Average american school food

>average american school food

>tfw the dumbass lunch lady overcooks the pizza again

at least we get to eat, you dumb commie son of a bitch


Bud, you look like a fucking retard when you defend shit like that

Please stop

Is this why you lards are always dying from heart problems? Fucking comedy.

>his country only picked cherries for lunch

What the fuck causes that? Using 60/50, ground into an extra-fine paste before simmering in the pan?

Mrs. Obama said that this is what we should feed the kids. Just following orders

>average american school.
No. Average inner city school with primarily black and hispanic students. The staff do not care because they are primarily black and hispanic adults from the same poor neighborhood and the kids dont care because they are grateful for a meal and dont know any better.

OP picture wasn't from an inner city school, you bumbling fatass. You Americans always like to resort to the assumption of race for your problems. Why not try fixing it instead?

>im a nigger
Black people are at the root of many problems in america.



Do Americans really enjoy this?

this is dusgistung

Remove blacks from the equation and these statistics go away or significantly improve.
This is fact. Niggers erode all societies they mix with. America has been dealing with this for 150 years. Africa for 150 centuries. Europe for 1.5 generations. Just wait europe...let them spread...try to treat them like equals...you too will regret it.

>uhhhh I'll have an eldritch burger, hold the sanity

My school lunches were pretry decent. They often had hispanic dishes too because like 90% of the population was hispanic.

>some people are proud of this



That's what the top of the line mozzarella cheese freshly shredded looks like, sorry you're used to Pizza Hut where you're from with frozen dough and cheapest cheese available mixed with sawdust that turns orange


fug, do ammuricans rly do this?? xD

Hey, I own a gun for a reason. One night some nigger broke in and rapped my daughter. Let's just say she doesn't sing in the shower anymore.

1400 kcal in one meal? No wonder they're obese

Did she lose the rap battle or something?

rap is foul

That's what happens when fat pockets explode from going to ice cold to hot.

You can't blame her any longer, sorry

I went to Chili's yesterday and my meal was 1700kcal. The highest meal I could find on the menu was 2300kcal! Completely ridiculous lol, thats nearly a whole days worth of calories for an adult man. Hence why I don't go out too often.

If someone caused something it's their fault

>just look at all that delicious melting preformed dairy sub-product (™)

I didn't know cheese could be whole grain

Michelle wanted less fatty food in the systems, this is not her doing.
>If someone caused something it's their fault
Something that our current POTUS could do something about, but is too busy getting butt blasted on Twitter.

The school lunches i had were pretty damn good. Id get a spinach-tortilla wrap with all the veggies on it and a giant plate of broccoli and carrots and tzatziki sauce to dip it in. I just wish they gave me a larger cup of apple juice, that is my only complaint. Its easy to run through a lunch line and get a cheeseburger and fries and dip it in ranch, its all about choices and the freedom to have those choices. Which none of you faggots have, being that youre on government owned cctv 24 hours a day. And you will soon be flooded by dirty sand apes. And you will justify being flooded with dirty apes, because youre faggot EU bootlickers. Haha fuck you.

we literally get free lunch and fruit in european schools retard. plus the lunch is served like a buffet.

>tfw youre so insecure you get triggered by someone over the internet

That's because you are poor. In the US, you only qualify for free lunch if your parents can prove they don't make any money, in which case you can also get free lunch.

As for fruit, all American school lunches have a serving of fruit, usually an apple, banana, or orange, or admittedly those shitty fruit cups are available. Thing is, you have to choose it....it's there for kids who want it, many kids don't want it so they don't take it.

>That's because you are poor.
Sorry, Europe doesn't work the same way Ameritards does. Stop projecting.

good mozzarella doesn't burn that way
t. cheese expert

Or just tell kids to eat a fucking peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch that they buy at the store and make at home.
Oh whats that you cannot afford a loaf of bread and peanut butter?
Maybe you should and many others shouldn't have ten kids.

Yes it does.

I'll project my cum into your face bitch, European lunches suck, I've had them and they're not good, they stink on brown ice.


Wrong she wanted more healthy food
which didn't help anything

LOL when I was in Europe kids never paid for school lunch.
In American schools you faggots are running out of money BECAUSE THE SCHOOL Lunch is costing the school LOTS of money.
Hell the American schools never gave me homework because they ran out of money for paper but the kids got to eat their shitty chicken burgers and pizza.

>implying other people are retarded
>uses improper grammar

nah it's jet's. 'troit-style chain

Goddamn, that looks like a rotting placenta.

>American schools never gave me homework because they ran out of money for paper
Things that never happened.

>has no counterarguments
>resorts to my grammar
At you know that deep down I'm correct.

Not even trugger’d, im comfy sitting here loving my country laffing at europlebs and shithole dwellers

Hell no.

Even when I was in school (a long time ago), I'd rather take a sack lunch than eat the shit that came out of the "kitchen".

U.S. school lunch programs for the most part have been a way to funnel money out of the pockets of taxpayers and into campaign contributors, while delivering the most marginal of "food".

bet they fuck each other day and night

Where I went to school we didn't. In elementary school you either went home to have lunch and come back or you stayed at school and ate the lunch your parents packed for you (A sandwich usually).

Yeah because your store bought bread and nitrates packed sodium meat to actually not rot in the hours it would be sitting in a sack before lunch were so much better than hot pizza, tacos, or hamburgers

Your parents suck

Im mexican and i never seen that class of shit before

>be burger
>have more muslims per capita than yurofags
>its europe that will be flooded
lmao get a grip

>he doesn't eat boiled toad

But user! Now it melts!

