The boiling of these poor creatures is simply barbaric........ BARBARIC!!!!!!!! Who’d be so cruel?
The boiling of these poor creatures is simply barbaric........ BARBARIC!!!!!!!! Who’d be so cruel?
me actually. soul cooking makes the food taste better i would recommend
I agree with you and I dont eat lobsters for exactly that reason. Dont care what other people think - what matters to me is what I think. Lobsters are beautiful and complex creatures - we dont know how much they suffer when being boiled alive.
Nice /pol/ meme
those fuckers would cut you open and eat you alive from the inside given the chance! We boil in self defense!
That's why I don't eat seafood, the lobsters are alive when they kill them.
Everything's alive when you kill it.
sweet summer child
Nice digits.
It was a Veeky Forums meme first.
>we dont know how much they suffer when being boiled alive.
Yes we do. It's not much.
Or possibly a Veeky Forums meme. Definitely one of those before /pol/
I would...I'd also boil a human I purchased to consume if it were legal...
I laughed like hell. A very good point; a lot of vegetarian and vegan bitching is because they don't have the stones to do anything themselves.
If the Bambi-fuckers knew how many small animals were maimed and left to die slowly in mass-grain harvesting they'd puke.
Edgy! Come back and see us when you graduate high school!
>those fuckers would cut you open and eat you alive from the inside given the chance! We boil in self defense!
Reminds me of the Lobstrosities from the Drawing of the Three.
>a lot of vegetarian and vegan bitching is because they don't have the stones to do anything themselves.
A lot of bitching is because modern factory farming is horrible in multiple ways which turns them off from meat altogether. I eat meat but I still think it's pretty bad.
>If the Bambi-fuckers knew how many small animals were maimed and left to die slowly in mass-grain harvesting they'd puke.
They know, but they'd say less animals die from harvesting crops than the billions of livestock animals that are slaughtered.
I left HS before I graduated so I could work to feed and house my young family...
>now thats fucking barbaric innit...
>They know, but they'd say less animals die from harvesting crops than the billions of livestock animals that are slaughtered.
Most of the ones I've met were sheltered women who squealed and ran away from dead things. No connection to reality whatsoever.
I'm not saying a less heavy meat diet is more efficient as a species, but then again so is a less populated species as we aren't dying off to a point of having less than a thousand anymore.
I'm not trying to encourage a culling but we may actually need it. Either that or an expansion beyond our planet's capabilities.
>expansion beyond our planet's capabilities
>i think i'll be taken up in the spaceships to new planets along with the billionaires who raped the planet dry when the shit that they caused hits the fan and the earth is uninhabitable
Yeah. I know we're fucked. Thanks for reminding me that we'll be in hell before terraforming happens.
>we may actually need it
This kills the crab
keep telling yourself that
We still aren't sure if crustaceans can even feel pain due to the way their nervous system works.
although i agree with you, for the simple reason that we humans have a choice, i choose not to boil them alive, but this argument is exactly what i tell annoying vegetarians, nature is cruel as hell and there is suffering beyond belief in the animal kingdom, fish eating other fish that gets dissolved in stomach acid whilst alive, bugs paralyzing and eating other creatures alive, have seen baboons eat a baby gazelle alive as if the gazelle was a banana etc. but yeah, where i can avoid inflicting pain, i choose to avoid inflicting pain :) i think this planet is hell
really? you know? are you a lobster? this whole "science" thing of "hey they don't have the same nervous system as humans so they don't experience pain" thing is fucking atrocious. Whatever government that wrote those papers just did it to make you feel better.
There is literally no way of knowing what the lobster is feeling / thinking when you boil it alive, this doesn't just apply to lobsters btw.
I'm not a vegetarian or vegan, I'm just saying that whatever you read about "they don't feel pain" or whatever, is completely bull shit and has no scientific proof.
It's like all of these idiots that say life has to be carbon based. No, it doesn't. That's just how we as humans understand life.
ur a butt hole.
Why don't you just stab it in the head before you throw it in your pot if your worried about causing undue suffering
thanks carl fagen, deep shit bro
Go back to r*ddit.
Litterally who care about sea bugs ?
"Despite their knight-like appearance, lobsters are actually sensitive and delicate animals. Although they can't see or hear very well they do have an exquisite sense of touch, thanks to hundreds of thousands of tiny hairs that stick out from gaps in their shells. Lobsters are also sensitive to changes in temperature — detecting temperature shifts as small as one degree — which is partly why they migrate up to 160 kilometres every year to find the perfect breeding ground for their fragile babies. This certainly puts death in a scalding pot into perspective."
