Is vodka the worst thing ever invented?
>Tastes like nothing
>Smells like rubbing alcohol
>Is literally poison
>Only drunk by alcoholics and sorority girls; the dregs of society.
Is vodka the worst thing ever invented?
>Tastes like nothing
>Smells like rubbing alcohol
>Is literally poison
>Only drunk by alcoholics and sorority girls; the dregs of society.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Shitting on alcoholics on Veeky Forums
>being a degenerate sub human
We all float down here.
Your trip should be Randle
Because u can't handle, bitch
I fucking HATE vodka.
I will drink almost everything I hate, just to get hammered... but I will never drink vodka ever... EVER.
I had one bad experience (whole 70cl bottle in about an hour) and the vomiting didn't stop for 2 days, never again... just put me off forever.
better than wine
It is absolut-ly the worst.
>Is literally poison
And other types of liquor aren't? How is vodka any different in this regard?
Only fags can't drink vodka without getting fucked
There are some nice vodkas with good flavor. Just need to know the grain used
Well, you're not supposed to drink that much in such a short time, retard.
Cheap, and it gets you drunk.
Drink bourbon instead
>whole 70cl bottle in about an hour
don't drink it straight then. Use it in some mixed drinks.
Fuck off, 'ya butthurt whisky faggots.
If you drink absolut of course you will think it is all shit.
its k but theres a huge difference between good and bad, bad vodka will ruin your evening
Good vodka (eg. Stolichnaya, Russian Standard) is good when used correctly (eg. a bloody mary, screwdriver, Moscow mule).
To be fair to OP, I was in my 30s before I realised this.
You're an idiot but you have good taste in vodka
>Tastes like nothing
That's literally the point of (decent) vodka and it's the exact reason why I prefer it over other drinks. Can't really say I enjoy the taste of all those other drinks, especially because I never mix it with other stuff. But I don't drink often anyway, so there's that.
back to your containment board
Vodka shouldn't taste like much if anything at all
I imagine you're a early 20-something faggot that has a box of cigars and thinks the only classy drinks are ones you see hipsters drink.
C’mon dude when you need to drink lots, that has the least sugar content and you don’t smell like it. It’s really hard to reek of vodka, but you’ll broadcast rum/whiskey/beer/wine/gin from ten feet away.
I used to hate it, but I’ve learned to love.
>It’s really hard to reek of vodka
my friends always told me that "i reek of vodka and smoke" every time i drunk before going to school
Well congrats, dude. You either went really hard, or don’t know how to brush your teeth and chew some cinnamon gum.
Additionally, I can smell other liquors sweating out of me like if you eat a bag of onions as if they were apples.
Ethanol is still going to come out of the pores of your skin. You're going to smell homeless either way.
I actually didn't really enjoy the flavor of that stuff.
You can totally smell vodka sweat.
It is if you drink cheap shit. It isn't if you drink stuff where people actually care while making it.
I like vodka
This be more accepting op :) its OK to be a drain to society
fucking finally
>drinks retarded amount of alcoholic beverage
>blames the beverage
Most all extracts are made with vodka.
>Drinking vodka makes you a drain to society
>Caring about "society"
>Being a little bitch
Thats exactly what my recycling bin looks like.
Vodka is generally smooth, neutral-flavored, and thus mixes well with other flavors. Without vodka, there's no bloody mary. I also like to have vodka with dense bread and pickles.
I drunk 70cl of vodka last night. Woke up drunk, tried to vomit to cure the nausea but nothing would come out. Just waiting around until I'm sober so I can go buy pizza.
I'll never drink again for at least 5 days.
Smirnoff is all marketing, and tastes awful. Of name brand mid-priced vodkas, only Finlandia is worse. Skyy is bad too. Abolut is okay, but kinda thick and syrupy.
I usually go with Russian Standard, or Luksusowa. Stoli if I'm bringing it to a party and people want something they recognize.
Nigger I drink a lot of vodka and I 100% guaranteed have a more positive effect on society with the amount of tax I pay alone than you ever will. Stop being a bitter faggot
>>Tastes like nothing
Says you and your shitty palate. It tastes like whatever it was distilled from, even if it is triple distilled. it matters to the end product to taste creamy, grassy, or grainy.
>>Only drunk by alcoholics and sorority girls; the dregs of society.
Typically consumed by people who understand science, nutrition and their bodies. Bodybuilders, celebrities, people with demanding careers who party on a schedule, people who stay fit vodka for a good reason. It's a carb thing. It if you don't understand the mechanics of feeling your best on a continuum of time, you are just babby's first rant thread. Grow up a little.
>I had one bad experience (whole 70cl bottle in about an hour) and the vomiting didn't stop for 2 days, never again... just put me off forever.
You body is smart like that. It associated the unique taste of vodka to that experience of poisoning, even if it was related to food you ate that night or even the flu occurring concomittantly, irregardless of the reason of the poisoning, bringing a whiff of vodka near your mouth again could cause a shudder and very ill feeling if you attempt to drink it anyway. Vodka has a particular smell. You can condition yourself to get past it, though. It will take a long time, however.
