What are some health concerns one could expect if they were to have a glass or 2 of milk every day? Whole milk, the real stuff. Im sorry guys, Ive been trying different substitutes, plant ones, almond or cashew ones, soy milk. All of it is shit compared to good old whole milk.
What are some health concerns one could expect if they were to have a glass or 2 of milk every day? Whole milk...
A real answer, if youd please...
That is the real answer. Two cups of milk a day won't do anything. Assuming you're fairly healthy to begin with
So if youre not healthy, milk should be avoided? Whats the bad part of it?
Google tells me 2c whole milk is 292 calories and 2c almond milk is 80 calories, theres that to think about.
almond milk has like 2.8 times as much calcium as dairy.
Almond and coconut milks take up a retarded amount of water compared to cows if youre worried about the planet, cow farts are worse for greenhouse gasses though.
Dairy is harder on your hormone systems than other milks except maybe soymilk, not because of rbst or whatever but it's like digesting red meat instead of vegetables, different fats and animal hormones. Not a problem though unless you're thyroid compromised or have bad acne, no dairy often helps
Honestly if you're not eating more than 1/2c meat and 1/4c other dairy every day chug that shit, disregard all of that if you're under 21, go nuts.
No sources because I don't feel like dredging through "Dairy will LITERALLY kill you!! Go veg" and "Got Milk?TM" so do your research if you're very concerned.
Dairy is way richer than other milks, it's definitely an addiction. I'm dating a lactose intolerant and I realized even though it's literally just excess fat in my diet I can't kick it because it's basically all the joy in my life.
Try chocolate almond milk, its much "richer" and hits that spot. No good as a milk substitute in recipes though.
Elevated estrogen and progesterone levels
Cancer from casein, increased igf-1 production, neu5gc
Accelerated aging, dementia, osteoporosis from galactose
Heart disease from cholesterol and saturated fats
Now this is more substantial...
I dont give a shit about the environment or planet or any of that so thats totally nil. So it strains the digestive and hormone systems because it has to process animal and fat hormones. I definitely have more than half a cup of meat every other day. Also the cholesterol and saturated fat, good points, never had any acne or skin problems from milk though...
Looks like i just sadly need to kick it with all this bad news in mind. Ive had the dark chocolate almond milk, its ok but i prefer the taste of regular rich/thick whole milk. I can taste all the granulated sugar in chocolate powder mixes plus that opens up another problem, tons more sugar. Last time i had one i think it was 17g or so sugar. Thanks for the help fellas
God, don’t be a such a faggot.
2 cups are nothing except if we’re talking about calories. My grandpa used to drink the shit out of meat throughout his whole life and lived up to 94 (and only because he was letting himself die). If you’re that concerned then just drink once cup a day.
Seriously though I really have more and more the impression that there are some soy/almond marketing shills on this board.
Also soy and almond taste like shit. Rice is the better alternative.
If you have an intolerance, you'll fart a lot. Otherwise, you'll just get mad gains.
Its not about faggotry, its just that if its going to evoke a ton of hormone changes and productions in me, as well as flood my cholesterol and saturated fat (which just work in tandem to fuck up your heart), its hard to see a reason to go back to it. Ill give rice milk a try, that one i havent tried yet actually. If it isnt a hit though, ill probably never have a cup of milk again
Nope, no intolerances or physical problems from drinking it
If you're going to give up milk, give up milk. Fortified juices have no nutritional relationship with dairy. You'd be just as well off drinking water and taking supplements.
Drinking milk on its own is fine and 2 cups is a reasonable amount, but it's rather high in sugar and fat. If you eat a healthy and varied diet it's probably fine. If you eat like shit and drink a bunch of whole milk on top of the shit it's probably not great.
fuck thats why im fat
but milk tastes so fucking good
Why would it change anything anyway. One glass a day is nothing except if you only eat shit. People never had issues with milk until recently because we are paranoid as hell and some retards like to chug down a whole jug every once in a while.
I don’t drink milk everyday because I skip breakfast but nothing beats a nice glass of milk at night when I am not too stuffed.
Start lifting, bro. Let the milk work its magic.
Strong bones and teeth
Unless you're lactose intolerant, none whatsoever. Natural saturated fats and cholesterol are GOOD for you. Excessive sugars via lactose may not be good for you, but milk is far healthier than plant "milks" that contain sucrose or HFCS. Those are horrible faux foods made to make you eat more processed breakfast cereal grains, which also contain added sugars and refined grains. Drink milk. Eat whole almonds and cashews. Eat actual food in the form nature provided it. If a food can only be processed with lab equipment, do not eat it. If a food product has more than 3 ingredients, do not eat it. If a food product is a refined part of another edible part that is discarded, do not eat it.
Drinking milk has been linked to increased chance of prostate cancer in men.