Is this the pinnacle of american cuisine?
Is this the pinnacle of american cuisine?
>2600 calories
>263g sugar
How is it legal to sell something like this?
Because one indulgence wont harm you?
>implying the degenerates that buy this kind of shit can stop at just one
I got diabetes looking at that what the fuck why would people sell this
it's legal in the same way as firearms and vehicles. it's up to consumer to control and moderate themselves. however, consumers lack education and don't understand the harmful effects of high caloric sugar treats.
i have actually had the large oreo shake at BK which i believe is half the calories (1000) of this
it was genuinely the most disappointing fast food purchase i've ever made. the calories were, if anything, enticing, as i thought it would be a delicious oreo flavoured smoothie. it barely tasted like oreo and was just disappointing. reminded me of fruit punch arizona, metric fuckton of sugar but you'd think they were trying to make it a diet version from the taste
i'd get this abomination just to make up for that
i love how everyone not from the US on Veeky Forums (all the boards)
are enthralled with us. it's flattering, really
They still can't get over the fact we won the war even though it was over 200 years ago.
we are the token idiot that everyone pokes with a stick *shrugs
Don't worry, if the US didn't exist we would be making fun of another retarded country like France.
It's just that you are the best at making your country look like a shithole.
wow epic argument bro you're right america does nothing wrong i am truly enlightened by your post
Don't worry about us. Worry about yourself.
>t. Triggered bong
Shouldn't you be watching your Commander in Chief make an even bigger ass of himself right now, mutt?
Stop pushing your control-left agenda on other boards.
>263g of sugar
oof and I thought the calories were bad. looks good though, many a more reasonable 16 oz would be nice for a treat but jesus christ.
Yeah, you should support the corporate fascists subsidizing shit food and HFCS so they can be sold at disproportionately lower prices than quality fresh food.
U mad
I don't see the problem. You get enough nutrients to last you an entire day for like $3 assuming you have a relatively labourous job.
Glad you came to terms with it. Everyone makes mistakes. You are forgiven, my friend.
That thing would be delicious and you know it, envious bastard
They're halal types, that what europe is now. Indulgences would make them have to lob heads off of infidels.
As opposed to shillary?
Stop crying and get out of your closet, your anointed one didn't win. Deal with it.
Sugar is not nutritious.
So what? Are you gonna lob heads over it?
Here's the pinnacle of euro cuisine.
Yup, you eurofags are really up on us.
Now eat your soylent green wafers and shut up because that's what big brother EU counsil tells you to do.
All these people talking about the calories and sugar. While those two are indeed horrendous, look at the fucking SALT in that thing.
I am fairly sure that eating 263g of sugar all at once can in fact harm you.
>Because of the unique way we metabolize fructose, it creates a stress response in the liver that can exacerbate inflammation. High doses of sugar can make the liver go into overdrive. That's one reason excess fructose is a "key player" in the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, where fat accumulates in the liver in the absence of alcohol abuse.
A lot of assumptions there, and why did you cap salt? It's makes you seem like a creep straight from alex jones, do you believe in lizard people?
Same reason Jackposting and food gore threads are so popular. People love a good freakshow.
Gotta have some freakish clowns.
>shitposting this hard on Veeky in 2007+11
>why did you cap salt?
For emphasis, it seems outrageous that a "milkshake" would have that incredible amount of sodium in it.
>do you believe in lizard people?
Better question is do they believe in me.
Instead of being a faggit you could have written 2018 but no, look at me look at me I can green text with math.
There's no harm in some salt in things if you haven't fucked your body up. Check it out, a little bit of salt on watermelon is really very good, it enhances the flavor a lot.
But no, you've been listening to too much dr phil and other weirdos that don't know what their talking about except to sell some products of their own. Idiot.
Always remember and look for it, follow the money. They're always selling some product. Always.
Because it is made of Oreo cookies and they contain salt. Pretty simple really.
So what? What's your point precisely?
People like you are never precise about anything, you're nothing better than simple parrots.
>serving size 34g
What the fuck
It's clearly made up bullshit. Don't fall for it.
>govt. whores bought and paid for implementing policies favorable to and dictated by the corporations who pay the most to them isn't corporate fascism
The absolute state of the right!
Given that obama and clinton were in office way before and enacted these things, why don't you mention that?
Forgetting to mention that is in "inconvenient truth" that you fags really hate.
My point is that the salt in the oreo milkshake comes from the salt in the oreo cookies. Not sure how I could have explained it better than that.
Did you even read the conversation or are you just parroting shit?
approximately 3 cookies
Look at the serving size. That's more than a quart of shake. Probably enough dessert for four or five people.
You're telling me they fit three quarters of a whole pack of oreos into it?
Yeah but that screenshot is bullshit, it's madeup to promote your agenda.
Nice on the parrot comment, you're just copying what I said. Fucking parrot.
this is why amerilards are so fucking fat.
kill yourself tonight faggot
Eurotard stuff has to be halal now.
nuff said.
