strong growing community edition
/deenz/ general
Christian stop posting these threads
>tfw allergic to sardines
Shut the fuck up, Danny.
Do you think they were friends?
what are...friends, human?
Haha "deenz" !!! Wow haha silly word. My dad would love this thread! DEENZ! whew
Fuck... just started thinking about how Ben would have loved these threads...
Chicken of the Sea is budget.
I miss Ben ever since he moved to Washington. How's your mom Greg?
trash tier
guys I'm eating sardines so I can be a deenz boy like you all but if I am being honest with you they are pretty gross
Is there a tier list for sardines
Am I a pleb for liking these? The sauce is great
/white anchovies/ lads
Put one on a cracker, add hot sauce on top
I hope so. Fucking friend-having normies deserve to be eaten
nah they're great
I like to eat a tin with some rice
Just ate a can boys... they were god tier.
OP i have never had deenz or chovies, what should i be looking for when buying?
oh I was just eating them like a seagull would
hot sauce and crackers... hmmm you think I could make nachos and just slip some deenz on top of that?
Bought into the meme first time ever having these what should I expect? Eat straight out of the tin?
Terrible fish smell and a flavor you need getting used to.
And you don't want to eat canned foods too often because of the poisons... Dead on arrival food.
sardines and a small bowl of rice masterrace
It would be extremely painful. Idk, might be good. Even if they're nasty, try to eat them at least once a week because they're a godfood that will keep you healthy into old age.
Also, next time try kipper snacks instead. They're a bit smokier and saltier, and doesn't actually look like tiny fish, its a filet. Even my kids love kippers and they hate sardines, so try it out.
A drop or two of soy sauce would nice in that.
brah not exactly, just a normal fish smell like tuna
also, what poisons you gonna find in a can of deenz, bro? worst out there is botulism and that's pretty rare broham.
eat em on lance cream cheese and chive crackers with a pinch of thinly sliced raw cayenne, bro.
All will come to Order and sit.
First order of business.
1. How to STOP fish oil from splashing on you when you pop a new tin of deenz
WE need an exploritory committee to begin research immediately
Budget Tier
Good in a pinch
1$ a tin
good with crackers for lunch
whoa hold up bra, I'm too busy cracking my first can, sorry I'm late but I need my deenz fix for the day
/30daysofdeenz/ challenge
Render your findings with this committee or be stripped of your Deenz membership entitlements package!
Her cancer is in remission. Thanks for asking.
sardeenz and jalapeno rings, mucho picante and a little fishy flavor
Mindblowing how the same company can source from such different places. Pic related are from China, while their brislings in olive oil are from Scotland. A lot of the more "luxury" brands seem to source from SEA, while good old Brunswick is primarily from Canada.
Eating them straight up is pretty tough, but you get used to it if it's for sustenance. Try them like other anons recommend, but it helps to get used to eating out of the can if you ever need to. Deenz and kippers are my go to meal if I need to eat but dont have the energy to
I live on the Gulf Coast and just the other week was when I tried my first raw oyster.
I just got a can of Roland sardines because they were the cheapest. I'm afraid to eat them however. Advice?
I got some kippered herring, how do they differentiate from sardines? Afraid to open them.
sardines are just small herrings with their heads and asses cut off, kippers are smoked herring fillets
Rate my /deenz/
>inb4 ecofag tier
Larger, saltier, smokier. Most people find them tastier than sardines.
Same health benefits though?
A lot of of people here seem to eat these for lunch. The cans i have seem pretty low calorie. What do you eat them with? Just crackers?
I make them into a salad i.e. tuna salad but substituted with deenz. I then put it on salad greens, or crackers if I'm feeling saucy
I thought you guys and these threads were ridiculous, and then I picked up a tin of these and tried them. Holy Shit!
>deenz life 2018
these generals have my blessing. choviez > deenz though
Can you actually elaborate on your recipe? This sounds good
As with any recipe that calls for ingredients to simply be combined and mixed together, I have no set measurements. I will say that I make two tins worth of deen salad per week. recipe as follows:
I add about two tins worth of deens, about a single cupped hand worth of mayo, a few tablespoons of the mustard of your choice, a palm's worth of finely diced onion, another palm's worth of giardiniera (or relish if you haven't any giardiniera), a splash of hot sauce(optional), and black pepper to taste.
