Why is real wasabi so damn expensive?

Why is real wasabi so damn expensive?

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its semi rare

It's a huge fucking pain in the ass to grow

Because there's so much of it.

Why do you think things in this world are expensive?

Why is fish on rice expensive?

You have to grow it in a stream bed in a very specific climate.

Hey there smoothskin

I've always wanted to try some ghoul. So many orifices.

True wasabi is not expensive as such. It is just that fake wasabi is cheaper - only by about 16% that the True stuff. See wasabi.org/fake-wasabi-cost for reasons.

Wasabi isn't that expensive in Japan, but its so bad everywhere else that they can over charge for exports

Great facts namefaggot. Poison tastes like candy.

time to go eat some horseradish
honestly whats the difference

nice shill

Authentic wasabi has a completely different flavor profile and mouthfeel. You have to actually try it to know.

Good luck with the wasabi farm

just eat some mustard instead, fucking weebs


Wait, so the green stuff you get at your local sushi place is fake?
What is it made from then?

Isn't wasabi also near impossible to transport fresh?

Because they use magic to remove bacteria and parasites from the fish without cooking it.

powdered horseradish mixed with water.
it's dirt cheap

Oh wow, never knew.
It's honestly not bad imo, to use horseradish instead of the real thing if the real thing would make the dish unreasonably expensive.
But in that case they should just be honest about it and call the mixture something other than wasabi.

It usually has some percentage of powdered wasabi but it's mostly horseradish. Therefore it's not an outright lie to call it "wasabi" paste.

Patrolling the majove almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

It's very picky about the weather it can grow in

Wasabi oxidizes very fast.

Corrupt food companies lie to us when they claim to sell us stuff like maple syrup too or kobe beef.

I also think a company had to be sued before they stopped calling their ice cream product, ice cream.

obnoxiously hard to grow and turns to bland mushy shit within about 12 seconds of preparing it
real wasabi is rare to find even in japan

Ive been to a wasabi farm. It has you grow pretty much underwater so thats probably why.

It actually isn't. Even in NJ/NY Mitsuwa markets it is pretty cheap.

Pretty sure the only places were it’s grown successfully in any meaningful quantity is the UK and Japan.

The problem is that recipes can't usually be copyrighted.
You can't own the right to selling maple syrup since it is just a combination of various ingredients than anyone could buy and combine themselves.
Because Nintendo owns the rights to Super Mario they can sue you if you try to sell anything that uses that name.
It doesn't work like that with wasabi since anyone can grow that stuff and sell the paste. And if you call it wasabi paste it doesn't even have to be 100% wasabi in there.

It’s folded 1000 times

This whole thread is full of non facts..... way to go.


Found US grown wasabi.

If you're too dumb to examine the food you eat to make sure you're getting exactly what you want you deserve to be swindled by snake oil salesmen.

>Why is real wasabi so damn expensive?

Wasabi leaves are actually poisonous so most wasabi farmers can only farm wasabi for a year, before having to rotate crops; meaning you only yield half your acreage due to rotation. Farmers that risk not rotating often get fatal liver toxicity and many die.

Unless the government regulates it. But the government is on their side, thus they allow these companies to blatantly lie.

It happens less so in Europe.

lol its not expensive unless you're a poorfag

It only grows in certain conditions, running streams and hillsides, which cost a lot to recreate.

-Despite weeb opinions, it's not so good as to interest developed countries enough to grow it*
-It's hard af to grow in the wrong climate, and it isn't very profitable to do so. Most poor countries don't have the right climate for it, making it a very shitty cash crop.

So most wasabi is grown in Japan, and it's rare.
This makes it so that import wasabi is very pricy.
On the other hand, it's not that expensive in Japan.

