Waiters/Waitresses/Servers Deserve More Respect

Just so you know, I'm a dishwasher and food prepper. Not a server nor a waiter. But, I think that the sentiment that waiters/servers are lowlife sluts/scumbags looking to bum a buck off you is absurd. Yes, you have seedy eateries with shitty hygeine with service that matches it to boot, but not all waiters/servers are like that. When was the last time any of you actually thanked a waiter/server doing their job? Maybe not through money but through a thank you note or saying it.
You do realize that cooks,dishwashers,and food preppers cannot just serve the food because food and dishes are always piling up. That's why we have waitresses.

I wish waiters/waitresses can get a living wage rather than sub-minimum, but people will grumble about prices, managers/bosses need the money to order more food or make renovations.

I hate servers so fucking much I would pay a 20% to eat in the kitchen just to avoid those fucks.

This is terrible, terrible bait. Go back and work on it.

Waitresses can fuck off. They're some of the most entitled cunts in the food industry.
Waiters, however, do indeed need more respect.

They deserve more respect but they're pulling in a ridiculous amount of wages. You can argue that strippers deserve more respect too, but they're also making a killing.

The industry itself, and legitimate cooks, are the ones that suffer.

Restaurants shouldn't exist, objectively.


There's good joints where's there's only a cashier and you seat your self and go for the food, this is somewhat common in Mexico, is there something like this in the states?

Yes it's called "fast food" but (even though it's suffering now) Chipotle kicked off a trend of "quality food fast" that there are lots of chains and single restaurants who use. Something about The American Way always causes these places to go downhill in a few years though. Appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Fast food, deli, fast casual, buffet, hole-in-the-wall, etc.

I don't think they're lowlives.

I think they're mostly young-ish, slightly above attractive people who think their mere presence and basic competence should should earn them $15+/hr. There's a reason why they keep working this supposedly shitty job. They can't make that much money for that much effort doing literally anything else.

yeah I'm sure they'd be happy to have such a ray of sunshine in the kitchen

For those of you that over-use the phrase "concern trolling" until it has no meaning, this is concern trolling.

I treat everyone with sincere respect, but I am merciless if one does give it back. Most waiters don't fall in that category, it's simply not in their interest if they don't have shits for brain.

If one does NOT give it back*

you talk like a fag

I agree. Servers do more than just walk the food from one place to another. They have to provide customer service, educate patrons, often wipe down tables, schedule seatings, ensure quality control, coordinate timing with the kitchen team, all in a high pressure environment. Not all servers are great, but I normally always tip 20% unless there really was a big service issue.

And you seem to be one, what's your point?

"Tips" can fuck right off.
Servers should be paid properly to start with. The customer should not be put in the position of subsidising some cheap fuck employer's money hoarding fantasy.

Well alright then.

cool this is what they think of you

most buffets in america require tips for taking your plates and refilling your drinks

only a problem in shitty countries.
in the civilized world they get respected and a thank you from every single customer for their service.

i don't think it is possible to have a more poverty mindset.

>Thinking restaurant owners have money
Wew lad that's crafty bait right there


Respect is earned, not given.

Waiting tables and ONLY waiting tables breeds the most entitled fucks in customer service.

I thank the waiter every time they perform a service (Filling water, bringing food, etc). I treat them as an individual. If they go above and beyond I will tip them, or if it's a local restaurant I will tip for the sake of supporting a local business/individual. However filling up my water once and bringing me my food does not warrant a tip. I will thank them, but I'm not giving 5 dollars for two or three services.

In my state, it's required by law for wait staff to be paid the difference by the restaurant before they leave. So I feel no guilt in not leaving a tip. If I travel to another state, I will tip. This is all in the contract they read (Or should have read) and signed when they started working there. I am not obligated to make up the difference.

Theres a little Mexican convenience store near my work that has a small restaurant in the back. You order your food and sit down, you can grab a drink out of the cooler if you want. It's so fucking comfy and nobody talks to you unless you want them to.

you want me to say thank you for someone doing their job? it is their job. Do you stop and say thank you to your bank cashier, your gas station attendant, your pharmacist? i have no words for this butt fuckery.

Yes, I generally thank the people I interact with from day to day when they do things for me. You sound like a rude shithead

>Do you stop and say thank you to your bank cashier, your gas station attendant, your pharmacist?
Of fucking course I do, you barbaric, uneducated white monkey.
Depends on the politeness of the staff when I get inside and seated, but I still say thank you most of the time.
I refrain to do so only in cases of qualified impoliteness and continued disrespect., then I just leave and get my food elsewhere. While also leaving a bad critic and a systematic denunciation to the health and sanity control as well as to the global association of restaurants and cafes.
But this is extremely rare (never happened in years) since I'm usually quite the easy customer, maybe a bit too easy at times but I don't like to make a scene or people that do.
We usually don't tip here but its not uncommon to leave the change. Never more than 5 euros for normal restaurants.
Working in a restaurant is not easy especially at peak hours (duh..) so if I can ease if only a bit the work of these people I'll try.
And what do you know ? I usually get good service.

I don't remember the last time I had a heterosexual waiter. Every time I go out and get a male waiter he's some lisping homosexual just as bad as the worst waitresses.

Buttblasted servant spotted

>no education
>no job skills
>people talk, they write
>carry food
>deserve respect
Fuck off

God what a dumb cunt

I thank them every time, just part of the routine of getting drink or a plate of food really. They are an essential part of the restaurant experience and they should be paid hourly. If the waiters are bad I'll avoid the restaurant completely and if the waiters are good I'll be more likely to go there, so it's in the manager's best interest to hire good waiters and keep them happy.

I work with one who is married to one of the waitresses and every day I expect to hear how he committed suicide.
He has that pallid look associated with a person who has truly given up on life.

I have a general rule that I will be pretty nice regardless of how they treat me.
I usually tip 20% too.
My wife gets mad when I tip poor service but like fuck it I make decent money and their bad day isn't going to make mine bad enough I don't pay them you know?

A buffet

Tips will never go away. Employers love having customers subsidize their employee's pay, and employees make more under the tipping culture than they would minimum wage.