
Who eating on a tight budget right now? What kind of meals have you been scrapping together lately?

Just bought myself a ten pack of Mac n Cheese for $4 which will last me for awhile.

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>spending $4 on 10-20 servings of nutrient-deficient garbage
Do you know how many beans you could have bought with that $4

pic related and white albacore tuna




I'm eating on a budget but you need to be eating
lots of rice, and lots of beans. lots of fucking beans.
and potatoes, oats
eggs for cheap protein always cheapest for cost quantity buy like 5 dozen packs


I’ve already got lots of beans retard. Sometimes you want a little variety.

See, this is how I know you aren't actually poor. You're frivolously spending money for the sake of variety rather than on foods that would be more filling and nutritious, since you apparently already have a backlog of those foods. If you were really down to your last dollars, variety would be the least of your concerns. Go whine somewhere else.

Some people enjoy NOT shitting 5 times per day, user. You cannot subsist entirely on fucking beans. You'll only give yourself the shits and deplete even more nutrients. It's way too much fucking fiber.

Everyone says rice and beans but what exactly are you saying? How do you prepare it to be tasty?

>implying mac n cheese is a better choice
Shut the fuck up, there are a hundred better food choices you could have made that are all better than that crap.

here ill dump some stuff would appreciate a cute girl pick in return






I wish I could hate you to death, fucking faggot OP. Go die in a fire.

What's the deal with lengthy instructions like these? It's not complicated Go to the grocery, get stuff that's cheap, decide how to combine it. If you can't figure this out you probably deserve to starve to death.

be more creative next time if possible

Like what?

Fresh ribeye steak, chicken breasts, hamburgers, etc

Eggs, oatmeal, pb, tuna, chicken, etc
Even dry pasta is cheaper and generally more nutritious than the shitty pasta in boxed macaroni. Or buy a bag of flour and eggs and make your own pasta. It's not fucking rocket science

good questions, I honestly don't know, I just have been collecting these from varies threads.

>poverty gatekeeping

Imagine being this pathetic

What are the cheapest leafy greens you can generally get?

Potatoes, oats, eggs, cheap cuts of meat. Eating on a budget is easy


Why don't you set foot in a grocery store and find out? Pretty much all leafy greens are cheap as shit, like 75cents a pound

This depends on where you live and what season it is. I worked in produce for 4 years. Some weeks something will be .69 cents and the next week it will be 2.49. Curly kale, turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens are usually cheap. Sometimes chard is a good deal when you get the massive bunches for a low cost. Some places sell greens by pound, some by bunch. If you shop at a place that sells by bunch you can really take advantage when you see the big fatty bunches. These are the greens with the nutrients, so go for these.

I eat an egg omelette or a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, a sandwich and a bean or veggie soup for lunch, a stir fry or a pasta with protein for a dinner, about 20 bucks worth of food per week, and I'm 6 ft 185 pounds and still have energy to work out a couple times a week on top working a 40 hr a week job

Winco fag as well?

I'm not totally broke, but I need to be careful this month or I could put myself into a predicament. Gotta cut way back on drinking. Going to go shopping today and go super poverty.

>splurge on some cheese
>whatever meat is the cheapest deal, usually pork loin where I am

That's about it. Going to go pretty minimal for the next few months and cut some weight while also staying relatively frugal. Gonna be tough to cut out booze though...

>no house should be without
Soypost. Disregard these kike instructions.

You can do it samurai. I had to go completely sober from being broke and it all worked out, now I don't need to drink to solve my problems

Thanks bud. I'm relatively confident for whatever reason. Going to have to start being super physical and hiking a lot during the day to wear myself out. Can't seem to sleep more than 2 hours unless I'm very drunk or completely physically exhausted. That just comes with the territory though. I'm sure my checking account will be much happier as well. So many pros to sobering up. Kind of excited, but we'll see how it goes.

I wish i could eat beans, i just hate the texture and flavor. Dried lentils are my choice. They cook nicely with 1 onion, mushrooms, herbs, and salt. Although, 1 strip of bacon cooked with 2 cans of pinto beans is a mighty fine meal.

bumps for the poor

I have an alcoholic friend who no longer drinks, and he says he doesn't really know what to do with his money now. He's never really had much saved up, so when he gets a few grand saved, he's sort of at a loss as to what to do with it.

I recently lost my job and most of my life's savings so now i eat out only 2 or 3 times a week and I have to wait until porterhouses are on sale which is only like twice a month so ill substitute ribeye. Went cheap on the booze too...been reduced to devil's cut but its not terrible.

>no longer on booze/drugs
>no desire for money
>my life

I never wanted a nice car or a nice house, I just wanted to get fucking blasted every day. Life is fucking stupid when you're sober.

