Title says all, let's get some lels.
Vegan hate thread
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how do you know if someone is a vegan?
>mfw I unironically agree with all of the bottom pics
Cooking a big, fat, juicy burger is justice in itself. Anything else is a waste of energy.
They'll let you know.
>purchase meat at store
parts of the animals are now mine.
I wonder, if you buy 2 halves of a rooster, do you own a rooster or the half of 2 roosters?
>who the fuck buys rooster?
two half roosters... odds are they are not the same carcass.
>It's ok if you respect the sanctity of life, but you should respect my right to kill babies
Checkmate vegan roasties
fuck this roastie meme. Literally ruined roast beef for me due to associations
Enjoy ur cholesterluls and sodium and saturated fat and grease and constipation
all topped with a terrible aftertaste you have to wash out asap or your breath will smell like a dirty asshole
I tried meat and it tasted all rubbery and greasy. Learn how to cook vegan for the best food ever.
I really fucking wish somebody told me the risks and dangers of eating a vegan diet all my life. At least the meat industry will tell you that eating bacon daily will eventually give you a heart attack, but fucking Monsanto and Big Aggra hide all their data and pretend that vegetarian diets are all 100% healthy.
BTW.. I've posted before. I was at stage 1, now stage 2 and deathly afraid of chemo...
> Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease
Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations which raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found.
Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations were found to be far more likely to carry DNA which makes them susceptible to inflammation.
Scientists in the US believe that the mutation occured to make it easier for vegetarians to absorb essential fatty acids from plants.
But it has the knock-on effect of boosting the production of arachidonic acid, which is linked to inflammatory disease and cancer. When coupled with a diet high in vegetable oils - such as sunflower oil - the mutated gene quickly turns fatty acids into dangerous arachidonic acid.
The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.
Told you guys, samefag vegan came here in fury and couldn't keep his composture thus posting furiously.
You beat me to it, I wanted to drop this.
>vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.
Researchers from Cornell University in the US compared hundreds of genomes from a primarily vegetarian population in Pune, India to traditional meat-eating people in Kansas and found there was a significant genetic difference.
“Those whose ancestry derives from vegetarians are more likely to carry genetics that more rapidly metabolise plant fatty acids,” said Tom Brenna, Professor of Human Nutrition at Cornell.
“In such individuals, vegetable oils will be converted to the more pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, increasing the risk for chronic inflammation that is implicated in the development of heart disease, and exacerbates cancer.
>major natural disaster
>all store shelves are cleaned out by people hoarding food
>vegan section completely untouched
>buying shitty meat
Do Americans really do this?
Nice try meat shill, but I didn't call meat-eaters terrible people just because they're used to eating meat. I just said that meat is shitty and honestly not worth it after being a vegan for 5 months.
>"do americans do this" meme
retards really do this
tl;dr you don't have any real evidence anyways
I could easily say this
"According to Yale, this guy doesn't know wtf he's talking about."
I bought fresh organic salmon from Whole Foods and it tasted like shit.
I also tried pizza and it tasted like shit.
Hell, even organic chicken from Trader Joe's tasted like shit.
Okay, maybe avoiding straight up flesh, but there is no way avoiding all animal products is "worth it".
OH fuck vegans BTFO!!!!!!
>The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.
Things that Monsanto doesn't want you to know.
Of the stuff there, what I have tried has all been fucking awful. Those field roasts have so many herbs in them it tastes like potpurri. The tempeh bacon, on the opposite end of the spectrum, has no flavor at all and tastes like you're consuming strips of mud. The "ground meat" all has this cloyingly awful flavor that even sticks out in a pot of chili. As for the "cheeses" you might as well eat a stick of margarine because the flavor profile is the same.
It's like, either stuff is overseasoned to oblivion, or not seasoned at all. There's no perfect middle ground with any of the products.
>OH fuck vegans BTFO!!!!!!
I had no idea vegans were such Racist shitbags.
Yes vegans, black people are just like pigs, chickens, & livestock.
Fuck you white people, always trying to tell other people how to live.
>Yes vegans, black people are just like pigs, chickens, & livestock.
Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. That came off racist as fuck.
1. Cows, chickens, goats and pigs were all born to be eaten. They are mutant spawn from thousands of years of selective breeding.
2.Vegans don't care about animals they only care about being vegans so they can virtue signal to eachother.
3. Being vegan is unhealthy and unnatural
It made roast beef better for me, vaginas on the other hand...
I don't think you understand how analogies work...
My vegan GF was diagnosed with anemia, iron deficiency, and calcium deficiency. Her doctor literally told her to go back to eating a healthy 'balanced' diet if she wanted to be healthy again.