>Vodka is generally smooth, neutral-flavored, and thus mixes well with other flavors. Without vodka, there's no bloody mary. I also like to have vodka with dense bread and pickles.
I prefer tequila in a blood maria. I think it simply pairs more naturally. Try it with reposado.
>not a big drinker
>figure I'll try this 20usd koskenkorva
>it's really delicious
Wish I'd knew earlier.
It reminds me of sake, love the oily character. Kind of thicker than just water.
even the shittiest vodka has NOTHING on pic related
I don't get how people can get drunk on that stuff. I've tried the top shelf stuff, and while fragrant, it's still just barely palatable. For all the good food that China has, spirits are the shame of my motherland.
People will drink soju, and sake is revered, but good luck getting anyone to try a Chinese liquor when it scorches their throat and has a nasty aroma while doing it. I hope to see the day when trendy nightclubs will have bottleservice that has something Chinese alongside vodka, rum, and tequila.
I wish you died you colossal idiot.
>Smirnoff is all marketing
The marketing is why I boycotted that shit
My first Baijiu experiences have been with the really shitty stuff that would be better suited as paint thinner
The nicer stuff is actually really drinkable once your tipsy, however even the nice stuff is up there with being the last thing I want to drink to get the night started
>Tastes like nothing
That's why it's favored by alcoholics. It's our water.
I like it be honest.
Add some lime juice, and it's nice sipping drink.
Baiju takes a lot of getting used to.
Eventually you learn to drink it like water.
Only then will the chinese accept you.
As a seasoned alchy I can tell you that it makes literally 0 difference aside from tasting like shit.
i'm 31 and exclusively drink vodka.
i have no idea what brandy, scotch, white wine, malt liquour, and tequila taste like.
i've had beer, red wine, cheap port, cheap bourbon, and rum. i don't care for them.
>tfw youll never be 15 again drinking 7up & vodka at a house party
This picture gave my liver a heart attack
Those probably collected over a few months. It's crazy when you see it all at once.
That would be Whiskey or Gin actually.
best cheap vodka
Eristoff is my to go vodka / liquor from now on. It's reasonable priced and tastes ten times better than the 32 Bucks whiskey i had yesterday. Fucking Dimple's.
>good vodka is supposed to taste like nothing
Might as well just used diluted grain alcohol.
But... that doesn't taste like nothing.
>can’t handle vodka
>literally tastes like nothing with a hint of ethanol
>I'll never drink again for at least 5 days.
Best post on Veeky Forums, right here.
Man this is fucking disgusting, you have terrible taste if you think this is good 'vodka'
My go to vodka. You guys are alright
where is the fucking alcoholics thread
Dripping Springs is a good brand.
>ITT: real niggas and wimpy babies
What's the best mixers with vodka? Sprite, coke, redbull... literally every soft drink and energy drink all taste foul cause they are SO sweet.
Should I open it?
No. It's the base ingredient for gin.
vodka tastes good on pepsi idk wym
i personally hate it but my ol lady loves it and doesnt mind me putting it in her butt when shes drank enough so i buy her a bottle when i buy bourbon.
soda water plus lime\lemon
cranberry juice
I hope you have something else to drink as well
>Tastes like nothing
>bad thing
>shilling vodka over other drinks because it doesn't make you smell
>"b-but you still have to chew gum and shower and brush your teeth and do the laundry"
Fuck you mom
That's the fake version. That one is literally flavored vodka and you can't buy the real one anywhere in the US or Canada.
If it has ŻU printed on the cap or anywhere on the label is the shitty flavored one
>drinking vodka straight
Vodka is for cocktails only
At worst I'd let something like vodka tonic slide but even those are horrid.
>t. Hipster or woman
Vodka is fine straight. Then again, I drink cheap ass gin straight so it is literally water at this point.
baijiu tastes and smells like what i'd imagine old chinese man ball sweat tastes and smells like
t. lived in shanghai for 6 months
Vodka is literally the one alcoholic beverage I can't stand.
I don't mind wiskey, rum, or brandy, but vodka is just absolutely disgusting, even when diluted and mixed.
God, I hate millenials.
Yet, you are one. Strange.
really, I'm not in USA or Can but I'll take a look next time i buy a bottle.
Image was just google search so there's a chance i just posted the wrong one.
Yeah if it haa ŻU anywhere on the bottle by itself its the crappy flavored vodka version of the real thing. Also the gras is plastic in those bottles.
Sobieski vodka is cheap and tastes fine drinking it straight.
Most vodkas in the US are made from shit ingredients and taste horrible by themselves because most people mix vodka in drinks.
good post
>mfw OP has me reconsidering the feudal system
perhaps the same could be said of all alcohols...
>$12 handles
>completely neutral and inoffensive
>mixes with anything with no detectable off flavor
>indestructible plastic bottle
Why is Popov so perfect?