Are you ready to order?
Are you ready to order?
What's with these amateur graphics?
Also Sachiko is number 1 as expected!
I'll take the wagyu steak from the right menu because it's cheaper.
>not grouped by types of food
>no pictures of food
>black coffee is 400 yen, what the fuck
menu is from different days
trash eatery
Sachiko's fried chicken and Aiko's soft pancake please. And because why not, a Dainty Fried Poteto as well.
Sachiko at the top of the page!
Horse meat sashimi. Once in a lifetime opportunity.
same, anime child, same
Horse sashimi is fucking good
Beer, fried chicken and a side of eggplant pickles.
>english says steak
>katakana says roast beef
They better not fuck me on that.
I'll have a Kong special with Anya's meat potetoes and an I LOVE BEER to drink.
I'll take the horse sashimi and a black coffee because I'm a real man.
yes a please, I're haveing a one karen & rin's tornado poteto, and a one dainty fried potato. we compare today OK? we food critic on yelp OK? you give price of less OK? OK go, you go now to kitchen make food no fussing.
It'll all be cats and dogs anyway.
Monkfish liver, for sure. I fucking love that stuff. And some eggplant pickles.
Horse meat sashimi, its good
going on a trip to japan soon
where is this? and what should i order when i go there?
what does poteto taste like?
>horse meat sashimi
i'll have the horse meat sashimi and the I LOVE BEER 420
I'll have Sachiko's fried chicken and I LOVE BEER
what did they mean by this
Tough decision.
>black coffee is 400 yen, what the fuck
I would wager that the waitresses have to cosplay and chat with patrons which inflates the prices across the menu. People generally don't go to these sort of restaurants for the food, they just want to (awkwardly) talk to qts cosplaying their favorite characters.
>black coffee is 400 yen, what the fuck
maid cafe's are not for the food. Even then most places will be having black coffee at 2-300 yen in tokyo
black coffee at starcucks still costs like 5$ or whatever
Yeah but those cups are much bigger than what japan has
I'll have a glass of water.
just give me a diet coke please my fampai chan
Elegant vanilla what?
I’ll have my wife and daughter.
Is this what passes for good Imas idols these days?