have you ever eaten bugs before, Veeky Forums?
Have you ever eaten bugs before, Veeky Forums?
no user. i have money.
You have eaten a lot of bugs. Unavoidable.
I don't like the idea of eating the whole animal. Even prawn get deveined.
I'll make an exception for snails for some reason.
I ate spiders and crickets in Cambodia. I would say it's kind of a tourist thing, but... it's fucking Cambodia and some people still actually eat shit like that.
you are the awesomest. i'm pretty sure OP meant "intentionally ate" bugs.
I went to a high end Mexican restaurant in Cancun that sold toasted crickets with guac and tortillas. They didn't taste bad, kinda grassy, but they weren't something I'd clamor for.
Ate crickets and ants, I would reccomend the ants. Accidently bit a bee, tasted like intense honey and made my mouth numb.
are you? Way to go professor X.
In hidalgo in a salsa
Would go for it whenever in season
I've had grasshopper ice cream. T'was disgusting
Almost certainly, but never on purpose
Anyone who has eaten aything with red food dye (ie. carmine) has eaten crushed bugs (Cochineal).
I'm sure I've eaten it at some point in my life, and I've certainly had it on my cock (it's used in red lipstick).
moreton bay bugs are pretty delicious. kinda like a cross between a yabby and a lobster.
When there are moths or grubs in my food I just eat them. I put the food in the freezer so they can't breed anymore, but I don't sift them out or anything.
I sleep with my mouth closed
What in the name of?
That thing looks like a lobster but just the tail.
Good luck with that. Spiders seeking warmth will try to enter your mouth. The average American eats several a year.
I hope none of you have arachnophobia.
crickets, some sort of larvae, and a scorpion. they all pretty much taste the same, a sort of nutty flavor
i ate a fried cockroach that was injected with teriyaki sauce at a party in high school. was p gud desu
i had cricket tacos last time i was in nyc
If you’ve ever had peanut butter and many other such processed foods, the answer is yes
Crickets. A classmate had a bag of cheese-powdered ones, they just tasted like the cheese powder.
>Accidently bit a bee
how did you do that?
Went to a local college football game, and got a fountain soda, bees were all over the nozzles that were probably never cleaned. Went to go bite some ice, and it was squishy.
My mother would sometimes pan fry silkworm pupaes. Tastes creamy and at same time somehow dry.
Is this what they call a "full english?"
got some cricket flour on amazon once. It tasted ok but it messed with my brain and couldn't even down a protein shake without gagging a little.
not knowingly
I wouldn't eat them while they still look like bugs, but I'd try one of those Swiss flour worm burger patties
those might tickle the back of my throat and trigger gag reflex, idk
i'd eat these
why do we still call them indians, they were never from india
for the laughs.
columbus and company knew they weren't in india. but calling them indians was funny.
Did they have to make it look like the fucking nasty patty?
Because many of the first europeans in the new world thought they were on the eastern coast of India or in the Philippines. Columbus died believing he had discovered a new trade route to asia
yeah but we are smarter than that, or are we
yah, I ate shrimps
yeah when I was 3
You should try smelt
im south-east asian, so..
the more i see people post this the more disgusted i feel about myself
I ate some crickets and meal worms (I think). They were roasted and it was kind of like eating a kind of nut.
>getting triggered by a meme response