>Yes, sir! We have sushi!
Yes, sir! We have sushi!
meh. i some times get spicy tuna and a bag of chips. grocery sushi isn't bad, but not great. trader joe's sushi looks like shit though.
Because this raw fish and rice tastes so much worse than raw fish and rice prepared in front of you by the celestial cold-hands sperg master slee hundled dorra nip whose small cock you want to swallow like a california roll you weeb faggot. Jap food is the most over-rated shit out there.
what are they laying on diamonds?
this stuff is ok sometimes. But the stores nearby stopped stocking the good stuff like eel and simple nigiri because idiots prefer california rolls and shit covered in fried onions and mango.
I'll take the California roll please
Stop kidding yourselves people. The shit in the OP is like trying to eat a microwaved cheeseburger. It is fucking terrible when compared to the real thing made properly.
because it's some baller ass sushi
lol It is pretend ice to make people think the raw fish is laying on a pile of ice and won't go bad
Why are the prices always so fucking high. I can go to a sushi place a mile from me and get $3 rolls all day but at Kroger the sushi is $8-9 a roll and subpar, insanity.
This stuff is actually reasonably priced, most of the super market sushi I see is like $10+ for what amounts to maybe two rolls which is ridiculous when I can hit up a buffet for $20+tip and eat made to order sushi until I'm ready to fucking kill myself
>12.49 for raw fish and rice
Harris Teeter sushi sucks.
I miss Wegman's sushi. It was unironically good for grocery store sushi and they actually had nigiri that wasn't salmon or tuna.
Publix is okay.
I get this all of time when I'm at Krogers. I have to eat it in the basement though because everyone in the house has seafood allergies.
Fresh Market and Kroger sushi is pretty ok
It is mostly rice too.
>reasonably priced
Maybe for a flyover state without access to water.
western new yorker here. people don't know about that wegmans food. I've had sushi from restaurants and in that store and it's about identical. I assume the rest of the country's store sushi tastes like ass. shame
You get it for the convenience, retard.
Smoked salmon master race
You mean covered in sriracha mayo and corn flakes
The sushi at Publix is actually good. Don't be rude.
>friend says he hates sushi
>has only had grocery store sushi
>I assume the rest of the country's store sushi tastes like ass
You'd be right in most cases, but for some you'd be wrong. Nijiya markets (CA, HI, and NY) make great in house sushi, but it is to be expected since they are a Japanese chain. Another local grocery store gets fresh sushi delivered daily from a Japanese focused catering company.
But yeah the three large chain grocery stores in my area all have mediocre to crap sushi. I'd assume there are others with good sushi, probably in Seattle, the SF bay and LA areas.
same but I think it tasted okay. Overpriced as shit tho.
>go to Asian store
>fridge full of overpriced sushi
>people buying 8 rolls
>they sell all the ingredients to make sushi
>they use the ingredients they sell to make sushi to make sushi
>they use the same fish they sell but the bad parts
>you can easily make the same fucking sushi they sell for a fraction of a fraction
>people buy 8 rolls
>they openly talk about how cheap it is
>there is a rack with all the ingredients to make sushi plus wasabi and sasses
>it has a big sign that says sushi
Is that some dang ol sushi from the K. Roger?
When I worked for a grocery store, this fat old cat lady came up me and started bitching at me about how our sushi has artificial colors in it. I told her I had no control over that, as I was a lowly stockboy and it was an outside company. I then informed her that most foods that people eat have dyes in them to make them look more appetizing. Total bitch, but the sushi was pretty good for the price.
That goes for practically every pre-prepared meal.
I mean fucking pizza slices cost more to plate than to make.
The design of sushi is such that you can eat it on the go. That's the point of it. It's a silly food to be making for yourself at home, unless you're taking it to work or something.
Am I filthy gajin for eating nothing but California rolls and Philadelphia rolls? They are like crack for me.
8 rolls tho
hell i have seen full carts
they are clearly buying it for some sorth event or something
at least you have to cook pizza, sushi is just boiling rice
12.49 an ounce, white piggu
That guy will take 300$ before making you enter the restaurant
Unironically true
You people are so fucking weird. Do you all live in rural states? Are you all just generic undereducated people? You just all sound like assholes that can't cope with anything other than Wisconsin cheese.
Are white people in America genuinely this bad, or are you trolling?
watching a a rice-cooker or turning on a stone plate, neither's a impressive feat of cookery.
And at lunch-deal level (the only one Veeky Forums will ever spring for) yeah pizzas the more skill intensive of the two.
why do flyovers have to post how cheap things are in their shithole?
Pizza is laying shit on a flat bread. Sushi is work. Cook it, vinegar it, dry it, place the nori, cut the nori, pack the rice, "after cutting all the veg", place the fucking veg, then quarter roll it until the entire roll comes together.
You idiots don't cook a damn thing. You're all kids. Start admitting you're fucking morons and you'll start enjoying your lives better.
Yeah, all I ever really want is plain nigiri, but I all I find is california roll bullshit.
best nigiri is tuna nigiri.
