Mexican Food Workers
Gas Range: A meme? Or is it really that much better than using an electric range?
Allright you fat fu/ck/s, Veeky Forums here I need to gain 10 kilo quick. I need about 5000 calories a day...
Getting food after expiration date
So, ceekay, it's time for the great debate
Visited Taco Bell in Brighton today lads
Why people started hating on craft beer recently?
What do you eat when you're sad?
When did it become cool to market coffee exactly like craft beer?
Is durian the prostate orgasm of fruits?
Which summer foods are you looking forward to the most?
What is Veeky Forums's favorite hot sauce?
Gonna go to the store in a bit and buy some gin and tonic, first time im getting drunk on gin.Ehat should i know...
Americans, please describe the flavour of this beverage in ten words or less
Is it better to cook while high to enhance your senses so you can taste it better?
What does everyone want to drink?
Daily /bread/
I have been tasked with using up these shitty leftover sausages we got from a mates barbeque...
Fancy a bunnings snag ya galah?
Kill your meat
Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot...
What is the most expensive/exotic/strange ingredient in your kitchen right now?
Watching dota and eating some burgers the gf cooked for me. What are you up to tonight Veeky Forums?
What oddly specific food things do you do? I chop up pizza into slivers to prolong the enjoyment...
Bachelor meals
Is it a root beer or a cola?
What's your go-to inexpensive EVOO for cooking? That is, with heat, not as a dressing
I have to go to pretentiousness fine dining establishments with my girlfriends parents on about a monthly basis...
What are some good alternatives to caffeine...
Who here /addShitToFrozenPizza/
You probably haven't thought of it until now... but you likely have eaten potato today...
Vegan Documentaries
Just how bad is fast food ice?
McDonalds is not only THE best chain fast food restaurant of quick eating out there...
Fun IHOP Thread
Really enjoy hot sauce
Anyone have a problem with sauce...
What's for dinner Veeky Forums?
That'll be $19 please
I bought a grill back in july last year...
Got sausage chips n curry sauce lads
This looks shopped, I can tell by the pixels
Why are you still eating at Chick-fil-A?
I didnt had seaweed, so eyes are pretty creepy, made of ketchup and soy sauce
Japanese rice
Chef John talks food
Proper Chili con Carne
What are you guys coo/ck/ing today?
Webm thread
Your microscoptic glass particles, monsieur
Who here
What are some foods you could devour in extreme quantities?
Florida Food
What does Veeky Forums think about hotdogs?
3 cheese pizza
Kinda hilarious
Le hershey tatse like vomit
How long do you soak soy beans for if you are making tofu? My first attempt starts today. Also any other tips?
I know some of you are lucky enough/normie enough to be married...
Every time I hear someone ordering from Jimmy Johns I always tell them about what their owner does...
This is the best investment you'll ever make in your pantry
What's the best food to eat while high or sober and why is it pizza?
Does pineapples belong on pizza?
Tfw you eat a big bowl of beans
Are there any essential Veeky Forums reading lists?
This country ruined food
McDonald's NOSTALGIA thread
*charges you $300 for raw fish and wet, sour rice while he molests it with his wrinkly old man fingers*
Fucked up my hand while trying to pry open a jar of cherries with a Shuriken
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Let's start a restaurant that only sells cereal!
Plain hotdogs > toppings hotdogs
What are the best movies about cooking?
I'll have the salisbury steak, ma'am
/sip/ general
What happened to Mc Donalds meme sauce? Are they even going to release it
Should I eat one just to see what all the fuss is about?
Waiters/Waitresses/Servers Deserve More Respect
In your opinion, what are your favorite fast food hamburgers? I like White Castle...
Went to Mcondalds tonight, asked for just pickles on a bun. this is what I got, they charged me full price too...
Does anyone here eat two dinners? For first dinner I had some roast beef, mashed potato, and string beans...
Post Your Battlestations
You get to wipe one ingredient off the face of the planet. What do you choose?
So Christopher Kimball has a totally new show on PBS. He's still bitchy and still doesn't cook anything himself...
How the hell am I supposed to choose???
Is vodka the worst thing ever invented?
Rate my dinner
Is keto a meme? I feel like I'm getting pranked...