*I'm not saying it's not good, just not enough to interest the mass public


>dumb weeb thought he was eating real wasabi

wasabi, ginseng and truffle are the most complicated things to grow. to this date wasabi was not successfuly cultivated outside of japan.
also it rots really quickly.
Tbh it does not taste better than horseradish, it tastes a tiny bit different, but its not better by any stretch

Do we have a market for real wasabi in USA? I've always wanted to farm
Just this spoon feed and I'll work out the rest

Because it takes 50 years of samurai training to properly make.

can they just breed variety that grow in other climate? When I see the miracles of cabbages or even tomatoes I'm surprise the sushi fad isn't funelling some money into getting something they would label "the true stuff" and overcharge even more

Yeah, higher end sushi restaurants use the real stuff with their sharkskin graters


Good for your health apparently. Maybe you can sell to the Whole Foods crowd.

Wanting to say "Quality post" for such a fine wasabi link
Only with the comment about wbole foods really disapoints

Only cocksuckers and creepy people say mouthfeel, just say texture like a normal human.

You're posting on Veeky Forums sport. There's no room here for anyone to be claiming they're normal.

Jiro dreams of you being found dead impaled on your 14" horse dildo.


Carrots and coconut flesh have exactly the same texture but very different mouthfeel.
Hint: coconut flesh is oily. Carrots are not.

1000 times folded bushido used in combining the ingredients

Weeb tax

Those bumps look like the bumps under the head of my penis.

>These pizzas so hot, almost makes ya wish for nuclear winter ehhhhhhhh

Plenty of normal people post and lurk on *chans.

>Plenty of weird people in denial post and lurk on *chans
And they've been a plague on us since


ever tried grating some wasabi with it?

This! Everybody should be the same and think the same and like my posts on facebook and vote for Hillary Clinton because being unique and thinking for your self is bad. Also buy stuff.

I should give it a go then beer back ur mom haha fgt.

Pearlbro what do you do when it starts itching.

They haven't itched before. I only notice the bumps when I'm wanking in the mirror tbqh.

Wow user! You browse Veeky Forums?
You're so quirky and interesting that you browse a copy of a Japanese image board, lol you could even say "you're a big guy" XD

Jiro dreams of you being found dead impaled on your 14" horse dildo.

Its hard to grow and horseradish paste with green dye is much easier and tastes exactly the same.

>Wasabi is a pepper root
>Its described as strong when its just pepper, not chili

Not when its grown in a country thats focusing on 200% donut steel orginality.
Thats merely how Japan is

>Wasabi leaves are actually poisonous so most wasabi farmers can only farm wasabi for a year, before having to rotate crops; meaning you only yield half your acreage due to rotation. Farmers that risk not rotating often get fatal liver toxicity and many die.
[Citation needed]
But seriously, if you're not memeing, I'd like to read about that.

>>Wasabi is a pepper root
>>Its described as strong when its just pepper, not chili
U w0t m8?
Pepper is Piperaceae, Wasabi is Brassicaceae and Chili is Solanaceae. I'm no Biologist, but I think they are quite far apart from each other. Wasabi is closer to cabbage than it is to pepper.

>You browse Veeky Forums?
No, because Rule 1.

god that ghoulish skeleton face always freaks me out

go to youtube and search for beginning japanology wasabi and find out.

He doesn't know what he's talking about. People even consume wasabi leaves since they are spicy as well.

But aren't wasabis some sort of peas?

It's not as long as you aren't being autistic about it.

That's the herp my dude pearls don't itch

Because it's grown on a moist hill in Japan. It has to be constantly maintained. and even then, if you get it, you have to be careful cause once you use it that's it. Meaning that it goes bad in minutes if you dont eat it.

Because Joey ate all of it creating a shortage

Because the plant itself is a little bitch.
> What, you try to grow me OUTSIDE of running clear water of precisely the correct deapth, temperature and mineral content?
>Ok, you did not try that. BUT you sneezed to loud, guess I'll die. Good luck with the next harvest, snatch eyed fag.

>Caring about the rules

rules 1 and 2 refer to raids dingus