crisps before burger or burger before crisps?
Crisps before burger or burger before crisps?
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fries on burger, then the rest of the fries until they get shitty and need to be tossed in the trash.
First, finger pinch a few fries, eat em alone to taste
Take a bite of burger alone to taste
After these two initial bites, I take a bite of the burger and after the first couple chews I also finger pinch fries and push them into my chewing mouth simultaneously eating them both effectively together, I continue this while occasionally swigging my drink until I am finished
what do you expect from a country that bows down to a wrinkly old woman and is obsessed with the most boring sport on the planet
Yeah that’s what i always say about soccer. No wonder people become violent.
>game lasts for more than an hour
>nothing happens
>only score once in a while, sometimes never
right, its fucking trash.
freedom fries before burger btw.
>not alternating
nice false dichotomy
i eat the chips first because they get cold faster. sometimes put some on the burger. british people are disgusting
> not alternating bites
Directions for consumption:
1. Eat 1/2 the burger
2. Eat 1/4 the fries
3. Eat the other half of the burger
4. Eat the other 3/4 the fries
its freedom fries
They don't call fries "crips" in bongland you mong. They call them "chips".
well they are fucking WRONG either way
its fries and chips
not chips and crisps
simultaneously ofcourse
>dat tooth to gum ratio
I do not eat beefburgers.
wait, which sport is that?
>They don't call fries "crips" in bongland
What about the Bloods tho?
At the same time, and if I have a milkshake with the meal, dip the rest of the fries in the shake.
divegrass aka football aka soccer
Crisps are chips in the UK not fries you obese moron
here's a few notes
brits call them chips
football isn't boring, it's actually extremely entertaining, assuming you don't have the attentionspan of a chicken.
You mean you weren't talking about cricket? How uneducated are you, user?
Handegg, Turnleft and Baseball are boring as fuck too and you're blinded by patriotism if you try and claim otherwise
same thing could be said about watching paint dry
crickets are insects dumbass
>soccer isn’t boring
Yes i to also love watching grass grow
Brits don't play baseball though
>bite of burger
>2-3 fries
If fries are left over, snack on them until they're gone, you're full or they're cold and soggy.
Euro here, you're correct about handegg and turnleft but baseball can be pretty interesting.
some fries, then burger, then the rest of the fries
I'm not surprised brainlets are easily entertained
take bite of burger and hold in 1 hand
alternate between fries and beverage
>not putting the fries into the burger and eating them simultaneously for maximum efficiency
What a convoluted way of saying "I alternate".
Crisps are chips, chips are fries.
Therefore, fries are crisps.
Makea sense to me.
>tossed in the trash.
Be a real Burger and put some fries inside the burger.
wanna pilot a pacific rim robot together?
>baseball, america's naptime more interesting than handegg
I mean both suck, the enlightened man watches UFC but you gotta be yanking my dick son.
Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay. Individual achievement is not a big factor in soccer. In a real sport, players fumble passes, throw bricks and drop fly balls -- all in front of a crowd. When baseball players strike out, they're standing alone at the plate. But there's also individual glory in home runs, touchdowns and slam-dunks.
In soccer, the blame is dispersed and almost no one scores anyway. There are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child's fragile self-esteem is bruised. There's a reason perpetually alarmed women are called "soccer moms," not "football moms."
Do they even have MVPs in soccer? Everyone just runs up and down the field and, every once in a while, a ball accidentally goes in.
> crisps
what the fuck is a crisp?
What's a computer?
>t. never watched a game
the only thing similar between watching grass grow and football is the grass itself.
you should learn the rules and watch a game before you spout nonsense.
and i'm a brainlet how? because i don't blindly say stupid shit like other on this very thread?
Fuck off /g/
rugby is the best sport in the world
you queers couldnt handle it without full body armour on
same time mong, you eat some burger, then you eat some fries, rinse and repeat
this way the burger won't be too mushy and fall apart when you eat it.
Also, keep the best part for the end
This is the ONLY right answer. Burger and fries are a combo because you eat them together. The natural starch in the potatoes added to a mouthful of burgers create the perfect harmony of flavours.
I honestly cant understand people who eat it separate.
i meet a guy who puts fries on the burger.
But i take a bite of the burger and a few bites of the fries before i swallow the food
my stepdads awesome in the way that he bought me food today when he went to hardys. woke up to a chicken sandwich and fries, he'd already ate. went to throw my wrapper away and found half of his fries he couldn't finish.
I'll have you know I'm from /sp/.
Anyway, I never get fries with my cheeseburger, always the chicken nuggets.
>football isn't boring
>cars doing >200mph literally inches from each other and a solid cement wall
I'm going to assume you're never actually been to a race in person and have only seen it on tv.
Alternate, as if there's any other way. What the fuck?
I doubt he has a TV. Europeons are taxed to even use them... tooth brushes too.
t. first time I've heard that one
a bit of both
I'd say burger first,then fries/crisps,then drink.
We call them crisps here in the USA now
mfw americans calls chipplywhipplydodads """"fries""""
are americans even human???
potato first desu
I don't even know why you fat faced child molesters are allowed to say crisps before you're placed in prison.
You eat a burger and fries together. Especially if it's from fucking mcshitburgers.
Stop molesting your children while drunk.
but... if I get them drunk first they cry less.
They're not drunk, you're drunk. They're still crying because you smell and taste like urine and the back of their throats doesn't seem to deter you.
I don't like ordering sides but if I did I would go after the crisps/fries because fried food goes passed its peak in no time. I'd still take occasional bites from the burger to enjoy it while it's hot as well though.
There's only one right answer and it's obvious
I'm ashamed this made me chuckle
Those are called fries. Even if you're British, "crisps" would be analogous to America's "chips", like Lays, Doritos, etc...
yes. yes.
Before during and after
You have a lot fries, there's no reason not to portion them right.