Always hungry

I’m always fucking starving. I used to have an eating disorder, so I’d cap my daily calorie intake at 750. Now that I’m in recovery, I’m eating 1500 a day, and I’m still losing weight and feeling hungry even if I’ve eaten like an hour or two ago. I eat lean meats, whole grain pasta, and fruits and vegetables. I have no idea what else to do or try. Please don’t suggest junk food because it makes me sick

Chew gum. I lost about 40 lbs by chewing gum for like 12 hours day. Whenever you're not eating your planned meals, be chewing gum.

You are still hungry but less so, and you get less flavor cravings when your mouth is minty.

Eat cock

The thing is I’m supposed to gain about 15 pounds

east 2000 a day

Get some extra cooking fats in your cooked mealks like butter and olive oil
Then toss some cottage cheese on em fruit
Hope you can find a diet that works for you

fuck omg i obviously meant to say "west" instead of east

What? Aside from the fact that this isn't what OP asked, chewing gum generates saliva and triggers your stomach to prepare for food. It makes you hungrier.

I thought you said weast


Thank you; I’ll try olive oil as it’s delicious

intermittent fasting, no pasta

>OP asks for help gaining weight
>tell him how to lose weight

1500 isn't your recommended daily allowance, and you know it. 1500 is what I recommend to people wanting to LOSE weight.
Protip: you still have an eating disorder.

Whole milk yogurt keeps me feeling full OP.

I add muesli or granola and fresh fruit (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries usually) to bulk it up.

Symptoms of a tape worm

Replace lean meats with fatty meats

raw carrots, my man.

I would recommend this as well, it seems to me you don't take enough fat in.

why did this need its own thread? just find your necessary daily intake of calories, and eat 500 above it consistently. enjoy the weight gain

See They're well aware of what they're doing, and I have no sympathy.

just eat more food

Eat more meat and less carbs

>I eat lean meats, whole grain pasta, and fruits and vegetables.
how about eating some fat you stupid fuck

Surely she's getting healthy fats with vegetable oils. Seems a lot better than artery clogging meat fats.

1500 calories is not enough to maintain a healthy weight unless you're a 150cm, 45 kg female.
Being hungry is your body telling you that you should eat something.

>healthy fats with vegetable oils
>artery clogging meat fats

Eat more pastas you skelly faggot

A grown male body will disintegrate on 1500kcal a day. You should generally aim for somewhere between 2k-4k depending on your size and activities.

t. keto fad diet follower

>have access to food
>not eating enough
>omg i'm starving
just shoot yourself and get it over. you are too dumb to live

Get heavy cream and make yogurt our of it. Make overnight oats with honey or granola in the morning.
Brown rice at least a cup with dinner in addition to whatever else you are having.
You will put it on I believe in you. Just look at Brando's bulking transformation for inspiration

This. Butter, cream, cheese, heavy dairy will drive that weight right up. Alfredo sauce with chicken and/ or shrimp, plus veggies (peppers, mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, etc) will hook you up. If you get sick of brown rice and pasta, make loaded twice-baked potatoes or roasted garlic mashed potatoes with lots of butter.

Get tested for parasites, as well as fungal/bacterial overgrowth. If everything comes back negative, start eating probiotics like full fat cultured greek yogurt or take probiotic pills like align.

>anorexia recovery
Pick one.

It's not unusual to need more than *twice* that per day in recovery, and that's just for women. No shit you're hungry, your body is running double shifts due to all the neglected maintenance.