Work at mcdonald's
Go to subway
Banana General
Excuse me, everyone. Best chocolate bar coming through
What are your favorite nuts to enjoy with a cold beer?
What are your thoughts on this brand new 'get rid of it' meme movement?
Name a better grocery store (you literally can't)
Would you still eat meat if you had to kill it yourself?
Post foods you've made. Get judged
Whisky Bread
Not eating breakfast
What should I look for when going to buy a fancy chef's knife? I've never gotten any nice cutlery before
How do i prevent potatoes from sticking to my pan?
Thoughts on my dinner, Veeky Forums?
Fascinating. what do these big son of a bitches taste like? i dont buy fruits or veggies usually, just a striking fruit!
They won
ITT: Food only you enjoy
Drunkest cities in America
Been in a Crohns disease flare up for over a year
Why does he not like anything experimental?
Do Americans really HAVE to tip?
Nostalgia thread
Oven fries
What do you think of this sandwich, Veeky Forums?
How can I convince my roommates to start helping wish dishes? I've done everything I can think of. I've talked to them...
Guess what cut of beef this is and how much I paid for it 1/2
*revolutionizes your kitchen*
Cooking webms that make you go hmmm
I have never tasted sriracha sauce. What am I in for?
Is tikka masala suppossed to taste bland?
Mint chocolate-chip is objectively the worst ice cream flavor
How do I learn to drink alcohol Veeky Forums?
/pg/ - Pomegranate General #0005
How do I stop being so hungry all the time?
Al/ck/ thread
So uhm
Tomorrow is my dogs birthday and I want to cook him something special...
Yes, sir! We have sushi!
What's the best flavor of Pop Tart? For me, it's chocolate chip, hands down
Is a burrito a sandwich?
What are foods you used to eat that undergo unnecessary recipe changes and are ruined forever?
Choose one to snack on
Eating fish on a date. is Unacceptable
What's your favorite kind of cake?
Be my father yesterday evening
I fucking hate the works
You have 10 seconds to explain why Applejack isn't in your liquor cabinet right now
Post your favorite mug
Food you can't enjoy anymore because of /pol/
Fictional food you want to taste?
How do you rate Veeky Forums?
Scoop chocolate ice cream into blender
All right faggots, tell me why shouldn't I buy this shit
When's the last time you fat fu/ck/s ate a salad? No vegetarian agenda here, I love me some barbecue...
Are trees edible? sure have a lot of fiber
You losers will argue about anything, so what is the best vegetable peeler and why is it this?
Not eating your sides first
How the fuck do I eat those?
Dinner is served, what did Veeky Forums have for dinner tonight?
Grandma is afraid of food because she watches the news all day
What's the best gum?
Hello welcome to Starbucks! What can I get for you?
How to preserve large amount of raw meat? I do not have a freezer
How do I start properly cooking?
Australia Day
Do you ever save fortune cookie fortunes?
Is pulled pork a meme?
How do I make my patties look like this?
Here's a cute little video recipe by Moi
*cracks open*
Who’s ready to try Taco Bell’s new Nacho Fries™ being sold nation wide staring tomorrow January 25th 2018?
Refuse to carry a cheap and easy to stock condiment because of 'muh principles'
Eat papa johns or taco bell
Who is the most entertaining competitive eater and why is it LA beast?
Wtf I hate burger king now
What is the objectively best Lunchable?
Find me a better hot sauce. You literally can't
Who here is a fan of sonic chicken strips sandwiches?
Any tips on cooking chicken breast, in a semi healthy way that makes it not taste so bland?
Tee hee I'm going to rub my fat sweaty lardass all over this food preparation surface! Aren't I quirky and cute and...
Start working at a trendy job downtown
Who the fuck drinks ginger ale?
Kinder eggs are illegal
Skipping breakfast
This is an act of war
What's the best way to make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich?
What's a good bulk recipe for a poverty chef that will last me a week
Stop eating birds
State Fair Competition
Where can I get pic related?
Just to err on the side of caution, does soy sauce contain soy?
Claim your cookfu
Is there any cuisine in your city/country that is known by a different name than it is in the rest of the world?
Pours rum on french toast
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games