This is just a general approximation. I taste my creation along the way to see where I'm at with the dish. I hope I was of help.
Just tried deenz tonight for the first time.
Went with the boneless skinless and honestly it was just fucking tuna on a cracker...
Im assuming the only way to really deal with these is straight up tiny fish, bone in, basic as fuck, to really enjoy what they are.
Better luck next time I guess. Any advice?
Honestly if you felt they were like tuna you're probably ahead of 90% of people on the sardine enjoyment scale.
make a nice deenz soup
they're great in cup noodles or spaghetti.
Hi, i'm italiano, i really like sandines and i'd be glad to join this movement but i'm not suchban expert, what should i do? How should i eaty my sandrines? What do you experts suggest?
Just had some King Oscar kippers on toasted bread with some Thai chili sauce. Great lunch. They were smokier than I remember.
What do y'all think of SPRATS?
They're deenz's baltic cousin
hahaha btfo genelet
I'm sorry but you can't be in this thread
They go well in mac n cheese, too. If you can bake them on something like pizza I would recommend it.
Are you from Sardeenia?
So good the Russian government gets jealous.
Lunch today
Tell Janice I said hi.
do you eat it whole or discard the tail
>the tail
That's a cracker.
Once I discovered these, I bought 4 cans every shopping trip. They are fantastic on german rye with fried eggs and hot sauce.
Serve with vodka for cheeki breeki
>When you eat during golden hour
In terms of Omega-3s yes
whats the stance of deenzposters towards fresh sardines/anchovies? cheapest fish available and very nice for cooking
Bought a can of herring in dill-herb sauce, how did I do?
Evening brothers
Had a can of King Oscar's Mediterranean style sardines with some whole wheat bread and butter and a cup of coffee. Came with olives in the can with red pepper, garlic, and olive oil. Olives were delicious, and I ate the rest pretty fast. Hadn't had any canned deenz in a while, these threads gave me a hankering.
Forgot my pic of the aftermath in my nasty apartment
Ordered a pack of these since they were cheap. Is it good for a cheap light diner?
Looks tasty, user!
Ocean Prince isn't too bad for the cost. There is better out there but it will do.
I've only tried the smoked ones in oil but thought they were very nice. If you can get them for ~$2 a can it's a steal.
I wonder just how many royal-sounding brands of deenz are out there.
this is one of the only brands i wont eat, totally mushy and nasty, hated it
My local supermarket recently stocked these. Having no fucking clue what it is (the hell are Brother Herring?), I bought it for the novelty.
Now what?
>inb4 shove it up your ass
It's too big for that
I fell for the meme and am about to eat deenz for the first time - what am I in for
A healthy amount of Omega 3s. A flavor you may or may not enjoy.
haha got ya, retard
What's your go to hot sauce to make your /deenz/ #fire? I've been using Texas Pete because it's what I have
Can I get a rundown on deenz vs chovies? I've only had deenz once (skinless/boneless with hot sauce on crackers) and for the most part I enjoyed them though I think I'd like them more trying them again. That said I have a can of chovies in the pantry, would I like those if I enjoyed deenz? Should I eat them the same way?
It was actually bretty good - I think I added a little too much caper brine though cause it was on the salty side.
Good. Eat them at least weekly and enjoy healthier skin, hair and nails along with reduced risk of arthritis, depression, asthma, restlessness and Alzheimers.
Canned anchovies are really salty and more of a condiment. You cook them into foods (try them in pasta with garlic).
If you like salty things they can be okay as a snack. But its sort of like pickles, they're good here and there but I wouldn't sit and eat a whole can of them.
any Louisiana style sauce enhances the deenz experience
It's herrings in a spiced vinegar-based sauce. Serve on toast with chopped onions and dill, or drain, chop roughly with soft-boiled egg and mayo to make a herring salad.
They're really tasty, I envy you- can't get these where I live any more.
Ikea does jars of herring ('sill') with various sauces that are quite tasty. Sill senaps (herring in mustard sauce) is great. Just saying.
For lunch today I had John West herrings in Mexican sauce, has a flavour very much like sambal ikan bilis only sweeter and not quite as pungent.
I'd love to try some but I have no idea where I could buy them around me. Pasta with fresh deenz would be fantastic I bet.
GOAT deen coming through
These are the best; the oil is actually really good.
It is hard to believe but the glass jars are just over 2 dollars and a much better value for money.