>another ""poorfag"" thread
>another thread of people arguing over what's considered poor
You're all faggots. If you have a house and an internet connection then you're probably doing fine financially.

apples aren't cheap. you can cut the price down with frozen veggies and dosing out vitamin C through fortified "juice" from juice concentrate

Almost in exactly the same situation man. Bummer.

God damnit I'm just realizing this. I just want to get drunk and bullshit at my bar and go home and listen to music and shitpost. I need a woman. Hopefully sobriety will help with that now that I'm working on getting back into shape and feeling better.

People with houses still often feel hunger pains, especially in areas where a mortgage or rent are high.

>then move
Takes even more money to move. I know from personal experience. Glad I did it, but I had to penny pinch and skip some meals to do so.

>Go into kitchen
>Sack of rice, potatoes, cans of spam, cheap pasta, and some cheap spices

haha! I love being poor! my ex-gf was retardedly wealthy, as was her family. She thought it was insane how I lived

this is pretty good for what it is.

I buy sweet potatoes, baby carrots, cottage cheese, steel cut oats, frozen bags of vegetables. When I go to the grocery store I check for marked-down containers of guacamole and hummus, sometimes bags of bagels are marked down to $1.

>tfw poverty but not an idiot, so we still eat well.

So you're not really poor then?

I live in a household of three people well below the poverty line.
Two of us only have part time minimum wage jobs.
We just collectively agreed that good food was more important than other things we could waste money on, so literally half our pay goes towards groceries.

I don't get it, why can't you just get more money and buy better food?

Yeah, it is simple. Just be rich lmao.

Potatoes can get 10 pounds for like 3-4 dollars.
Boil them for dinner and take the leftovers, and cook them in a buttered pan.

Never eat tuna

i hate beans
how do you faggots eat them all day

I purchased $1400 for year supply of food. Been eating it since Jan 2016

They went up on prices, but they added some goodies to the menu


I mean 2017, I got it on sale. I loved the mash tatos, Strogenoff, Potato soups, Alfredo, spaghetti, Orange energy drink.

The things I hate are the chocolate pudding, mac-n-cheese. They don't taste like what they are suppose to be at all.

>Some people enjoy NOT shitting 5 times per day, user.
Speak for yourself fag.

Found this on Veeky Forums a while back, but I think it works here

I have been going through old fifties magazines and 1940s cook books.
very economical recipes. that 1950s Joy of Cooking is amazing.
Tonight I made hamburger steak (half beef and half venison from my Father in Law who hunts) with mushroom and homemade gravy. I had made a HUGE mess of collard greens this weekend that we are still eating on tonight with leftovers and boiled carrots that I buttered. We don't have a whole lot of money but we make it work.

This. I hardly buy anything for myself outside of some beer/wine and a new (thrifted lol) pair of shoes when my old ones wear out. I buy non-perishables that get discontinued at stores, store brand except for some nice oils and vinegars. The only thing I splurge on is high quality meat. I love to cook too so it's a plus. Developing the habit of cleaning during/after cooking/eating was the hardest to establish but it became second nature faster than I thought. Now my only problem is eating all my leftovers in time.

>less than $30
>Second item in a list of 15 is already $30

Stopped reading there.This guys an idiot.

What's the units for antioxidant capacity?

I recognize "antioxidant" is not entirely pseudoscience, but everything I see looks like this. This food: Many Antioxidants Very Good Yes.

I mean, even your Vitamin C which won't do anything for your immune system unless you're dying of scurvy has an RDI percent next to it along with g/serving.

I just bought 10lbs of chicken thigh quarters for $4.50, so my diet consists of thigh quarters and various veggies, generally cheap stuff like cabbage, kale, cauliflower, carrots, onions, sweet potatoes, avocados, and so on. Also got a bunch of grapefruit cause they were on sale really cheap too. Also various canned fish.

Can't really complain.

>$2-3 giant bag of potatoes rot before you finish etc
If by giant bag you mean 10 lbs and by rot before you finish it you mean lasts 2-3 days then sure lmao

I fucking love potatoes.

>Spend $175 a month on grocceries
>Get everything I need and more that usually lasts into next month
>Never run out of food

It amuses me for the people setting up $75 groccery lists of nothing but canned foods and dry pasta. One that canned shit and frozen veggies are awful for you, Two you an get them much cheaper fresh, and make far more out of various lettuces/greens, and salad dressings instead.

>Just be rich
>An average american minimum wage income at fulltime nets $800-$1200 a month
>Can't even spend $100 of that to feed yourself because of your stupid (and likely overpriced) hobbies

>canned food and frozen veggies are awful for you

lmao you have zero idea about nutrition. Pro-tip: Facebook posts shared by middle aged soccermoms isn't a valid source for dietary information.

hows your dumps?