That's exactly what people do. It takes a whole extra two seconds. The only people who would actually give a shit are the people who just want to bitch on Veeky Forums and have never actually seen a lobster in real life.
nice digits
ive never had lobster
what does it taste like?
Why are we, as predators, programmed to feel deep sympathy for that which we must eat? What grand design is this?
>with great power comes great raping ability
I think we learned empathy as we became more powerful and related killing other animals with the death of our own kind. That's why we tend to think more carefully about killing other mamals and primates compared to bugs and democrats. They have no feelings.
We are only just learning that lobsters have feelings, and they respond to antidepressants.
the weak should fear the strong
>I dont know how anything works because my brain is small
animals dont think you fucking dipshit, thinking is a human only trait, you think animals have their own special languages what are you 12???
>life has to be carbon based
yes, the 12 year old calling me names is calling me 12 years old. brilliant. Sorry your daddy taught you that deer and other creatures you probably hunt ( which is probably cows on some guys farm you are stealing from cause you can't aim for shit) don't have brains.
this better be a shoop or she's dropped
>checked her website
i think it's real
>the ride never ends, they said
well it was a fun ride but this is where it ends.
goodnight sweet queen
my bad, turns out to be a very well made shoop
We're not. You faggots are just anthropomorphizing things that aren't human and then empathizing with them. Extending human morality to non-humans.
>think they're going to get sliced in half or something
>their insides get scooped up and splattered everywhere instead
Shit that looked messy, but it seems like death was instantaneous.
This is your future on capitalism
>A Jordan Peterson fan
Lmao of course you'd come out when people talk about Lobsters
Nice get
Agreed. That's why I steamed them.
>thinking something might be having a bad time while its being boiled alive is anthropomorphising
You just need to stop arguing and admit you don't give a fuck about the animal suffering.
Sure, but we can infer that they really don't feel pain like we do. For one, they don't even have a proper brain, they have a cluster of nerves, known as a ganglia, and not even an andrenal gland for fight or flight response. Lobsters have been known to tear each other limb from limb if given the chance and will move around with just their mouth parts. That's why they wear rubber bands in a tank. Almost everything they do is an automated response to one stimuli or another, they can't really surpress urges. They might register damage and try to get away from the source, but they don't really nurse wounds. Hell, sometimes they'll self inflict for random reasons.
Well, you're wrong there. All kinds of animals have shown thought process; dogs, cats, crows, parrots, monkeys, apes, dolphins, elephants, ravens, and I'm sure there's more. Hell, prairie dogs have shown to have a rudimentary language since they have different sounds for different predators. They even have a sound for humans.
Lobsters hardly have a brain stem. Just because it responds to external stimuli doesn't mean it "feels" in the human sense. You'd be better off making this claim for cows, pigs, and chickens because they literally have more than just a brain stem.
I am not convinced that anything or anyone feels pain except for me. I don't have to listen to some nerd explaining "nervous systems" because you know what? You've never been a lobster, so you don't really know what lobsters feel.
The only thing I know is what I feel. And if you can prove that you feel pain then I will not boil you alive. Your move.
Noice trips, OP
Just kill the lobster the moment before you put them in the water. They taste the same.
Surprised this wasn't posted already:
Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace
Lmao le anonymous mask.
Please, ledditor. At least use a fedora tipper image next time. That mem is slightly less past it's expiration date.
>worked at a fish market in high school
>used to steam live lobsters all the time
>everyone there (myself included) fell for the "they don't feel pain" meme
>going to put a live lobster in the steamer one day
>forget that there was already one in there
>when I open the door the lobster is in the tray thrashing around violently while his shell shows a marbled/half-cooked coloration
>immediately close the steamer door
steaming those bastards was never the same again
See Response to external stimuli had nothing to do with whether or not it conceives or even feels pain.
pain is universal, even a plants feels it, its the basic way to escape danger. People are just pretenting feeling pain is an emotion insteaf of a sensation
>poke a worm on the ground
>it starts wiggling
>'omg worms have eyes and brains and hearts and feelings and families what have I just done!'
You are still in highschool.
Well, I found a problem already. He considers lobsters sentient. That's like considering a spider sentient.