>There's no harm in some salt
>a little bit of salt
1770mg does not count as a little bit of salt. And yeah you are probavbly going to do your body some harm drinking one of these, especially because if you are the type of person to buy this crap, you probably bought it to cap off your lunch of 2 big macs and a super sized fries and coke.
>you've been listening to too much dr phil and other weirdos
Sorry I've never even seen Dr. Phil aside from webms or youtube clips. Why are you so defensive?
Thats over a litre and oreos are pretty small so I can see fitting 10 of them no problem.
Blame google for putting it first image then. If you want to go out and take a picture of the nutritional info on a pack of Oreo's to prove me wrong go ahead.
>3 cookies 160mg sodium
>1 shake 1770 mg sodium
Call me crazy, but I think your math might be a little off
>we metabolize fructose
Milk products contain fructose.
Where did you get that information from? Be specific if you can.
I think that those that suck up to dr phil, oatfra and alex jones are mental cases.
>so I can see fitting 10 of them no problem
Are you sure about that? 1770mg sodium is around 11 servings of oreos. According to that's 33 cookies in a liter of shake.
>the salt in the oreo milkshake comes from the salt in the oreo cookies.
The milkshake has the same amount of salt as 30 cookies, assuming you are correct about the serving size equaling 3 cookies. Which would be the same (30 Vs. 45) as eating the entire bag going by
I doubt anyone would think that that milkshake was the same as eating an entire bag of Oreos.
I eat that one a day, that's how I get my vitamins and minerals and shit.
>1770mg does not count as a little bit of salt
The FDA says you're fine if you stay below 2300g of sodium a day and that's playing it safe, 1770mg of sodium is nothing considering this would go over the daily caloric requirement of an average man with a moderately active lifestyle. So no, this is not an impressive amount of sodium by any stretch of the imagination.
Ice cream has salt in it you fucking retards, have you ever looked at the label on a container of milk in your life?
are you just some fat fuck that's never weighed his food or something?
American cuisine is fluid and constantly changing, unlike older culture cuisine which is stagnant. Old world on suicide watch.
t. New world kiwi
The put all the salt in there, one to enhance the flavor, and two to mask the sugar. If you can't visualize 263g of sugar, it is about one and a third cup, even dissolved in 36 ounces of liquid, that would be sickeningly sweet on it's own.
>are you just some fat fuck that's never weighed his food or something?
Are you some weird fuck who weighs his oreos? I haven't eaten an oreo since I was around 12, so no, I don't know what to do with the fact that a serving of oreos is 34g.
Please tell me why it isn't simpler to just say 3 cookies, and then please get your head examined.
>The FDA says you're fine if you stay below 2300g of sodium a day and that's playing it safe, 1770mg of sodium is nothing
74% of your daily intake in a single drink counts as nothing to you? That's 3/4 of all the salt you are supposed to consume in a entire day, taken in over a pretty short span of time. And given the sort of people that this kind of beverage targets, you know full well, it is going to severely push them over that 2300mg limit. No one is going to buy this and then say "oh I better mind my sodium intake for the rest of today"
For reference a Big Mac has 1007mg, the meme McChicken has 817mg, this has nearly as much salt as the two combined.
Seriously, who the fuck goes around eating oreos all day?
>74% of your daily intake in a single drink counts as nothing to you?
For over 100% of your daily calories it's not significantly high. It only stands out if you don't have the spare brainpower to think about the proportions. 1700mg of salt isn't as bad for you as your daily caloric requirements coming alongside 263g of sugar without a daily recommendation for a single micronutrient.
Because they have piss-poor quality control and have to account for the irregularities between cookies, and because giving weight obscures how much you're eating to people who only casually glance at it, which is always the idea with junk food. Go look at a small bag of chips when you're checking out, at best you'll get a weight, "approx. X chips" and a servings per container of some non-interger like 2.5. Now fuck off you obese shithead.
So what? Once in a while isn't a bad thing.
You're gonna get ulcers and shit worrying about every calorie, I bet I live longer than you will and I'm about to order a fucking pizza.
Some of these twats with an agenda to push are really dumber than a box of rocks.
Yeah you're the math expert.
And that's the best retort you've got.
Fuck off.
>have to account for the irregularities between cookies
>approx. X chips
What do you think the "approx" means in that description dumbfuck?
>obscures how much you're eating to people who only casually glance at it
Not even what we're talking about; you started this argument by acting outraged that I never weighed oreos before. Get a fucking job loser
I didn't retort to anything, I just thought it stupid that someone claiming knowledge can't use proper English.
Maybe it's some crap ass h1b, I don't know I haven't looked into it. But I do know that it's not "interger." If you want cheap and easy that's what you get with h1bs.
Holy shit kill yourself, you're the one that freaked out when you saw a weight on a nutrition facts sheet. Are those really so fucking incomprehensible to you?
yeah I typed interge the first time and didn't bother proofreading, sue me