you have a $100 what do you buy?
You have a $100 what do you buy?
>One can of beer ($22.95)
>One thimble of wine ($50.45)
>One deep smell of an Alberta Premium bottle ($12.99)
>Such is life
1 bottle of mid-tier rum and a bottle of shitty constellation brand california "wine". Oops, 100 loonies wasn't enough. I'll just take the rum, I guess.
Do they have burritos?
So like, I want $100 worth of burritos.
I'd probably go to a store that didn't charge for bottled slops of shit.
>mfw no commie nationalised liquor stores
>wahhhh Pennsylvania has dumb liquor laws!
At least my state-run stores can't jack up prices because of their location and I know exactly what I'm going to pay no matter where I go just by checking the website. I've found that the PA state prices are typically cheaper than those when I cross into neighboring states. Cry all you want about not being able to buy a bottle of booze after 10pm or outside of the 5 hours they're open on Sunday, but if you can't plan accordingly you're probably too immature to be drinking anyway.
How stupid are you?
>yfw highest rate of alcoholism in the country
barcardi and hotdogs for a snack
Nobody is talking about Pennsylvania in this thread
2L of finlandia or whatever vodka is on sale
500-750 ml of mcgillicuddy's liqueur, usually butterscotch because that shit's good
usually go down to anderson's for a growler
Nothing. I suffer because I'm a recovering alcohol.
A bottle of Wild Turkey 101 : $38
20 cans of some $2 lager tallboy, either PBR, Lowenbrau, Tatra, maybe shell out for Spaten.
Then split the raminder on like 2 bottles of wine, idk I'm not so picky.
cant really get a solid pan i would want, so probably a knife. i have a sheeps foot (or santoku?) and i wouldnt mind a smaller one for some other veggies and whatnot. maybe a chefs knife, but i make do with my santoku
2nd day sober here. melatonin didnt work too great last night so i have some benadryl to help. im hoping to do this short term and then move to melatonin again. im only doing this to lose weight though.
Yeah, trying to sleep sucks at first, but your body and mind will adjust. No worries, friend.
>you have a $100 what do you buy?
Get off your liberal high horse. I dont know what the fuck an LCBO is. Sounds like a mexican joint to me.
Kraken and Grand Marnier, couple import beers with the rest
There are some things I really miss since leaving Canada.
These fucking stores and their bullshit prices are not one of them.
This province is good for craft but absolute shite at import craft
Just give me some more omnipollo ffs
If only there were a way to easily find the information you seek.
Bruh. Its way cheaper to buy beer in B.C. than it is here in Berta since the NDP raised the taxes on alcohol.
As far as I can tell this thread is about dumb liquor laws/prices and my post was contributing to that discussion. Fuck off.
A good bourbon and some craft beer, probably fat tug, some stuff by sawdust and some lager idk
A bottle of Ardbeg 10
So why the fuck are you posting in this thread when you readily admit you have no idea what's going on? Also, excellent use of meaningless buzzwords. Truly showing off what a retard you are.
>make non-descriptive post
>expect people to know about it
You both are some special kind of stupid
>Calls others stupid
>Incapable of performing an internet search for the acronym LCBO
Pot, Kettle, Black.
This was embarrassing to read.
>replying to shitposts without sage
Do you even know what sage does? Because protip, it's not the same thing as a downvote.
It is the prerogative of those making the claim to cite the facts, pleb. This is middle school tier shit. All OP had was a shitty image without reference. In summation, fuck you. God damn kids ruining this board.
>making the claim
Holy shit my man he posted an image and asked what you would buy from there. How is that a "claim?" Are you high or drunk or retarded or all three?
biting satire
>Makes an obvious mistake
>Continues to shit up the thread instead of closing it and moving on or educating himself
No, you're the kind of asshole that ruins this board. Act like a fucking adult for once in your life.
>Fucking opposite land: the post.
If there is one good thing about the LCBO, it's the fact that they sell fantastic import beer at good prices, sometimes even lower than their in their home country. I'll list these in USD so people understand what I'm talking about:
Rochefort 10/8: $3.50/$3.05, 4-pack of Duvel: $10.95, Weihenstephaner Vitus: $3.20, Rodenbach Grand Cru: $2.65, Chimay Blue: $3.15. Brewdog IPA is cheaper than in the UK at $2.75. KBS is comparable with American pricing at $5.95. CBS was easily available (if you live in the GTA) and only about $6.50.
And of course, pricing is standardized, so you will pay the same even if you're at the only LCBO in bumfuck nowhere up at the cottage.
Honestly the last thing I like about Ontario is our endless crappy IPAs.
Oh yeah, and you can get world-class Quebec beer (Unibroue, St. Ambroise, Brasserie Du De Ciel) for dirt cheap too.
its 8.50 what the fuck are you on?
also my point on omnipollo still stands.
>I'll list these in USD so people understand what I'm talking about
To be fair to you, that's closer to $6.90. Anyway, pic related. And a lot of those people had to wait in line.
>totally not written by an LCBO owner
Credit where it's due. If all you drink is macrobrew garbage, then yeah, the LCBO's expensive.
A 12 pack of PBR
$100 in cheap canadian beer obviously...something like carling or old style.
Not enough.
>written by an LCBO owner
The Government of Ontario posts on 4chin?
Two hours with your mother.