Mostly it's rich white people with a useless college degree and too much time on their hands stirring up shit to make themselves look good in comparison.
I, for one, welcome our computerized overlords, because even if we get wiped out by a paperclip maximizer it'll still be for a more sensible reason than the one produced by a bunch of hipster retards.
>I had no idea vegans were such Racist shitbags.
>Yes vegans, black people are just like pigs, chickens, & livestock.
Liberals always come off very unintentionally racist and ignorant. They're kind of like the rednecks of yesteryear, just re-branded.
>Mostly it's rich white people with a useless college degree and too much time on their hands
1000% this. Bored, sheltered white people with no purpose in life try to but their fucking noses into everybody elses' business. Their favorite thing is to tell others how "inferior" their way of life is.
good one
>I don't think you understand how analogies work...
I don't think you understand how my foot up your white faggot ass works. Mind your own fucking business.
>can't understand basic rhetoric
>can't understand basic ethics
so is it ok if I kill and eat you since you aren't as intelligent as regular people?
Fuck off nigger. This thread is for evolved people who are at one with nature. if your monkey brain can't process the benefits of eating healthy, then by all means, eat mcdonalds all day, like you always do.
>fresh organic salmon
Know how we know you've never gone grocery shopping for fish in your life and rely on mom bringing home tendies and fish sticks?
Veganism: The Last Bastion of White Racial Superiority & purity over obese niggers, chinks, & spics.
Bhuddhism brainwashed indian pussys don't count.
Dive in the Channel and never come up for air, Britbong scum. Some of us enjoy steak.
I hate going through the captcha so I don't post much anymore. But I knew a vegan who I empathized with where they just simply didn't want to be part of the food chain of pain, blood, and death. I can understand that.
That however, is not the way the world is.
This vegan definitely did try though. Extensive research, and had a doctor following them for years. Eventually the doctor told them they were stunting their own growth and healing, and they were doomed to die early unless they at least adopted a fish-eggs-milk diet. Adjusting back onto meats was extremely difficult for them as their gut flora and fauna were a mess due to having such a shit diet for so long.
It just simply cannot be done.
Stupid faggots have watered down ``rights'' to beyond meaningless.
I guess captcha has multiple benefits.
Tell that to the many athletes who have been healthy and vegan for decades, your friend is proof that their health will fail eventually.
your small sample size of a few star athletes are not evidence without further information on race and genetic background. The general population is incapable of being vegan.
wow, ur a fucking retard.
>It just simply cannot be done.
This was the argument I was refuting.
Any implication that the general population is capable of a healthy vegan life was spawned in your addled mind.
sample size is
>t. Vegan shill mad that his oh-so-perfect diet isn’t as amazing as it’s hyped up to be
Roosters taste like fucking cock. Hens are the only edilble ones really. Which is why males are killed when they hatch.
The best-tasting chicken is capon, the best of both sexes.
>pinnacle of nigger intelligence
kek. you are not the boss of me!
Meh, looks like there's some tofu and kimchi in there, and some shrooms next to that area.. I can make do I guess.
But yeah not touching that fake meat looking stuff.
But, I am "one " with nature, with every delicious creature I eat..
i bet
I can't complain really.
i eat a mushroom patty in my burgers because it tastes good and make a it nea, sometines i also use a bean patty and meat patty and mux it upt. I use tofu noodles for my home made meat sauce and use vegan chorizo in my charro beans to cut on the grease of which they already have a shit ton. why ate both parties in this comvo such cunts?
You don't, because on Veeky Forums you're a "vegan" if you don't autistically remove the lettuce from your burgers, so basically anyone who isn't a dysfunctional manchild is a "vegan"
>wat iz produce
>wut iz beans and rice
Ever notice how the most diehard carnists seem blissfully unaware that non-packaged food exists? No wonder you people get all hot and bothered over the right way to cook a steak, it's probably the most complex thing you've ever tried "cooking" other than throwing some hot pockets in the microwave (p.s. I do not own a microwave)
>human lives have the same value that animal lives
jesus christ not even injuns think this way
>Things that Monsanto doesn't want you to know.
I know you just do a shit and run so you'll never see this, but this statement doesn't make sense. Monsanto makes more money from a meat eater than a vegetarian and especially a vegan.
>why are both parties in this conversation such cunts?
Because you're wrong. A lot of Vegans tend to sit on a moral high horse screaming that meat = murder and other such things, leading to a widespread perception that all Vegans are cunts because hey guess what, people don't like other people telling them how they should be living their lives.
It's ok for a person to be Vegan, that's their life and their choice. It's NOT okay to be a raging cunt about it.
