How do I make my patties look like this?
How do I make my patties look like this?
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Cast iron, bro.
Butter, loosely packed beef patty, hot skillet, spatula to apply pressure and sear.
walk around with it between you ass cheeks, that's how they make 'em in restaurants
t. worked in mcdonalds
Course ground, don't overmix or shape, fry.
unironically this
smoking pan on medium high with a bit of oil, smash the patty down with a spatula, wait till a crust forms, scrape and flip.
You could preform them with a mold
Freeze them, and after cooking on a cast iron or stainless steel pan, should be good
not funny.
smash them when you are cooking them
shoot the beef at your pan through a fire hose
This sounds crazy but i swear it works.
I don't know, I sorta had a chuckle
What do you guys mean smash? I don't cook for shit, so idk what that means.
>smashed and overcooked
The bacon, cheese, and bun actually looks pretty good, though - but I'm drunk and hungry.
Achieving tasty malliard goodness by letting the meat brown in the juices you're slowly squeezing out of the burger while its in the pan by exerting pressure on the entire top of the burger.
Smashing the patties on the pan for a higher sear to meat ratio.
BBQ sauce or ketchup used in the pan near the last moments of cooking. Flip it a few times, to get the moisture out of the BBQ sauce/ketchup. Then put the cheese on and let it sizzle a bit longer.
>BBQ sauce
It is also the best way to test if the meat is fully cooked. If the water coming out is still pink it needs to cook longer, but the instant the water is clear, the meat is fully cooked. However, I prefer it well done for all those cripsy bits from pan so I cook it longer.
OP asked what makes that burger look like that and that is what you use to make it look like that.
What? You don't have to use any kind of sauce to create searing. It's just fat and/or oil and high heat.
That isn't just searing though.
Unless you're talking about the toppings, then yes it is.
git gud?
You don't know what you are looking at, kid. Do you even cook?
>sliced kraft 'cheese'
fucking ruined
i've been smashing burgers all my life.
How do they make it look so easy. I'm too retarded to do 90% of that.
that looks like a burnt pancake
no, you're not.
You all need to shut your fucking mouth. Working at McDonald’s doesn’t make you an expert in cooking up a crispy smash burger.
If I see one more fucking donkey post shit like “youve just smash Xd” I’m going to lose my fucking shite.
I got a kitchen aid heavy mixer a few weeks back, I absolutely need that attachment
i want a really crunchy, crusty sear
yes, it turns out tough and dry. but i drown my burgers in wet condiments to compensate.
instead of forming a patty in your hand you just squeeze it into a ball with 1 motion and slam it onto a hot pan and press it press it flat
hey man, more power to ya if that's the way ya like it. I prefer mine pink inside
Yes, and I've made burgers plenty of times like that without needing any sauce.
Doesn’t that dry it?
You are incorrect, sir. It was actually very fucking funny.
this guy knows, OP
kenji says you're not supposed to salt the meat before forming patties but otherwise this is a bangin vid
I do not eat beefburgers
Yes, it's a trade-off. Smashed burgers lose more juices but they have a tastier crust.
And of course, the juice loss can be made up with toppings and condiments.
Fuck that mutt, kenji, but it's true you shouldn't salt burgers until they start cooking.
This, but unironically
Prove it, ma'am.
What the fuck was that trash I just watched?
>A lazy piece of shit makes something, that resembles a hamburger, by smashing the shit out of it.
That beef looks too lean desu
Holy fuck this video is like the gold standard of garbage
>obvious mistake in the only written title in the whole video
>shitty quality
>music that doesn't fit
>senseless "instant replays"
>stock effect at the end
To top that all off it depicts someone making a ridiculous looking pile of dry ass meat and doesn't even have a shot of the final product. Mind-blowing
stomp on them