Are Chipotle customers simultaneously the snobbiest and the most ignorant restaurant goers?
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>Normies not knowing about bay leaves
I bet they'd complain if they saw basil on a Margherita.
The problem appears to be white women.
>old post is old, and reddit
tl;dr Chipotle is for absolute retards. What's new?
are you guys defending finding a whole bay leaf in your food? It is a gross leaf off a tree that is only technically edible.
While they are all fucking retarded, bay leaves should be taken out of food before serving.
While it doesn't excuse these Americans, at least they are complaining about something that is at least slightly worthy of complaint, even if they don't understand the thing they should be complaining about.
>>this whole thread
I'm betting college kids that don't know what a bay leaf is
No, but I'm defending bay leaf as a standard ingredient in dozens of cuisines. Occasionally you miss one when cooking in bulk and on a time limit. Any customer that isn't a fucking retard would recognize it, pull it out, be mildly annoyed, but recognize that at least they're using real herbs for flavor.
Not that I condone Chipotle in any way when Qdoba and Moe's are a higher-quality version of the exact same thing.
white trash idiots
Fucking normies
twitter was a fucking mistake
But does it really DO anything? I never forget to add it, but I'm always questioning myself.
Bayleaf adds amazing heavenly flavours, why do you question it?
It annoys people when they bite into it.
I think that's its only purpose.
>wanting a fucking bay leaf in your burrito
is Veeky Forums retarded
I don't want it, but I just don't care if I found one. I'd just take it away.
You're supposed to fucking remove bay leaves at most before serving though.
you try enforcing basic cooking standards with a teenager workforce.
Smell it and chew on it a little bit, you won't actually be able to eat it but you can get the taste of it. Or just soak it in some hot water for a bit and take a sip. It does have a noticeable flavor although if they're really old it won't me as flavorful.
aint no leaves in my qdoba burrito
>high quality
Yeah if you live in Ghana.
>better than chipotle
man you must live in bizarro america where theres three qdobas in a town just like there are chipotles
americans, what do you expect? uncultured and uneducated swines
>Qdoba and moe's
>high quality, much less higher quality
You must think sweeto burrito is the best of the best.
Any decent place is going to remove the bay leaf BEFORE serving/plating.
In fact, pretty sure chipotle policy is they're supposed to remove them but they're minimum wage employees in highschool or college, can't really blame them.
if you get mad that you have a bay leaf in your burrito you will be the first with your backs against the wall when the revolution comes. i fucking hate people who can't fathom why you might accept some inedible pieces in your food for the benefit of the food itself.
I'd be pissed to find canadians in my food too
>t. never had a home cooked meal in my complete amerishart life
many people don't know that carrots grow in the ground and fishes are animal. It was a joke 20 year ago, but nobody took the time to educate those kids and now they are adult, and have their own kids.
>surrounded by burned chicken carcass, curdled breast milk from a different species and literall grass seeds.
Bros I went there once for the first time cus I thought it would be good and tasty af like taco Bell except kinda healthy and when I got my shit it was all cold, like damn what the fuck
Oh look, he didn't read
>but they're minimum wage employees in highschool or college, can't really blame them.
Will Americans ever unveil the secret of the illusive bay leaf?
God I fucking hate this country.
What are these people ordering, I've never gotten a bayleef when I get my usual burrito bowl.
a tree?
fuck that, why not add some wood chips!
>Are Chipotle customers simultaneously the snobbiest and the most ignorant restaurant goers?
No, Americans are.
>The leaves should be removed from the cooked food before eating (see Safety section below).
>However, they remain unpleasantly stiff even after thorough cooking, and if swallowed whole or in large pieces, they may pose a risk of harming the digestive tract or causing choking.[13] There have been cases of intestinal perforations caused by swallowing bay leaves, so unless the leaves in the recipe have been ground they should be removed from the food before serving; otherwise, the risk of a surgical emergency remains.[14][15] Thus, most recipes that use bay leaves will recommend their removal after the cooking process has finished.[16]
Me neither, and I live right behind a Chipotle. Maybe it's in one of the salsas?
It's ridiculous. The laziest boquet garni ever imagined...and most lazy cooks are also too lazy to remove it.. it's a choking hazard and technique gone wrong. Lol bayleaves
them digits confirm that americans are incapable of chewing their food properly and need special children tier care on their meals
Well, if that post doesn't tell you she's an idiot, her picture sure does.
I love when people from irrelevant anonymous countries whine about Americans.
Veeky Forums would be so much better with flags.