You should be able to drink this

You should be able to drink this.

I did, when I was little. My parents took me to my grandparent's dacha and I drank fresh goat milk and fresh cow milk.

I used to get raw milk from a local farm co-op and make kefir with it. Liquid gold.

I don’t drink milk. I don’t know if it would give me the shits, I can’t keep it down long enough to find out. I’m the same way with shellfish. My stomach just likes it back up. Sucks because I really love shellfish and dairy.

Those cows should be eating grass.

Had it before fresh from a farmer during a vacation. Store milk can't compare.

Grew up on a farm with 800 cows and always had milk from the vat in the fridge. The thing is that it's just not much good for transportation and sale. We are talking about having a large tanker truck visit twice a day, it's a lot to move even from one farm.

The process milk goes through at the dairy factories to go out in bottles is no big deal. It's heated then cooled to kill bacteria. It's forced through a thin membrane under pressure so that it's well mixed and the cream won't separate and collect on the top. It's just so that when you visit the store you don't get a bottle that's 1/4 separated cream and goes off tomorrow. Expecting the farmer to bottle milk himself and then manage to move it all without it going rancid is not feasible.

That is grass. It's necessary to dry it as hay or ferment it as silage while you have a lot, so that you can use it as a supplementary food in the winter months when grass isn't growing well or is covered in snow etc

It's pretty common in the world to be intolerant to lactose in milk, maybe 90% of Chinese are, 70% Indians, it's in Europe where it has been relied upon more and only 15% of people now have a problem digesting it

I use to get raw milk from mommoma huge titties

Not really, or cheese and yogurt and other dairy products that have been processed or fermented to remove the lactose wouldn't be okay for most of those people.

there is no milk like fresh Jersey cow milk, and after I lost access to it, I largely stopped drinking milk altogether. pasteurized milk that's been sitting in a fridge for a week is just not the same, even almond milk is better than that

Are you gay

>asking a tripfag if he's gay

Jersey milk has higher levels of solids, basically it's creamier, the farm I mentioned earlier was largely jersey cows that my great grandfather bred introducing them to nz. They are smaller and the bulls are notoriously aggressive so they pose some challenges. But farmers are paid by milk solids rather than volume.

Almond milk is seeds blended with water and has no business being called milk by any self respecting mammal.

Dairy is terrible for health and the environment.

>tfw drank milk at every fucking meal when I was a child
>it was my favorite drink ever
>25 now I'm lactose intolerant
soy milk isn't really the same... still good with cereal


only in amerikkka

So, get yourself a cow

Just call ur mum

>my liquid has solid tumors in it

head like a fuckin' orange


Hi drumpf!

Hi, newbie.

Welcome to Veeky Forums, enjoy your stay, also fuck Zlumpft and fuck white people

good god OP that jug is fucking huge. it's at least 4 feet tall, right?

there is a yogurt in the USA called seven stars and they have jersey cows. their whole fat yogurt is so rich and creamy... other whole fat yogurts aren't even the same

Tried raw milk? Supposedly some people can handle it because of the enzymes or whatever

wait until that 18th century cuck cries on youtube about this one, great for business I bet

How does milk with the creme taste compared to store bought milk?

this guy has facts

Store bought whole milk has been homogenized so the cream stays mixed in. Skim milk is milk without the cream portion, doesn't really taste that bad and it's good if you don't need more fat in your diet, but it's not as satisfying to drink.

>tfw there's a dairy farm 50 miles away from me bringing Jersey milk to my local grocery stores
>tfw it's barely more expensive than normal milk
This is how I die bros, it's too good.

But I'm lactose intolerant

I can! I pass a tiny, tiny farm on the drive to campus that sells fresh milk, butter, kefir, eggs, and meat. I happened to go one day when no one else was around and I got a little tour of the facility. It's awesome and I'm lucky to have the option.

Actual real milk is a glorious life giving thing and then you have whatever is sold id most markets
As for veggie milks well they most certainly lack although being a healthier option overall