I love me some california rolls
Like $5-6 at safeway and always taste good
That's proper shushi though, not the cheap shit, that's made with with rice molds, vinegar spray bottles, slapchop veg, nori roller with pre-cut gouges for mathematical thickness.
Well, when demand is very high, then you can increase the price. He is doing the right thing.
Is that a sushi themed dessert?
Looks like fruits and vanilla custard
The fresh sushi at our local gas station in north dakota is great but a little over priced and I make six figures
Nedless to say that I love Sushi. It tastes fantastic and looks beautiful. Preparing Sushi is labor intensive and hence the price-tag that so many here in Veeky Forums keep complaining about. Making Sushi is also time consuming and some restaurants would simply not be able to serve all the customers lining up - that is why some Sushi restaurants increase the price until the number of customers are filtered out to the point where the Sushi chef manages to handle the demand.
No, those are main courses. I believe the egg Sushi is eaten last as a desert of sorts.
"Flyover" is the new "Americans", O B S E S S E D
Yeah, we all know that the old vampire is good at what he does.
i admit that i cant be bothered to roll sushi so i just make sushi "salad" and et it off a plate like an animal
there are these plastic things that roll it for you, i think i saw some at the asian store next to the banana thingy and the money counter
>there are these plastic things that roll it for you, i think i saw some at the asian store next to the banana thingy and the money counter
Is this a alternative way of saying "So a Thai, a Negro and a Jew were at a Asian market..."
they sell all sorth of useless crap
the only thing i ever bought is the grab stick, i love that thing, cant stand too much weight tho
I'd still eat it
I really ought to get a pair of cooking chops and a a set of lazy eating sticks.
>Triggered by successful businessman charging what the market will bear for his product
Commie scum
>thinking something is overpriced and spending your money elsewhere is communism
Jesus, you again? Did a Jap bayonet your grandmother or something?
Jiro dreams of you being found dead impaled on your 16" horse dildo.
>not being a communist worker and taking control of the food production
It's as if you enjoy slavery. *Sigh* some jews voted for hitler too.
Only the tuna in this photo can be saved.
Yes. The worst kind of mofos are those Who eat californias... Fucking mangoes.
sauce on these threads? Can't find them on warosu
Who gives a fuck if it was? I'm not paying for expensive shit that isn't worth it.
/out/ I think
>banana thingy
I am intrigued now. what is this
>People pay more for prepared food than spending the time to make it themselves
Something isn't overpriced if lots of people are willing to pay the asking price.
Lots of people aren't willing, too. Just because people are buying something doesn't mean it can't be overpriced to someone else.
Ay! Quit complaining! Not everyone is equally poor as you are!
It's not so cheap once you factor in we get paid less, so it evens out.
>X should be really cheap, why the fuck is it so expensive?!
>Workers are still not paid enough, raise the minomum wage so the artificial production/employment cost can continue inflating the price of things
what's this...?
>Jiro dreams of you being found dead impaled on your 16" horse dildo.
Fuck off back to /p/
Sushi is for plebs and thots which Veeky Forums is completely flooded with these days.
>Jiro dreams of you being found dead impaled on your 16" horse dildo.
you realize all of those are handmade right? there was a sushi chef in the supermarket i worked in. all she did was make those sushi boxes
Kroger sushi is actually pretty good.
Also if the people working back there are still on shift they'll make stuff on request.
Veeky Forums is filled with midwest retards.
I was going to write a bitchy, ugly post, but it's not worth it.
> doesn’t understand the difference between communism, socialism, and capitalism.
College kids these days.
Then almost everything can be considered overpriced because theres always a poor cunt who wont buy things.
Sushi makes my mouth itchy.
Handmade doesnt make them good if the ingredients are both shitty for sushi and not good quality.
I'd eat that. And I'd enjoy it.
Is there something wrong with me?
>all those sushi rice sweetend with trehalose ready to trigger fatal C. difficile proliferation in your intestine
kys whores
Look, I'm from Australia, so I don't know anything about Minnesota or Wisconsin. But I do know that you need to be more polite- America didn't have to take you in from Somalia. Have some respect.
More specifically, otoro (fatty tuna).
this stuff is generic but okay. I actually like looking at the sushi fridge when I can in a supermarket to see what people take; grading people by their taste and yeah they're normies to the max.
cali, and shrimps rolls always go first, followed by tuna and anything with brown rice(>fell for the brown rice is healthier meme). Then its usually whatevers left. The eel roll, crunchy roll and anything squid/kalamari tend to be left alone though, on occasion the spicy rolls if its not a busy day.
>be work at sushi restaurant
>go to grocery store after work
>refrigerated grocery store sushi is more expensive than fresh restaurant sushi
>being so poor that you can't even afford to cook your fish
Sushi is for uncultured savages
they sell this at the grocery store i work at. im never eating it again. it was cold and hard
i like the orange mayo sauce
Lurk moar, faggot
>it was cold