Wtf are alcohol prices

wtf are alcohol prices
>drive into Delaware
>brand of rum I usually buy $5 more because "muh competition"
>oh thank god the store stays open an hour later

Now why is state controlled liquor a bad thing?

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Why are state for profit prisons a bad thing?
Same concept you fucking moron.

it fucking sucks here on the west coast

Not really the same... The only comparison I can see is the "for profit" part, but other than that they're 2 separate entities. where dumbasses like you can make like-comparisons to shit and think its something bigger

>Now why is state controlled liquor a bad thing?
Because the government then decides what you can and can't drink, and when you can get it.

Now, consider the british method. A tax is levied and licenses issued, but you can buy booze any time. And because of vast amounts of competition, you can buy it in your local supermarket, with a wide selection and low price.
You can get it delivered.
You can buy alcohol from the age of 18.
You can legally drink it from the age of 5, with parental supervision.

Land of the ''''''free''''''''''

>b-but my oppressive government

Then why live under a corrupt government? Why do I need alcohol to be delivered? Am I lazy? I'm 32, why do I care anymore about the age? So I'm going to hand it over to someone who wants money and doesn't need to care about the people vs somebody who wants money and was elected for the people? In current circumstances I'm going to trust the state over the corporation.

I live in a country where only one region doesn't have government stores and I still can only buy alcohol at a 'liquor store' and not the grocery store. The cheapest beer I can buy is $12 for 12 and it's the bottom of the barrel beer. Craft beer averages $17 for 6.

If I were in another province? The government store closes at 10, 11 Fridays and Saturday's, 6 on Sunday. There's laws in place setting a minimum price to curb alcoholism and all the staff are unionized, earning more than average workers.

Having the government run liquor sales, even distribution is retarded. I started homebrewing so I could enjoy beer at American prices.

My man

Sounds like your government is retarded.

deleware is an odd state, I think it's one of the few that have no sales tax whatsoever so the increased prices probably account for that

>Sounds like your government is retarded.

> ignorant 'Mericans calling other governments retarded. lol

Your government and your coprorations are the same thing, americuck. Why do you think the only ones allowed to run for president are TV stars?

California and Nevada is pretty cheap what you talkin bout?

That sounds fucking amazing as a twenty year old in America.
>can't buy cigarettes or booze and can't buy on Sunday either.

Canada faggots here.
Either buy Colt 45 for four bucks a can or go to Quebec.
Home brewing is king though.

No dude, you've been mishearing us.
It's "land of the fee"

Aren't they moving to privatize it though?


>americans are old enough at 18 to die for our friendly neighborhood zionists but we can't drink or smoke until we're 21 yo.
We sho' nuff free hyar!

>Doesn't include the additional 18% Johnstown flood tax

> implying the national debt will ever get paid

> implying the president should prioritize it over anything else

> implying it's anything more than an abstract concept with no tangible amounts owed to any specific nations

Wait that smoking law isn't just local to Ohio? I thought federal minimum smoking was still 18

If you can't buy alcohol 24/7 from a convenience store, you live in a shitty state.

>Then why live under a corrupt government?
>implying you have any choice or say, you don't even get a right to arms in some states like exactly what a corrupt government wants

>So I'm going to hand it over to someone who wants money and doesn't need to care about the people vs somebody who wants money and was elected for the people?
you mean taxes that you can't refuse (unlike a business which is voluntary)? you mean all the unelected bureaucracy, nepotism, special interest groups, corporate welfare, bailouts, subsidies, military-industrial complex? yeah no politicians are still human, having them elected by the generally retarded and apathetic masses doesn't make them any different. In fact it's worse, because all you need is 51% of the vote to tyrannize the rest of the 49% in a democracy, baby

