The burger King hater
The "wa la" poster
The guy suffering from chrohn's disease
The pedophile
The drunk cook-along faggot
The "sipbros"
The wretched alcoholics
Any I missed?
The burger King hater
The "wa la" poster
The guy suffering from chrohn's disease
The pedophile
The drunk cook-along faggot
The "sipbros"
The wretched alcoholics
Any I missed?
Me, bitch
dirt mark dollar bill no tip guy crunchy on outside soft on inside
The 'a thread died for this poster'
A thread died for this.
>The guy who keeps trying to fight you
I got a lead that he's possibly Canadian
the "propane jew" is pretty fucking retarded.
the deenzers
>The "sipbros"
>The wretched alcoholics
>the deenzers
Hurrr, I recognize the people who make webm threads and threads about fast food.
You're both fucking retards if you think those count as "recognizing a poster"
The 'vark poster.
Dino tendies
Who's the pedophile?
I think you mean "unregulated propane jew," tard gargler.
I miss the old regulars: heartsonfire, pyewacket, borneo, milk jar guy, and a couple of others I can't remember exactly how they referred to themselves.
are steveposters the most chill posters on Veeky Forums?
>The drunk cook-along faggot
Honestly I hate this one the worst. It reeks of millenialism and reddit.
found 'em.
Pink doll guy.
Bland breakfast guy.
The Vietnamese food hater guy because he got rejected by a Vietnamese girl
I want to become the "if it aint french it sucks" guy.
God bless you, I'm here for you. I really believe in you, I'm sure you can do it.
pyewacket and borneo are alright. same with radioactive guy. boss nigg was cool.
MJG never said much, HoF loved the smell of her own farts.
I hated angie when she was here and I only appreciated her once she was gone.
angry phillip morris programmer guy still shows up every now and then.
that fat fuck from Indiana, I forgot his name, the one who would post his motorcycle. what ever happened to him?
that guy who gets butthurt whenever someone says anything bad about wisconsin, and says you must not be from America.
starvingsudanesekidfag was cute. I wonder if she got killed in iraq or something.
McChicken posters
babish: babish
Cookfu posters
Craft beer hipster posters
“Why haven’t you gone vegan/vegetarian yet?” posters
Guy cooking dinner for a date and needs ideas so he can get laid posters
Veeky Forums actually has a decent amount of content, but by far the /alck/ threads are the one of the most shockingly depressing discussions on the entire site
Start gargling Nutella. You'll be off to a good start.
Well trips has decided my fate.
thanks, user
once again the french have great tastes.
>the McDonalds advertising team
>the Chic fil A advertising nazis
>the KFC advertising team
>the Five Guys advertising team
>the other fast food advertising teams
>the Aardvark sauce advertising team
>the Yucateco advertising team
>the Monster advertising team
>the Nabisco advertising team
>the Mars advertising team
>the durian advertising team
>the shitpost advertising team
>i hate people talking about food team.
Angie was one of the first Veeky Forums cancers, but now I get nostalgic thinking about how awful she was.
MJG didn't say much, you're right, but his posts were comfy.
Hearts was full of herself, but I appreciated the cookbooks.
Pye and Borneo were chill and cute, they'd still be appreciated I think, if they were still around. I actually made a few of Pyewackets recipes, they were good, i still have them.
Wisconsin guy was good for a laugh, you could really get him riled up.
Motorcycle guy I barely remember, just enough to remember he annoyed me.
Who was the drunk guy who was from Texas i think, who participated in the challenge and went on to post oc for awhile after? He was alright.
The bar s poster
I just call him "chinese businessman" but yeah
the polite pomegranate enthusiast
All of you are cancer, desu.
Have you guys heard of the "big slop of shit" guy?
He's sorta new.
How are you not an alcoholic at this rate desu.
posters that post the same webms on a daily basis are recognizable a these same people generally start the webm threads. I don't know why you lecture on the meaning of a word you clearly don't know.
The redditor who thinks his "bang's root beer" thing will become funny if he keeps forcing it
>Rate this ______ my gf cooked me
i hope those 2 juggalos die of a heart attack from all the monster they drink
Isn't that a universal thing ? I mean if it isn't french it DOES suck
>says cancerfag
don't steal the guy's persona
fuckin hard to miss, its in every thread
Did Old Rambling Guy finally die, or what? He was a fucking legend. I can't believe no one has mentioned him yet.
woop woop!
>The "wa la" poster
You're aware that wa la has been a meme on this board for years, right?
Bitches don't know 'bout Pink Salt Guy, neither
The 'I'm only here to shitpost in Chili topics"
dumb fat chink
Your taste in persons is a shit.
>fat fuck from Indiana
BBQ KING? One time I posted in one of his thread using his name to annoy him, and I ended up getting banned because the mods are fucking retarded and thought those posts were him using a VPN, even though they all consisted of "I'M BBQ KING AND I SUCK BIG FAT BLACK COCKS". Haven't seen him since.
>t. cancerfag
He was good. I miss him.
Is ProGun nut still here?
The "enjoy your sea roach faggot" guy
Either that, or his fame on this board led him to stop posting. And then he died. Also, my favorite poster is Kyle Blanchard.
Kill yourself, cat faggot.
yes, thanks, forgot the name
could be he gets banned on sight if anyone uses that name, I tripped for a short while using a certain persona and the mods got so butthurt that when I posted with the trip after not using it for almost 2 years, I got banned for "ban evasion" within minutes and all my posts got deleted
You are a chili shitposter aren't you.
The Veeky Forums mods, especially the fat vegan lesbian mod, are fucking retarded.
>The pedophile
Which one?
Mitch the coffee autist
they've lightened up lately, for a while I'd get all my comments deleted even if I wasn't tripping as Meat Minimalist !!QlEfxPKY65n
That guy with $30000 worth of coffee equipment that posts in every coffee thread.