How much do you drink a day?
How much do you drink a day?
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Weekdays: two bottles of wine.
Weekends: three-four bottles.
what kind of wine do you drink?
how much per bottle?
Actually haven't had a drink for nearly 16 hours now. Think I'm gonna make it this time.
Weekdays : 2 glasses wine a day
1 day during weekend : 4 glasses of wine or a bunch of whisky
Since user seems curious, I only drink rosé wine (12.5%).
between a glass and a bottle of wine on work evenings
2-3 bottles of wine (4-6 shared) on days off plus maybe a malt or two. Usually begins with something like a champagne or cremant for breakfast, a big red lunch through dinner then an oloroso or Maury for desert.
15-25 beers each day
fatass. Why not switch to liquor?
Straight edge here
I haven't drank anything in 3 days. I don't want to drink anymore.
Tell us about it, I'm curious.
Honestly drinking used to make me feel pretty good but now it just gives me drowsy headaches and stomach aches.
I drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is important.
10-14 shots of vodka a day
why are you drinking movie liquid
the equivalent of 20-40 beers over 2 days, then off two-four days
and repeat.
ii havent eaten anything in 4 days the starvation is painful
A handle of vodka usually starting @ 2 PM and finishing by 5 PM. Then I switch to a few quarts of homemade beer or a litre of homemade wine or mead while I'm cooking. Just maintain a nice buzz through the afternoon and evening. I get up at 5AM so 2PM isn't really that early.
You could at least try to be believable.
>Drink every day
The end. Next I want to stop smoking. Even though I'm in California and it's legal now.
for the people who binge beer, what brand do you drink?
None, I have chronic cluster headaches which prevent me from ever enjoying alcohol
Tall cans of Bud light Platinum. With shots of tequila.
Functional alcoholic here. It's usually between 7 and 10 drinks in a day, depending on how late I start. Usually it's two glasses of wine with dinner, followed by a few beers and a couple fingers of brandy for dessert. Followed by 8-9 hours of sleep and a day's worth of hydration to start all over again the next night. Pretty much have it down to a science at this point.
My mistake. I was under the assumption that a handle was a pint, I looked it up just now and saw it was 1.75 litres. I used the wrong term and see why it appears silly. I meant a pint of vodka.
i dont drink everyday, but 2 to 3 times a week i will get a 40oz and a fifth of vodka and finish it before noon the next day
no WD symptoms, no problem
A pint of vodka a day.
I really need to stop.
Caloric content will end up being the same if you're taking a handle to the face or drinking a case of beer. Most beer is actually full of water. The bad part is the stomach bloat but that goes away.
Anywhere from 3 pints of Guinness to 8 pints on a weekday. Most weekends I start drinking when I wake up and keep going throughout the day. I tend to go quite slowly until the evening hits.
i don't drink because I care about my health
Google told me drinking every day was healthy though.
Roughly 30 ounces of vodka per day with one or two days a week skipping out. I bought a new house and money's gunna be tight so I'm gunna have to cut back as alcohol is crazy expensive here. Spending $30/day on booze isnt a great financial decision.
750ml - 1250 ml a day of vodka.
Being an al/ck/ is equal parts fun / suffering.
Used to be everyday but ever since i got into politics and learned about the JQ i hardly ever drink
It leads to degeneracy and takes away from your gains
Used to drink alot but now i just get tired, an alternate sense of being and my ears get stuffy and start ringing.
I drink about once every three weeks. But i get shitfaced.
The jewish question
Once you notice it it will consume you
Dont become a steryotypical skinhead though just become a better person and avoid the tricks of marxism.
Forgot to mention in the video he talks about the lie that is "kosher"
>i went to /pol/ and now im redpilled
you wouldn't understand
is this the alcholics thread? if not, where the fuck is it?
i've drank ~3 beers/day for 7 years, ~3.5/day for the last 3.
Has anyone else ever had sweaty hands as a result of drinking?
I drink 1-2 beers in the evening after getting home pretty much every day, and around 8-10 shots and 4-5 beers when I go out
how are you doing half a beer?
As much as I can get down my gullet
4 some days 3 others
it's an estimate
i did record how much i drank every single day for like... 4-5 years though, but i have to dig up the records to analyze them
oh ok makes sense, I thought you might have been factoring in tall cans or bombers
well that is factored in as well. a beer (standard drink) is 5.0% abv 335ml (or very close), so a 4.2% 335ml is 0.84 beers, or a 7.2% IPA is 1.44 beers
I've been at about 1 shot in the morning and 3 doubles in the evening
After you've finished your polypeptide cake?
Yeah I've been drinking about a third of a handle and trying to cut back. It is growing... expensive.
Fuck man I'm sorry
I read that that's one of the most painful conditions known to medical science or someshit
That looks like a big slop of shit.
If you I don't eat, it's not too many calories. Besides, I spend 8 hours a day digging holes and trenches, connecting irrigation pipes and then filling those trenches and ditches. I need over 4k calories a day to maintain my height/weight (6'0'' 175lbs).
about 16-17 hours
I drink once a week, either Friday or Saturday. Maybe around 7 to 8 bourbon and diet coke doubles.
You're not a functional alcoholic if you're sober for the entire part of the day when you need to function.
That sounds miserable user
I used to drink like 1-2 bottles of wine a night for a year or too but have recently stopped after gaining weight and feeling like shit all the time
feels good
i know that feeling. laying in bed too sick to get up and nauseated by the thought of food, but at the same time your stomach is GROWLING and dying for some food.
lone star. costs about 18 dollars for a 24pack of cans. not complete shit either. its not good, but its not bad. its strictly utilitarian.
sweaty hands is a common withdrawal symptom. also happens due to anxiety.
congratulations. I am in the same boat only I haven't quit yet. some days I get hung over and anxiety-ridden. feelsbadman
A bottle of Yukon Jack a day.
I don't think it's that bad even though it's 50% alcohol.
>1 shot in the morning
Do people actually do this? Does it actually have an effect?
Usually nothing but a couple times a month I'll drink a six pack of strong beer, bottle of spirits, bottle of wine, etc.
Most doctors consider problem drinking for a man anything more than 14 drinks a week. I drink four times that amount pretty regularly, yet aside from being the slightest bit shaky sometimes my career and relationships are doing fine. That's pretty much the definition of a functional alcoholic - someone obviously dependent on it who has thus far managed to dodge most of the long term negative effects.
I find it amazing you can all drink this much. I went out to drink with friends last night (I'm 25, go out often) and after 3 beers I was done and my head felt pulsing. I felt like I could barely walk straight.
Fuck me, are you sure you weren’t spiked or something? 10 only gets me comfy, 30 will get me blackout trainwreckfucked. Are you a 70lb gril with a broken liver?
Probably gives you a nice warm feeling to start out the day.
I'm not an alcoholic, though, so I don't know for sure.
Do you weigh 80 pounds or something? I'm 26 and went out Friday night and had roughly 7 beers and felt great.
And here I was trying to never post using "soyboy".
Merlot/malbec master race.
7-10 coors light, every evening for the last 5 or 6 years, almost 32, weigh around 260 would like to loose some weight but probably not going to stop drinking
During the week, nothing. On the weekend I'll usually down a bottle on a friday or saturday night. Didn't drink anything this weekend though. Mostly because my girlfriends being a shithead about her libertarian views and my old group of friends has slowly become less fun to hang out with because of animosities. Sorry about the blog post but it's all so tiring.
3-4 beers i start to feel light headed, but the trick is to get up and move around to be able to keep drinking.
must be why drinking and playing sports is so fun