These things don't make service any faster...

These things don't make service any faster, the opposite in fact I seem to be waiting around for ages while they staff behind the counter stare at order screens by the metal table. It was just to save labor costs wasn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

It was to get rid of minimum wage hikes or even allowing the thought of a union to happen. They don't care about underpaying everyone. They just want the ones already working there to know that they're replaceable and not worth much to the company other than delivering the order to the customer.

>. It was just to save labor costs wasn't it
um, yeah, did anyone ever imply otherwise?

Thats what you get when liberals try and tell everyone that terrible workers deserve fucking $15 per hour

>muh liberalz

This was coming anyway in spite of worker's wanting more money. If you don't understand this then odds are the type of work you do will be automated sooner than others you brainlet.

Eventually mcdonald workers will be paid $15/hr but they will have a 2yr degree in IT and spend all day driving from restaurant to reastaurant.

I'm sure it would have happened eventually, but when you arbitrarily double the cost of labor it dramatically increases the benefits of automating that labor

>can make a complex order with any customizations i want without having to worry about explaining it six times to a minimum wage cashier whose first language isn't english

I say they're worth any extra 30 second wait you've been experiencing.

>Workers get replaced by robots
>The menu prices increase despite labor costs going down drastically
>I still have to pay 7 dollars for a meal at McDonalds
The world is shit, I wish I was never born

It's clearly libruls fault. Not like businesses have anything to gain from having worker's fight among themselves or anything.

>buying a meal at McD's

Go dollar menu or go somewhere and spend a few bucks more and actually get your money's worth.

>menu prices increase
the fuck are you on about

>>I still have to pay 7 dollars for a meal at McDonalds
WTF are you buying?
2 McDoubles is still like $3

Raising minumum wage is objectively bad policy economically yet liberals overwhelmingly support it
>muh evil corporations
yeah, its McDonald's fault you decided to drop out of high school and have 2 kids before 20, and are a bad employee when you actually show up

Nigger please no kids and I work in IT. Odds are I'm making 3 times what you do. All I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with workers banding together. Never said anything about raising minimum wage either, not sure why you wouldn't support it though as odds are you need all the help you can get boot licker.

Except they still fuck up the order

Why are you eating at McDonald’s? Are you still a child?

Plus you can actually have a good look at the menu without being rushed by the cashiers dead eyes staring at you.

You're not very smart, are you?

>All I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with workers banding together. Never said anything about raising minimum wage either
OK, but we were specifically talking about how the misguided push for higher minimum wages from the left is incentivizing fast food to automate jobs

Also, I wasn't saying you specifically are that person, just that anyone who thinks fast food workers should honestly be paid $15/hour is, but I am sure you totally make several 100 thousand per year

>All I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with workers banding together
Except with how it made American manufacturing noncompetitive internationally

If they want $15 an hour why not $50 an hour? Just pay everyone more then there will be no more poor people.

they're great because it reduces the number of times i have to speak with non-whites in my life

15hr isn't a lot of money and the only people who really give a shit about what these people make tend to be the types who make somewhere around that range. I guess it's a pride thing?

You really shouldn't care or get butthurt about what someone else wants to make. People can lobby for their perceived best interests, whether or not it goes their way or not is their concern not yours. It's a free country for a reason.

Developing countries being able to pay people $2 an hour for manufacturing labor has way more to do with us being less competitive than unions.

Who would honestly work in dangerous conditions for that type of money in this country? Nobody in their right mind would.

Oh so it wasn't countries like China who can pay their workers pennies on the dollar? Those jobs with or without labor unions were going to go over seas eventually. If they are coming back it's at a fraction of the past because you don't need the amount labor today that you needed 20 years ago due to advancements in technology.

>McDonalds trash complaining about having to interact with other McDonalds trash

I would pay more and wait longer if it means not having to interact with an impoverished Mexican cashier.

>warren buffet is trash

And I would pay more and wait longer if it means not having to interact with a white trailer trash cashier.

Ultimately, it's to drive themselves out of business so the stockholders can sit on giant piles of electronic money. I don't think anyone really knows what's supposed to happen after that. Giant space station colony paradises maybe. But not for you.

