Webm thread
I'm going to need an explanation here. What the fuck is this?
Fistulated cows have always disgusted me. Like I get why it's done, but that doesn't change that it happens.
Fistulating, it means you cut out a chunk of the cow to expose the stomach. It's used for medical/research purposes to study microbes that are introduced to the cow's stomach. It's done in a way so that the cow doesn't feel any pain, but you're still cutting a chunk out of them.
Oh forgot to mention, the reason said microbes are introduced is that if they're extracted after a certain amount of time in the stomach but haven't left it, you can use the microbes to save the lives of other cows.
Shame you have to obtain it this way though.
Does that mean you can fill up a cow with a gas pump, and it makes more gas?
No you still feed it normally.
>Shame you have to obtain it this way though
looked ok until the cheetos
Because I wish we didn't have to cut a giant hole in a living cow. It's one thing to simply kill a cow, it's another to do that.
who cares
Isn't it painless? They just walk around
Well yes it's painless to do the operation but that's because they're shot up to hell with anesthetics during the time. After which they need 6-8 weeks to recover from the surgery.
I wouldn't feel as bad about it if cows weren't actually quite intelligent. I get that it's a necesary evil and goes towards an overall good, I just wish it could be obtained some other way.
>Well yes it's painless to do the operation but that's because they're shot up to hell with anesthetics during the time. After which they need 6-8 weeks to recover from the surgery.
Humans go through shit like this every day you fucking pussy. Cows aren't big babies,nobody is trying to torture their food. kys
I get it, I'm somewhat soft about animals too, this seems (just seems) medieval.
Why are all these recipes with American food so full of dairy?
I love cheese and milk but Americans have made an art out of putting as much fat inside food as humanly possible, as often as possible.
I never implied we should stop.
>necesary evil
you mean the cows will all die if you don't cut holes into them? we're saving them from extiction?
Dairy farms are a huge industry in America.
>I never implied we should stop.
I'm implying you're a stupid fucking pussy.
No it's more that by doing this, it's a net positive to their species because we can save cows from diseases that we couldn't otherwise. Sheep and goats too. Those cows are taking one for the team.
this a testament to the arrogance of man
You lost me at the cheetos part
Same here in Bavaria. We still dont put milk/cream/cheese in everything.
Yeah but do you have entire states who basically their sole purpose is to produce milk for everyone else?
>making the dorment yeast get in full contact with the salt
>7 min knead
>covering it with plastic
>no double rise
Where has the class and traditions in cooking go to?
can you guys get any more pretentious? these people like cheese, get the fuck over it.
The salt thing didn't really seem like it mattered and they did let it rise again after shaping the separate pieces
You can like something without its inclusion in everything.
I like cheese
I dont base every single of my meals around it.
>frozen fries
why. how hard is it to chop up a potato yourself?
Sure they need that recovery time for healing, but considering they're medical subjects and stress/pain fucks up animals really badly, they're probably taken very good care of or else all that expensive surgery and monitoring would be for nothing.
After it had healed, I doubt they'd feel anything at all. I had a drain tube for a few weeks after surgery and I couldn't even feel it, even though there was two or three feet of it stuffed into my abdomen. Even when the doc pulled out there was no pain at all and I could only barely sense the feeling of movement inside my body, that's just how internal organs are.
I mean I've never been a fan of ranch, but with that many flavors I'd find one I'd like.
dude cheese lmao
My internalized autist acts up when it's bread
He didn't even cut it with a knife
haha wow dude, you seem like a tough guy for sure. What a real serious hardass.
died they fry them afterwards? The fried ones look tasty.
I've been a nursing aide for over a decade. I've cleaned up more colostomy bags than I have fingers and toes, and have cleaned up nearly as many dead bodies. But THIS made me gag. Well-fucking-done, you have earned this. I am fucking disgusted.
I love you, user
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
When she first put that hot dog in her mouth I expected her to inhale it
>when she breaks out the fucking chocolate bars
America has always been a dairy nation.
We have a fuckton of cows and pastureland and our food reflects that.
Top kek
True indeed. Also, a lot of black people are lactose intolerant. Probably why they're so cranky all the time.
because you're posting in a dairy shill thread.
>hole in cow
>for their benefit!
so I guess this is just normal in America?
Checked. Not that they're aware of this, but freezing french fries is the key to getting light and airy interiors. My boi Kenji wrote a super-autistic, definitive guide to homemade french fries:
what the fuck are those?
Has science gone too far in this one particular instance?
Americans call that white sponge "bread"
>But I ate an orange yesterday, why am i not thin? Stupid genetics
Oh....oh god, what the fuck. That bitch ain't right
Are you genuinely retarded?
>average european
>Hot dog can had measuremests in g on the side
>10% mehr
>show is called pures leben
I know the pol/tards think Nazis are popular now, but America isn't THAT German yet.
>nigger hands
interesting... they look pretty good. i bet they're like oysters
i bet if it were soymilk you'd be going nuts for it
You can see the methane come out of its stomach jeez
you gonna post what it looks like after its cooked or did I just waste 49 seconds my life
okay that was cute
>that filename
>Love ranch dressing
Does anyone?
Perfect way to ruin a good cut of meat.
This is a surprisingly good representation of the black welfare state. You give them enough resources to easily feed and take care of several people but instead one person decides to squander all of it as possible in an effort to look "hip" and have a few seconds of self gratification.
My sentiments exactly.
By the money shot it looked gross. Not to mention the canned cheese and soggy Cheetoes .
Cry more you elitist pussy
Do britcucks really eat this?
I mean i get some of it, but then you dont get to cook the egg in bacon fat
You ever had a hangover so bad you couldn't move?
enter "the fry-up"
then again I've never seen it cooked like that.
They both look gross. The fries didn’t even look like they were fried properly. I envision them being firm on the inside and not crispy.
Yes because when I'm hungover my first thought is cook a six course meal of items that all require different temperatures and cook times.
>taking one for the team
Did they volunteer themselves for this experimenting?
I’d try it.
dumb qt
>t. Never worked with a cow
They're dumb as bricks
Wow, I totally didn’t envision anyone making a comment like that!!