Low blood sugar/hangry

Can someone explain to me how people need to panic about their "blood sugar" or excuse themselves into being shitty people because they're "hangry?"

I can easily skip a day's meals if I really have to, and I don't start bitching to anyone or excusing it like I'm allowed to treat people like shit.

So is this a real thing, or are people just obsessed fatties that want to have a reason to act like an asshole?

Try not eating for a day in stressful and high calorific situations.

Also people's body chemistry is different.

I'll almost guarantee that my job is more stressful than yours. Not high calorie... but still.

I think it has to be genetic. I see it run in my family. It's just something that adds to people being generally irritable. I see it in kids sometimes too. Fucking pissed off and grumpy, put a sandwich in their hands and all of a sudden it's angel mode.

I have to say that at least for me, I do get really crabby for some reason when I'm low. It's weird. Nothing satisfies me, nothing sounds great. I just hate everyone and everything. And then when I get something to eat, I perk up. It's fucking gay, stupid as fuck, and I hate it but it's totally a real thing. I really do try to not be an asshole but it slips now and again. I mostly bottom out and want to take a nap.

It's one thing to skip day meals, it's another to skip two, only having one meal for the day that you're introducing a different hell to each individual. Some people can be fine with that, and others can't

at least for me, being type one diabetic, hypoglycemia can be fatal. dunno if that's the case for people with functional peanceas though.


Yeah but can't you just be an adult and act like a respectful human? You're not going to drop dead or faint because you went 3 hours without food. Humanity has not had available meals at that frequency until recently.

If you're diabetic and it can be fatal, fine, I'm okay with that.... slightly. But if you can die not going without a meal for a couple of hours, why don't you carry copious snacks so you don't risk falling down dead because a meeting ran long?

kill yourself you autistic piece of shit

Wait, not turning into a piece of shit since I haven't crammed food down my throat in a couple of hours makes me autistic? That's a surprise. Everyone should have autism then.

Some people are just so used to being able to eat whenever they want because they usually have snacks available that when they're in a situation where they can't immediately eat, they get upset. It's almost like an addiction.

That's why I tried only eating one meal a day for a couple weeks. I would get hungry after 8-12 hours, then it would go away for a while. It kind of showed me that just being hungry in a situation where you know you're not going to starve isn't a big deal. It's probably why a lot of cultures have holidays where they fast for a while. But it seems like most people don't do that anymore, so they never learn to control themselves in situations where they're hungry because they never really let themselves get hungry in the first place.

So what’s your excuse for being an asshole, OP?

diabetic here.

low blood sugar (like 60-70 mg/dl) feels super good. makes you feel cleaned and refresh.

kinda hard to explain.

>look at me i'm a special snowflake
>with muh superior mental fortitude and will
>a will as strong as steel folded over a 1000 times
>the sheer notion that people's mental states are somehow affected by physiological phenomena
>like glucose levels of blood
>must be a conspiracy
>a conspiracy carried out people i don't like against me

Looks like someone spunked inside something from StarTrek.

Ppl r stoopid eddiots deasusempaitachi

>am is angry coz i dont get what i want11!!!!
Fucken butchy ass bitch baka

>implying you're not the special snowflake when millions of people go with limited meals every day

yeah and look at how much of a shithole both the US and Africa are.

Do you do keto? Ever since I started, I have no problem with low blood sugar. Before, I'd get irritable as fuck a few hours after eating carbs when my blood glucose levels started dropping. It's a very normal reaction. Which is why people know about it. It's not an "excuse", it's physiological.

>grow up eating two to three slices of bread
>Even eating just a loaf of bread for my school meal
>feel just fine

>grow up, replace bread with crispbread, cut out potato chips & soda
>feel fine

>eat a couple slices of bread with smoked salmon at my mom's
>feel out of breath and dead tired

gluten is the devil and you can not convince me otherwise.

You are a woman or a fag.

...okay? People still handle different stresses differently.

my brother carries glucose tablets. and sometimes its hard to manage or blood sugar might drop for what appears to be "out of nowhere."

It started happening to me after I'd spend all mornign guzzling coke and not eating and then I'd get hungry at 4pm and go shopping and would start sweating and getting shaky in the middle of my shop. Then it started happening beforelunch if I'd had breakfast cereal, or even earlier if I had 2 bowls of breakfast cereal.

Now I exercise regularly, quit the sugary drinks and snacks and never go too many hour without eating proper food and it never happens to me anymore

Other people feel alcohol, drugs, insulin, everything differently due to having different kind of bodies. Same with sugar. T. Medschool.

Sugar is more addictive than cigarettes