What type of cancer do you have?
Since you guys are so good at finding who are the vegans, am I a vegan?
I would give my left tit to have a vegan selection like that where I live fml
I think I could do vegetarian, but not vegan. And if I went vegetarian and still ate eggs and cheese, I wouldn't be able to live without feeling like a hypocrite. Since they're domesticated, it would be more cruel to free a cow after it became unable to produce milk than it would be to slaughter it and it's just not realistic to ask people to continue raising them for free, so in the grand scheme of things, I'm not really lowering suffering or resource use. How do I solve this dilemma?
>I don't wanna eat animal products.
>People go out of their way to talk shit to me about that.
Haha, nice meme guys really got my ass :^)
if they have that annoying high pitched voice they are either gay or vegan
Buy grass fed dairy and free range eggs. Happy animals produce better food.
Have you ever eaten a stand-alone vegetable without making loud gagging noises? Then yes. Yes, you are.
> Bored, sheltered white people with no purpose in life try to but their fucking noses into everybody elses' business. Their favorite thing is to tell others how "inferior" their way of life is.
Obnoxious white liberals need to off themselves. How is it that white vegans aren't punched in the face more often?
>it would be more cruel to free a cow after it became unable to produce milk
What? In the mass industry, old dairy cows are butchered. Even if they were "freed", who are you to judge that that's "more cruel" than slaughter?
if all you eat is beans and rice there is probably something wrong with your brain lol
Free-range is actually still pretty shit. You wanna look for pasture-raised meat, which you'll hardly find anywhere.
That woman is vegetarian though. For like 80% of her life she's only eaten cheesy potatoes. That's right, potatoes fried in vegetable oil amd usually shitty american cheese on them.
I like it how your brain just breaks when you try to think of a vegetable and you start spouting incoherent nonsense
i don't mind vegans so long as they're not utter cunts about everything
i had a roommate named Sydney who was like this, i went out of my way to make vegan meals so she wouldn't be excluded and i learned a lot during that time
also it reinspired my love of tofu. goddamn seasoned panfried tofu is amazing
I don't think pasture raised chickens are a thing. Grass fed cow products are pasture raised.
Feel about as much remorse as a tiger feels when it kills a deer.
>who iz joel salatin
The closest thing I've met to a vegan is my ex-girlfriend, and the most vegan thing she ever did was she couldn't look outside because we had a deer gutted and hanging from a tree.
Veganism from what little I've observed, is something teenage girls do, but constantly cheat on because they can't stop eating chicken, then they grow out of it.
In the smaller towns near where I live (towns of 200 or so people) farmers will just let there chickens fucking wonder, it's annoying.
There was also a roaster in my town, that would crow at 4-6 am every single day.
I really hope someone finally caught it, and beat it to death with a blunt object.
If you fucks didn't kill and eat literally everything that moves with volition, some animal would have destroyed those scrawny ass chickens. What shithole do you live in, MS or AL?
Chickens wander around where I'm from too but I loved it. Chickens are awesome. Fuck I miss hawaii
Because America is the only country people live in
All four sound like reasonable positions tbhwy
>the animals are not yours
Bible says they are.
Prove me wrong.
the bible a shit provee me wrnog
>That woman is vegetarian though. For like 80% of her life she's only eaten cheesy potatoes.
Bullshit, I bet that bitch has eaten a couple of her neighbors, and maybe a fucking walrus or three.
>provee me wrong
Prove god doesnt exist.
Thats right...you cant
I didn't imply god doesn't exist, just that your particular version of it is completely made up and shouldn't be taken seriously
I love brussel sprouts and could eat them cooked literally any way, but to give someone who hasn't eaten shit like that in years and years a BOILED brussel sprout is silly. I mean shit, she'd only eaten carbs and fat since she was a kid.
Not trying to defend picky eaters, but that's a dumb thing to try and start her on.
And yet here you are taking it seriously.
>atheists btfo
>I didn't imply god doesn't exist
>atheists btfo
I want to believe you just wanted to meme and you're not really a retard
vegetarian actually sounds kind of appealing
it's the strict NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS EVER rule that locks you out of most classes of food, milk and eggs are in every fucking dish
I've never seen a healthy vegan person either.
Certainly not one that had their testosterone in a healthy range.
Is cum vegan? If it is not vegan than therefore sex for reasons other than procreation is non-vegan. Then also gays cannot be vegan as they cannot procreate
They look generally malnourished. Eyes are a big giveaway. Also not very “quick” witted.
>Also not very “quick” witted.
I mean...I eat meat, but I know people that eat meat and are dumb as fuck and slow too. I'm just saying.
What the fuck now I love vegans?