>In current circumstances I'm going to trust the state over the corporation
is that why you're forced to surrender your income at gunpoint whether you like it or not, lest be fined and then be send to jail to get raped? of course you trust the state, it's stockholm syndrome at an early age unless you realize you're being milked for your money by the state as tax cattle for programs you can already voluntary pay for if you had the chance. but nope, gotta vote to have a politician and his corporate friends pocket your money because of empty lies he says haha

anyway price fixing of any kind distorts the market in the long run. Look up the Economic Calculation Problem. If the cost of alcohol is artificially fixed to be "cheap" for you, that may not actually reflect the true cost of alcohol manufacturing and drive businesses out the market, because you're saying the price of their good is just arbitrarily lower than it actually could be. Businesses have operational costs you know, and not all of them are state-sponsored megacorps that rob you before you even purchase a product from them. These smaller and local businesses still have to pay taxes, licenses, regulatory expenses, and a whole bunch of artificial overhead that adds up, hence why the price of beer is hiked up to reflect the artificially-added burden. Licences, regulation, and taxes sound sort of nice in theory, but really if your alcohol is shit then people would just stop buying it. If it's good, then people would keep voluntarily funding you to keep producing more of it. Try running your own business sometime, it just didn't have to be this way with all the state bullshit that make business difficult because megacorps lobby out the competition.

basically if you want actual sustainably cheap but effective beer in the long run, you need less government not nore. Just take a look at what happened with prohibition -- which was a state initiative -- it was a failure because people can just brew their own and sell it by black market at even more outragous prices rather than if they competed freely and openly.'

it is just short-sighted to think of the state as a wish-granting genie with no consequences, given that as an instition of violence it is fundamentally corrupt and paid for by force, not merit. God I hate the current state and state-sponsored megacorps, may they all burn in hell

you can also get beer and liquor in the same place. Also tell your state to learn to drive


Aren't Pennsylvania and Ohio the classic swing states?

610 checking in

I hear you man.

I can drive the hour to port huron and buy beer brewed right in my city cheaper than I can get it here. Even with the garbage exchange rate.

100% gay shit

>forgetting that Clinton actually had the national debt paid off
>and then Bush Jr ran it into the fucking ground
fucking christ I wish I could be underage again

a truck driver from bethlehem came to my job wearing a tshirt that said "grab america by the pussy"

You are from ontario

Lcbo staff are the worst. Beer store lets me go if I dont have a couple bucks. Lcbo wont sell me if im 25cents short.

>They had to completely change the color for my state
And we all voted for it

>Now why is state controlled liquor a bad thing?

Come to Utah you'll love it

This. I approve of state/national control of certain industries/markets, but doing it with booze hasn't worked in the US at all. Part of it is our history of Prohibition that still will not fucking die. I live in the ABC state of Ohio, where the taxes aren't TOO bad on spirits (not the best either), but because the State acquires and distributes liquor, the selection is fucking awful, and I can't go into a liquor store and request they order something. And the selection keeps getting worse all the time. Theoretically, the stronger purchasing power of a state monopoly would make rarer bottles available to the state's residents, but the problem is that the state only gives a shit about what makes them the most guaranteed money. So you can find Fireball and flavored Smirnoffs on every fucking street corner. But you want Sazerac? Mezcal? You can go eat a dick, just drink the gutter swill that the state allows you to have. And it's basically just bartenders in Columbus and Cleveland who have any power in pushing DLC to acquire anything unique or worthwhile. The rest of this state is fucking displaced Alabama hicks.

And they wonder why no one wants to live in fucking Ohio.

How do they get away with that? Won't people just drive to the next closest state and get their booze there?
We have a state monopoly (Alko) but I think their selection is pretty good.

Yeah, my county has their own liquor stores and the pricing is fantastic compared to other areas of the state. The county run stores all have the same stock, the same sales, etc. So anywhere you are in the county you'll find the same stuff.
And since they have a centralized inventory system if they're out of stock at your store they can look up where the closest store is with that particular bottle.

And they regularly have good shit on sale. Blue label for $150 sometimes, that type of shit.

>the virgin lolbertarian vs the Chad statist

>Won't people just drive to the next closest state and get their booze there?
Many do, especially the ones who live close to the border with West Virginia. I believe it's illegal, but I've never known anyone to get caught. A lot of people don't bother because making a long drive just for a booze run is rather inconvenient.

>Won't people just drive to the next closest state and get their booze there?
in pennsylvania, you technically had to pay taxes on any alcohol that you brought into the state. tons of people stocked up out of state without paying the tax and practically no one got in trouble. i think they abolished that law recently or at least were working on it.