Hey guys, what's your favorite recipe for gumbo OR jambalaya?
Hey guys, what's your favorite recipe for gumbo OR jambalaya?
Probably one that, very much unlike yours, does NOT look like a big slop of shit.
There was a really nice recipe Walter Staib showed off while he was in Barbados I think. They called it 'Seafood Water'.
this is not mine, it was taken from google images
thank you for your input though
i'll look into it
Looks like a slop of shit.
Actually doesn't look bad, don't see tomatos so idk, but for me it depends what gumbo you do and what jambalaya you do since there are probably about 10 different kinds of gumbo, and 5 different types of jambalaya, so for sake of being easy i'll do a seafood gumbo
An easy way to give your seafood gumbo a shit ton of extra flavor, boil some crabs and make a stock out of the shells, greatly intensifies the seafood flavor, then use the stock instead of water when you add it to the roux
And for even more good shit, use the crab meat from the boiled crab in the Gumbo and you are in for a flavor orgasm, also make sure that the shrimp are not too small, shrimp add a lot of flavor
If you need any more info i'll give some tips but not dropping recipes, recipes are too valuable to share, you gotta make your own mate, never stop pushing toward that flavor
Why the fuck did you season your chicken? in gumbo you don't season the chicken, ruins the flavor of the roux
>in gumbo you don't season the chicken
You fucking really season your fucking chicken? how and you use thighs, where the fuck do you live yank? Not in Louisiana, you add your chicken and let the seasonings in the gumbo fill your chicken
Are you making a jambalaya?
Tastelet detected
Yank detected, way to fuck up a gumbo, you probably use Tony's as "authentic cajun seasoning"
New York, please go back to your coffee milk thread.
>New yorker making a gumbo
>thinks you season chicken before you put it in the gumbo
>creates a gratin for his gumbo
lmao what the fuck, you're fucking retarded
How much file powder and flour are you using?
You use file after you're finished and in your bowl
Coffee milk is Rhode island
Go to 26:37.
Chef Paul bends you over and fucks you like the Yankee bitch you are.
Literally the only "cooking" thread active on /ck and you're trying to shit on it. Let them deliver. It's obvious you cannot.
>vegetable oil
>seasonings made by prudomme
STOP your fucking killing me
Because he is copying his fucking recipe from a celebrity chef who makes his money off of showing yanks how to make a """gumbo"""
Also i'm not some dumbfuck who is just going to share a recipe, because the way to cook a good gumbo is figuring out your own portions, and simple tricks to make it better, if you want I can post a bunch of celebrity recipes for your yankee ass to jerk off to "cajun culture"
Every person has a different Gumbo, no two are the same, and that's part of making it your own like this fudgepacker adding habanero peppers to his fucking gumbo
also 90% of this board is shitting on other peoples food, lurk more before posting
oh my fucking god you fucking yankee fuck
can only find reaction videos but this is basically your gumbo
Well that was retarded
Yeah Disney's was obviously almost infinitely worse than this shit, but still as someone who grew up in between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, I have never seen anyone use Celery, hab peppers, fucking parsley, seasoned chicken, chicken thighs, garlic, oil and a gratin to their gumbo, that's way too complex of a flavor for a simple dish
Also creoles make their shit A LOT different than Cajuns, creoles make it like Caribbean dishes, New Orleans is 50/50 cajun/creole so gumbo in Nola is always a bit quirky
Ignore this cancer: Gumbo is traditionally made with whatever the fuck you have available, and the only common ingredients that make it a "gumbo" are:
1. Trinity - Onion, celery, bell pepper
2. Roux - Flour mixed with a fat and toasted to a very dark brown
3. Protein - Whatever you have.
4. Liquid to thin it out.
Everything else is up to you.
The proteins could be from dove, squirrel, chicken, sausage, or whatever you have. The liquid could be water, chicken stock, pork stock, or whatever. Seasoning and additional veggies, like tomato, is up to you. Gumbo can be served with rice, as is, with potato salad, or with corn bread. It's comfort food, and delicious.
Go away faggot, refer to youtube.com
Adding hot peppers, weird seasonings and gratin are not what makes it a fucking gumbo
Calm down, Stefan.
You seem to have in inferiority complex towards these "yankees".
P.S. I agree with you this meal looks terrible.
Just passing the time by shitposting, the usual shit
Whoops, wrong Paul.
>celebrity chef making authentic cajun and creole cuisine
>please buy my authentic cuisine in order to make authentic cajun and creole classics
Lol let me show you the superior cajun celebrity chef