You should hope. Here in Michigan there are plenty of good restaurants from Arabs who have lived here for generations, as well as Mexicans and Greeks. You can't get any food other than fucking fish and chips where you live, maybe if your people weren't faggots with no guns you wouldn't get bullied by foreigners, it's not an issue in the US. All are welcome here, try us, chances are you won't. You are the kid in class who gets punked out soon as someone knew you let them steal from you once they never stopped.

Never had "white" bread, it was usually home-baked molasses bread or oat-bread.

Though you nailed the lunch-meat, grandad liked to cure his hams harsh.
Refrigeration was never an issue, the halls were unheated. In the U.P of Michigan. You could have taken an ice-cream sandwich for lunch, and it'd have been fine.

Otherwise, I can tell you never experienced the true horrors of seeing what came out of the kitchens of the schools I went to.
"Pizza" was something that looked like smashed wonderbread, coated in ketchup, with a cheese that looked like it could double as roofing sealant, topped with small pinkish cubes of stuff.

Burgers were some soy/meat mix that had the consistency of rubber.

Never saw tacos.

Yea, registered US citizen muslims. Not like your unvetted, undocumented “friends” who’s truck brakes conveniently go out around christmas time. Its funny how you justify them, and make excuses for them as well
>oi m8 but the reel prollum is ishlamaphbier

I know you're wanting to say all school foods in America are like this, which is wrong, but you have a point about us scapegoating race for everything. It's all just a distraction from the class divides that are the real agents of "systematic oppression" (as neo-libs like to word it) in the United States.

>My country's been cucked into privatizing every single program
>Even kids's fucking lunches are pried open to create a market for billionaire cunts
>Shitty food companies undercut eachother with cheaper and shittier slop to make money off making kids obese
>The lunch ladies have to microwave the frozen diabetes or else the school could be sued for not following a contract
>California had to write a fucking law to make sure schools couldn't deny food to kids because they couldn't pay.
Freedom ain't free
The tree of markets is watered with the blood of children

>I'm a cheese expert because I can tell rubbery pasteurised product from fresh mozz.

You should try having other people fellate you for once.

>I wrote the longest post in the thread to express my laughter

Don't think so, Tim.

Mr enter is not patrician, fag.


Thus they are BOTH alphas.

They cute af

After googling what lunch looks like in europe, and canada, ones that were taken by/with students and not by photographers/chefs, it all looks like the same shit.

>fucking commies with their healthy food, here we enjoy the junkfood of Freedom™

Oh btw, I graduated in 2009, I hear school lunch in the US got a lot worse with it's 'healthy' bullshit.

In highschool I had open campus, I went out for pizza/mcdonalds/kfc/home for lunch everyday.

Michelle Obama ruined everything with her "healthy" school lunches

the school lunch in the school i went to was pretty good

>transfer in
>there is someone in the school with the same name as me so they give me his lunch code number
>never meet him or have to pay back the money

I really think the country would be better if first ladies were never social activists/had no influence or power.

It would also have helped to not vote in a niggermonkey in the first place, dumbass

>Resorting to this to defend shitty lunches

White girls can't into bars, user.

>packaging says "2 cups"
>there aren't any cups in it
What the fuck, America?

>that moment when you realize the real agents of systemic oppression are coincidentally overrepresented in one race
haha race is just scapegoating guys

You cannot take a lunch from home a lot of times, especially one containing peanut butter which would endanger half the special snow flake children with fake peanut allergies. Are you trying to kill Tommy or something?

>At you know

this show and Dude, where's my car gave me macrophilia

>tfw had pizza and soda pop everyday for lunch at school

Why was I such a dumb kid?

this is normal, most households use their own measuring cup

>>average american school food

Now do you understand why 'merican kids are all obese sacks of shits?

You can't be too hard on school lunches here.

There is a war raging between two political factions: Soccer-mom-science health freaks and people who would feed sawdust boiled in industrial runoff to children if they thought they could make money at it.

The regulations for what you can serve kids in school and still qualify for federal lunch programs is arbitrary and stupid and would likely make your head explode if you knew.

But its true.
Predominantly white suburban schools in affluent areas dont serve food like that. If you remove black and hispanic data from the metrics used to measure the quality or degree of education crime employment and health in the United States our overall ranking as a nation greatly improves. The Idea of a great american melting pot is flawed. Burn one bean and the whole pot is ruined. We have a bunch of burned beans over here.

>The Idea of a great american melting pot is flawed. Burn one bean and the whole pot is ruined. We have a bunch of burned beans over here.

Yup. According to liberal dogma:

> "The entire pot should taste like the most rancid, rotten bean we have, because that means "equality"

Catering to 'mericas lowest common denominators

I went to a shitty christian elementary school and they gave us the kind of food that would be delivered to sick elderly people

Like it was literal microwave food that smelt fucking awful

My daughter's school serves breakfast as well as lunch if you get them in early enough. Her first day they served strawberry pop-tart, chocolate milk, and fruit punch. 45 fucking grams of refined sugar. When i questioned the nutritionist she said the meal met state guidelines. The fruit punch was considered a serving of fruit. Wtf. She hasnt eaten a school meal since.

>now the trees are all kept equal by hatchet axe and saw

Fruit punch as a serving of fruit? Jesus christ good thing she doesn't eat that school lunch anymore thats awful

>state subsidised food
>not commie

pick one, Stalin

Depends on the area you live in, even in so cal north San Diego county the quality from a rich school like Torrey Pines is way higher than say Escondido. Demographic wise you’d have a predominantly white school with a much larger budget from taxes allocated to all departments including the cafeteria. Escondido is mostly Mexican with a smaller budget from people with lower income.

Is this an image from SCP?