>What is sugar water solution and High fructose preservatives

I evidently know more than you. What do you think canned food is kept with?

por que no

>1br1ba in my area 1400
>cheapest area in my state

Tins of tuna were on special so I bought 3 tins a loaf of bread and a couple of tomatoes.

Dude, I live in cali and get by just fine with a 2400 a /mo paycheck. Quit complaining and learn how to economize.

how do I spice up my beans and rice?



>big can of crushed tomatoes
>small can of enchilada sauce
>half a carton of chicken broth
>bag of frozen corn
>a cup of dried beans
>diced onion
>2 frozen chicken breasts
i have an instant pot which makes this a lot easier but could easily be adapted to slow cooker
>pressure cook beans for 10 minutes
>set aside
>pressure cook chicken breasts with enchilada sauce, broth, and tomatoes for 10 minutes
>add onions, corn, and put beans back in
>pressure cook for another 10 minutes
boom, high protein soup that isn’t watery as fuck
and all ingredients last a long ass time so you can buy a big bag of them at sam’s club and not worry about it and it costs you like 8 dollars for a batch

forgot to add that you pull the chicken breasts out at the end and shred them, but that should be apparent

>4oz lunchmeat/salmon/chicken (12 various sandwiches)
>Low sodium Bacon + Sausage links (15 various breakfasts)
>Chicken breasts/London broil (Divded into size and refrozen (12 meals)
>Fish filet, Cod/salmon (3 meals)
>1lb of Ground beef (2 meals)
>Fresh pasta + Alfredo/Marinara (Various pasta meals roughly 10)
>2 blocks of cheese (Various), Parmesean, Feta, 1 Specialty cheese (varies) Cream cheese, Butter
>Greek yogurt X7 (7 breakfasts)
>Eggs 2 18 count (Various breakfasts)
>Milk 1% (Primarily for baking)
>Green/Red leaf, Kale, Spinach greens
>Bell peppers, Roma Tomatoes, Red onions, Kalamata olives, Potatoes, Carrots, an eggplant
>Balsamic, Blue cheese, Tzatziki, Cesar marinades + Croutons
>Bananas, Apples, Mangos, Pineapple, Strawberries
>Wheat bread, Corn Tortillas + Bagels/Waffles/English muffins/Croissants
>2 chocolate bars Dark/white broke into 8 and refrozen (16 desserts)
>Gelato/Ice cream, 40 oz (5 desserts)
>Granola bars (48 snacks)
>12 pack of various diet soda (12 drinks)
>12 pack of sugar free juice (12 drinks)
>Box of various Tea (20 drinks)

Thats all roughly $100 and gets me through every month and then some.


here's your cute girl user

Your autism knows no bounds. Wow.

Nah, I just really like greek/italian. Mother was mediteranian though.

How so? I always write weekly meal plans since I do the cooking. It's always good to know how much stock you have and what will be allocated to where, as well as how long it will all last.

>An eggplant
But why?

Eggplant Parmesean, primarily. Sometime I dice a few slices into eggs or salad, depending on the day. I never need more than one.

just a guess, based on the overly mediterranean ingredient list

>$50 a week
lol poor people

Just make your own alcohol. $9 sugar, $2 of yeast (cheaper if you buy in bulk), water, and appropriate containers will make you 15-20 gallons of strong wine. (I estimate 14 abv, never tested it though.) If you don't like the taste, you can add some cheap frozen juice or something.

ikr, i spend that much on food a day lmao.

There are laws against that dude.

There are not, only against distilling.

My meals nearly every day are:

Breakfast: 2 burritos with egg, bacon, and cheddar cheese.
No Lunch
Dinner: Some boxed pasta meal with boiled chicken and broccoli added in.

I could afford to eat better, but I don't have a lot of time, and I like to be minimalist in my spending. Sometimes I get something different. Yesterday, I took some ribeye and made Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches to watch the Super Bowl with.

Probably because of the mercury and other toxins in tuna and other apex predators. Not an issue unless you're eating 3 cans a day for years and years though.

I've been eating this for the past week

Bulk buy rice and beans for nutrition.

With the remaining money you invest in some good spices and use sparingly for each meal.

add corn tortillas and squash to your rice and beans or just get some cheap meat

sweet potatoes are based but can be expensive

white trash quesadillas this week

>main source of calories and vitamins
rice, beans, potatoes, onions, cabbage, carrots, spinach, and broccoli
>buy whatever is cheapest
chicken, sardines, liver, eggs
vitamin d3 only
filtered water
bag of oranges, or whatever is cheap in season
>spluge items for flavor and has some nutritional benefit
olive oil, garlic, sauerkraut

Eat this while getting a degree or looking for a better job, clean your room and sort yourself out.