>whore of a wife refuses to make a batch of mirepoix
>push her down stairs
>she dies
What knife is best for dismembering the body? I was thinking about a filet knife.
Whore of a wife refuses to make a batch of mirepoix
She wasn't a very meaty woman.
Bad choice
You want a heavy bladed hunting knife with a spey blade and a boning saw
Snap the joints before cutting them to make it easier for the blade to pass through, just like butchering a chicken. Powertools make too much of a damned mess, use a heavy cleaver or a very sharp hatchet. Blame a Salvadorian.
Sharp cleaver
A standard boning knife should be more than adequate.
Like said, snapping the joints will help the blade slide through more easily.
>take notes, kids. make sure the slut you marry knows the joys of mirepoix.
a honesuki and a heavy cleaver
A great big slop of shit
Really though I'm done with this board, bye everyone
no one cares lol
see you tomorrow user
Benchmade Bedlam, $210 on amazon
Nah I'm back already
I wish you weren't.
>not disposing the body by first dissolving it using the perfect temperature control of a sous-vide
fucking pleb
Why do you know this
>wasting a perfectly fine knife on some whore
Just use a hatchet, it's not like you need fine cuts, next put her in a barrel of solvant for a few days, after that burn her bones on high temperature until they become fragile, then grind it up. Dispose of the remains as you see fit.
Reported to the fbi
pls no bully
A friend got a knife like in OP's pic.
I read in the description of the knife the notches in the surface are so that veggies wouldn't stick while slicing. Sliced some veggies, most would stick like to any knife. Sliced potatoes. The pressure caused the notches to act as suction cups. Halves of potato stuck to the knife so firmly I couldn't pull them off by hand, nor could slide them along the knife off the notches. Finally pried them off using another knife.
Superb invention. /s
get pushed down stairs
but my stairs only go up
Tbh, there are better ways to off someone, less messy too.
bones my man