*grows mold*

*grows mold*

Eat them faster asshole

they are delicious, just eat them.

i leave them out like potpourri

Never buy more strawberries than you plan to eat within 24 hours.

*tastes like garbage because supermarket growers grow them for uniformity instead of taste*

>American strawberries



These guys didn't grow up picking fresh strawberries by the bushel, then going home to watch their moms make homemade strawberry shortcake and canned strawberry preserves for their toast every morning.

>assuming the strawberries' nationality

Next level obsession, 10/10 made me laugh.

I live in the Northeastern US. The best strawberries I ever get are grown in Quebec during the summer months. They're small - not fuckhuge like those grown in California and shipped across the country - but they're juicy and ripe and they last about a week.

Aside from picking your own strawberries (which I have done sometimes) buying local strawberries in season is best

I'm American and after living overseas for a few years, buying fruit is almost always an infuriating experience now that I'm back.

For the most part we are stuck with fruits that are consistently mediocre, like bananas and cantaloupes. Or we get a crap shoot of fruit that is occasionally good like strawberries, watermelon, and oranges, but usually flavorless and often times outright bad (see the mango in US stores). Going to a high end place improves your odds a little, but fruit in the US tends to be garbage overall. The only glimmer of hope I've seen is that people are waking up to how straight up trash apples were and theres a bigger variety of non-garbage ones to actually buy. Hopefully this spreads to other fruits. Maybe one day we won't need brand name fruits for them to not be shit because the quality will just be better over all

>this guy didn't grow up in an industrialized country

>industrial countries don't have rural areas

Keep telling yourself that, slumdog.

Apples don't pull shit bullshit.

this tbqh

Slums are the opposite of rural

Wash the damned things in a vinegar solution (1 part vinegar-3 parts cold tap water) for 2 or 3 minutes. Drain well, let dry on layers of paper towels. Store in fridge. Consume within 2-3 days before shit goes bad. No, you silly spuurglord, it won't change the taste.

fuck off roleplayer

*removes water*

heh... nothing personnel... fun guy...

im not driving 250 miles to get a fucking red fruit you idiotic nigger

How will that help? You'll just be consuming mold at a faster rate.


No one believes a damn word you said.

t. California, Florida, or Mexico


are you people actually so bad at berries that you dont freeze any that you don't use that day?

Proof that apples are the superior fruit.
Fuck you, strawberry, can't say shit now can you.

Small-to-medium American city with 400,000 people, locally-owned farms and orchards outside of town, and family 100 miles south that owned their own farms, retard. I just had the benefit of a family that cared enough to show me where food came from, and how to put in the work to get something good. Must have sucked for you growing up without access to fresh food or parents that gave a shit about teaching you anything.

These are crazy expensive to grow. Like $20K/acre goes into these fuckers. Delicious as fuck tho

Ventura>Albion>everything else

I too enjoy permanently ruining the constitution of fruits by freezing them

Whatever helps you sleep at night knowing that you'll always be disadvantaged in life due to being brought up in complete poverty, billy-bob

This. Or freeze a bunch and make smoothies with them.

I freeze apples and throw them at dogs.

Unironically sounds like something these hicks did for fun growing up.

>thinks they'll be insulted being called hicks
Oh you sweet, sweet child. Were you homeschooled by coastal evangelicals?

you use the frozen ones in smoothies, ice cream, etc

anything between the coasts is and always will be irrelevant, sorry to say.