How to preserve large amount of raw meat? I do not have a freezer

How to preserve large amount of raw meat? I do not have a freezer.

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Make jerky.


slice thin and pack in salt

won't it just get very salty?

maybe you could ferment it like kimchi

How much does it cost to get a freezer?

confit is a preservation technique.

How do you connect electricity to a house you're squating in?

small freezer is like 130+

or 40 bucks on craigslist. The hardest part is transporting it.

Get a job

I second this. I believe something extremely spicy would work as well. You need something antimicrobial.

buy a freezer/dont buy large amounts of meat

Get a job, rent an apartment with a freezer

Do you live near a lake or river? You could seal it in a bag and submerge it in the river to keep it cool.

it lasts longer if you cook it. you did'nt sayhow much you have.

Salt works because there is no free water for the bacteria.
Vinegar works because bacteria dislike high-acidity enviroments.
Canning works because pretty much all bacteria are dead after the procedure.

Nigs go and stay go

Black peeper

It will last for 12 days.

Maybe start being a functioning member of society.

Damn I wish I had a "making crystals" type infographic on how to steal power right now.

It's so easy to trap poor people. lol so dumb.

By stealing the neighbors. God damn I can't believe a nigger like you wouldn't think of this.

So nobody thinks OP is trying to preserve a human corpse he killed?

cut into small pieces and fry it, then refrigerate it, might even last for a week.

Nice user, keep fighting the good fight

Fair point. Why would a hobo living in a condemned building need to store a large amount of meat?

>Can you show me your bag?
>Yes officer.
>What would you need that much salt for?

Read the thread user, nothing that involves electricity

Can you smoke it?

Receiving stuff back after arrest:
>1 copy of mummification for dummies
>1 case of mummification related instruments
>a bag of bandages
>a coupon for a crypt space in a stone sarcophagus

You sound like a fucking idiot, my friend.

Pack it in lard.

he can fry it and put it on the window sill then

>preserving evidence against you.
Most murderers want the evidence gone, not preserved.

Clearly you've never disposed of a body. It's neither convenient nor quick and that niggas will start to stick very soon

>Not owning a cow-sized meat grinder.


No he's a sick fetishist like Ed Gein.

Na, disposed of many dead hookers.
Lime and plastic is your enemy, that combination preserved enough evidence to put away many mob assassins

I get your question,OP, but a deep freezer is under $150, and that equates to very little meat, comparatively speaking. Most people do in fact just get to the point that they buy a deep freezer because it does save money. You are able to pop in a couple of Turkeys when on sale, stock up during buy one-get one sales.

If it's just about protein, you can pickle eggs, hardly anything you'd be doing to save money though, but just because they are a delicious craft food snack. Jerky, also, though delicious doesn't have some amazing shelf life when it isn't packed with dessicants and vacuum sealing. It's not all that. You could make homemade bacon and country hams, like if you had a farm, or pickled ham hocks. Your own corned beef will preserve a while.

Since honey doesn't spoil, could he submerge it all in honey?

No because of the bacteria already on/in the meat.

They seem more expensive.

(YFW websites seldomly list power draw. Are you insane Americans?)
estimated 218 kWh a year

~170$ + 218 kWh/year * 0.12$/kWh =
~170$ + ~26,16$/year
5y --> ~170$ + ~130,8$ = 300,8$ -> 60,16$ / year -> ~5$/month
10y --> ~431,6$ -> ~43,16$/year -> 3,60$ / month

TCO should obviously be higher.

So it advertises as 5 cu feet volume. Though that is probably not fully usable. Is 4 cu feet realistic? Is that even a useful amount? How much space does shit take? It is to buffer food when it is cheap right? Then there is the matter of transporting it without disrupting the cooling chain? Maybe getting a delivery from a butcher or simply buying more would suffice? Learning to butcher stuff yourself might pay. Though getting a cooled room to butcher has it's own difficulties.

>let me just squeeze some lime juice over Tony's body before we bury it