Why exactly is freezing-thawing-refreezing food considered unsafe?
Why exactly is freezing-thawing-refreezing food considered unsafe?
Bacteria gets in when it enters the "Temperature Danger Zone" as we like to call it for our barely literate fast food workers. Refreezing the meat does not eliminate this bacteria. These microbes are different from the microbes on the surface that die when you grill a steak, these come when the meat is rotting.
This, among depending on the time out of temp zone can lead to deterioration of the quality of the meat/flavors. This also in turn can have a direct effect from the mass microbial growth. The rule of thumb for most meats is generally after about 4+ hours in the temp zone, it’s most likely gonna be ruined/at least crawling with bacteria. I believe it was from 65-120 Fahrenheit. Or somewhere around there.
Because the USDA wants to scare you into being vegan.
Take the meat pill.
>rule of thumb
>4+ hours in the temp zone
>65-120 Fahrenheit
It's a law.
In what temperature zone?
Why reply if you don't know the answers?
It isn't so long as the period of time that it is thawed isn't enough for microbes to deposit enough toxins to give you a problem. Just feel it, smell it, and you'll know if it is going bad or not. The main problem can be when you put it back in the freezer and it does not freeze fast enough. That can happen if the meat has too much mass or it gets covered too much when trying to freeze. The type of freezer can also cause problems. Like those that don't use cold air will use cold shelving with coolant pumping through them. If those shelves get too piled up, they simply can't cool food off fast enough. You may have thawed meat for over 24 hours in an over-stuffed freezer.
I like to keep this handy, for close encounters.
Would you freeze thaw and refreeze a slop of shit
What if you thaw in the fridge so it never gets warm? I want to eat turkey, but no one sells it except as a whole frozen bird. Is there any reason not to thaw one in the fridge, cut it into pieces, and freeze the separate pieces that I'm not immediately using? Would it ruin the texture?
>Because the USDA wants to scare you into being vegan.
The gubment wants us to be vegan? I guess that's why meat and dairy is so heavily subsidized unlike fruits and vegetables.
Just avoid freezing meat in the first place and you solve the problem. Some idiot tell you to buy lots of cheap meat on sale then just freeze it? If that sounds good to you you're eating way more meat that you need to. There's absolutely no reason to do that 1960's thing of having a freezer full of meat. Most good cuts of meat really aren't that good anymore after having been frozen. And there's no reason to stock up on the cheap shit because it's cheap.
I've been thawing meat overnight on the counter for thirty years and never once had a problem.
You can, you just have to follow the rules in chapter 3-4 and 3-5 of the following:
That's the code most US Health departments use for inspections. is basically the cliff's notes version of it.
same reason freezing-thawing-refreezing boiled water is unsafe
Oh yeah dude, texture is out the fucking window the second thaw. That shit is just nasty
boiling water does not freeze because it is boiling. You are thinking of ice.
Theres a system to freeze things in such a way the ice crystals are not jagged resulting in less piercing of the cell walls.
>He doesn't freeze boiling water to store for when a recipe needs it
being a vegan means u need to eat pills
anything can be put into those pills
put things in pills that pacify
things that dull you or kill you
eat the pill veggieman
pill and chillax
These fuckin pussys
If you're working in an environment where meat is being frozen and thawed and then frozen again that is a testament to your inefficiency.
Just fucking order enough to cover your needs and never freeze it. If you know you're going to cook a steak of some sort then leave it out at room temperature until the fat softens and then cook it. Poultry, pork, and fish are all slightly different issues in a case to case basis.
Fuck books, ya nerd. Just be safe and conscious of what you're doing to the material at hand.
vice is bullshit
The bacteria’s get angrier every time you freeze them and wake them up.
Boiled water actually freezes faster than room temperature water, I'm not meming either
Under very certain, hard to reproduce circumstances.
Dumbass. Use your noodle.hot is hot, cold is cold
that looks like a big slop of shit