I don't see eye-to-eye with all that's written in it as well, but it's still a very informative read nonetheless.
Because if we kill too much/dont care, we would have wiped out all edible animals a long time ago. So, like other animals, we only kill when it is necessary. This IS grand design.
This only stopped when we disconnected ourself from the killing process by outsourcing it to big industry
But if plants feel pain and feeling pain is bad then we shouldn't eat plants either, right?
So you are saying we should all live like Lobsters?
This. Also do not drink water; as when your body is processing it the molecules are separated. This causes them to panic and feel extremely anxious.
Silly OP lobster dont think
The more I read this paper the more this asshat is showing his bias.
Spiders ARE sentient you fuck
theyre a lobster fuck them
>no central nervous system
literally cannot feel pain
Lobsters are sea insects. Nobody gives a shit if you smushed a spider with your foot, but apparently its not OK with lobsters
While I appreciate the post, the writer is clearly in the lobsters suffer category. If he was more unbiased I could take him a bit more seriously, but in the end I couldn't even take his counter points without considering his bias. I do appreciate that he does mention that lobsters actually have a number of ganglia running down the body, like a lot of ocean invertebrates, and that there are worse ways to prepare a lobster, like hacking it up alive, but in the end, it's really no worse than what it would experience in the wild. Nature can be a cruel mistress.
Prove it, asshat.
Whatever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination to you.
lobsters have fins mate, that's what the lobster tail is. One big fin.
Vegan here. Ex-recreational hunter (small birbs) and spearfisher.
>vegan bitching
That's a loaded statement that implies veganism is based on feelings and not ethics (which is wrong and inb4 a retard comes in and conflates the two), which is incorrect.
Also not all vegans agree with the DxE and PETA forms of activism (in fact the vast majority hate it) so there's that too.
(For anyone who doesn't know they're the type of guys who will come into your steakhouse and scream meat is murder
>is because they don't have the stones to do anything themselves.
As I said I used to hunt and fish, so that point is moot. It's not a matter of courage, it's a matter of realising that you're causing unnecessary suffering for your pleasure. A very good analogy I can think of is not going to the circus because you know what the elephants, lions and bears have to go through in training. Just go to the movies or something, you'll still have fun and the ticket is the same price.
>If the Bambi-fuckers knew how many small animals were maimed and left to die slowly in mass-grain harvesting they'd puke.
We do know. The animals you eat eat plants themselves. Add to that the inefficiency of the trophic levels and the fact that the animal itself has to die and you've got a way more catastrophic death toll for the omnivorous diet compared to the vegan one. It's not about eliminating 100% all suffering ever, it's about reducing unnecessary suffering.
>Most of the ones I've met were sheltered women who squealed and ran away from dead things. No connection to reality
The emotionally driven ones tend to be the most vocal ones. You may know people who are vegan but not know they are vegan.
>I'm not trying to encourage a culling but we may actually need it.
Culling is retarded but we should introduce one child policies, especially where it's out of control like sub saharan africa and far east asia
>Either that or an expansion beyond our planet's capabilities.
That's shitposting.
If the majority of vegans do so because of emotions(feelings and ethics together) does that not alter the definition of the word? This is like arguing with someone about communism and them saying 'thats not real communism'.
And not to sound like a dick but being a former 'small game hunter and spearfisher' doesn't really give you any more sway than anyone else.
>No scientific proof
You realize we can literally monitor signals to and from the brain in animals based on what happens to them right? Every emotion, feeling and action has a specific signal that can actually be monitored.
This proves you wrong, faggot
>If the majority of vegans do so because of emotions(feelings and ethics together) does that not alter the definition of the word?
Emotions ARE feelings and neither is ethics
The definition is basically "don't cause unnecessary suffering"
>not real communism
what the fuck does communism have to do with anyhing
>And not to sound like a dick but being a former 'small game hunter and spearfisher' doesn't really give you any more sway than anyone else.
It invalidates the "they don't have the stones" argument in my case
You know the sad state of affairs in the world?
I have a pressure cooker. If I tossed two lobsters in it and recorded it I'd probably get fucking doxxed. For a pair of fucking lobsters.
that's why I kill them with a knife
I boil them and then throw them out
Stop eating meat.
Ah yes. Bats are also birds.
Yeah boiling them in unseasoned water really is an act of cruelty
What do you put in there? Salt and maybe some dill?
You unfortunately haven't experienced killing yourself first-handedly either, you should try it retard