is there anything worse?
Is there anything worse?
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And even worse is the people who think they are somehow superior for using it.
my issue is I've never met anyone fanatic about mustard like people are with ketchup
You travel in different faggot circles. I find people much more autistic concerning mustard.
What's a better mustard?
I like real mustard. My issue is more with the people who like the factory yellow mustard. They seem to think they're more qualified to talk about anything because they don't like ketchup.
if you're looking to being the journey outside of plebhood
Literally every mustard ever.
Both catsup and.mustard can result in letting out a big slop of shit.
Literally heart attack in a bottle with the amount of sodium.
Makes you have bitch tits.
Genocide might be worse than very popular condiments.
That looks like a big slop of shit.
idk ketchup is bretty bad
Nope. Genocide is funny.
Wow, really cool and unaffected. Does mommy know you're using the family computer this late?
genocide IS funny, but so is ketchup.
It's a toss up.
My favorite genocide are nigger genocides. Maybe injun. I like jacking off to it while crankin some mean metal on a box.
>there has been any genocide in the last 100 years
It's in the past so it can be funny without being edgy. Kinda like AIDS.
>Not sure if actually stupid
>links me to an article that includes the "holocaust"
good goy
>citing wikipedia
>Good Goy
You just cleared up all the uncertainty.
A thread about ketchup leads to holocaust debate.
Veeky Forums in a nutshell.
>a shitpost thread beget shitpost
wow. shocked.
And yet asians stay skinny
There's literally nothing wrong with using small amounts of ketchup on classic dishes and anyone who thinks otherwise is a leddit contrarian
soy sauce is why asians makes the best traps.
Too bad they die of heart disease at an early age from sodium.
dude you're hilarious and edgy wow man just really great post
yellow mustard sucks pretty hard.
Everything. Heinz ketchup goes with everything: steak, potatoes, Mac n Cheese, hot dogs, soup bases, chips, bread, and really anything else. It's a pretty universal condiment