>a rich guy does a trashy thing
>maybe if I do nothing but trashy things I'll be rich too!

>e-e-e-e-everyone who gets fast food from time to time is trash
>gets btfo'd by examples that show it's false

Wait, how is Warren Buffet not trash?

>my favourite celebrities are paid to say they eat fast food so that means that it is ok and cool when I eat fast food
I'd tell you to kill yourself but I see you already are, good job!

>born in trash
>surrounded by trash
>doesn't know what it is not to be, or be surrounded by, trash
Go down to your local trash magnet McDonalds and tell me how many successful people you see. oops, you think having a job with a name tag means you're "successful", never mind

he could pay to have everyone you know killed with the money he uses to buy a weeks worth of stroke lotion.

Raising minimum wage is essential to a robust economy, especially when wages don't keep up up with even poverty tier cost of living. People have to be able to spend money in order for businesses to make money. Rich people aren't supporting local and small tier business, which directly impacts local economies, which in turn impact state and national economies. Trickle down has NEVER worked.

No, seriously.

Someone making logical sense on Veeky Forums?! Did hell freeze over??

Automation is coming, neither coal nor service jobs that can be replaced incredibly easily by machines will last forever no matter how many Republican candidates tell you differently. Either education gets cheap enough that the poorest in society can learn enough to do jobs that can't be done by a robot, we move to universal basic income or the poor revolt violently and the whole system changes. It's going to happen and it's probably going to happen within our lifetime.

>15hr isn't a lot of money
It a fucking lot for someone who is only capable of doing trivially easy tasks

A couple both making $15 would put them at about the national median household income, an insane amount of money to pay uneducated, unskilled people

>You really shouldn't care or get butthurt about what someone else wants to make
If they lobby politicians to try hand them this extra money at the expense of higher costs for everyone else on everything they buy, we very much should care about stopping this movement. Wanting the government to not make dumb, misguided laws makes us "butthurt", thats Trump tier rhetoric

>f-f-f-fastfood is evil and for trash people

thanks for confirming your time is worthless

wew lad, i made 7 figures in 2017 by being smart about the market

you're still a nigger poorfag on a shit board like Veeky Forums

only NEETs and retards spend their insanely valuable time on cooking

they eliminate wasted produce since there is no need to keep the hot bin filled as everything is made to order

Ruining industries with bad policy and obtuse unions isn't ok just because those industries would have probably one day died regardless


I think we can all agree that we don't want to deal with lazy poor people regardless of their race

There are virtually no fast food places that hold premade food, everything is made to order.

>i'm a poorfag so everyone else is too

it was literally fucking EASY

It's called hearing about bitcoin before the craze

sorry you're a brainlet who fell for the disinfo ;^)

>aising minimum wage is essential to a robust economy
says no economist ever

>reddit spacing
>claims 7 figure income
>trash talks cooking on a cooking board
>defends fast food

Not only are you a liar and a moron, but you're shit tier at bait.

you do understand that the price of mcd is set by supply and demand, which aren't affected by labour costs going down aside from potential lower break even point that the stores dont really care for

probably not because quality of life is historically high and even the poor have things pretty fucking good in America

Someone drank the kool-aid.

15hr isn't shit if you account for inflation and cost of living. Profits keep rising and yet the American worker isn't seeing a dime.

Seriously man keep licking that boot. You should also learn that rising wages and the cost of goods doesn't follow a 1/1 ratio.

I don't want to touch those things. If menus are bad, those are going to be worse. They still have to pay people to clean those things until maybe cleaner robots exist.

If I go into some place and the ordering system is online, I'm walking right out. I want nothing to do with a place such as that.

t. assblasted nocoiner

I shouldn't say the cost of goods, I meant the price for something.

>after I started lifting, my confidence improved so much that my sex fantasies involved more attractive anime waifus

At least with people there are laws, with robots there are no laws and they can be dirty as all fuck. It's disgusting.

>15hr isn't shit if you account for inflation and cost of living
Its not "a lot" but its sure as hell more than anyone with only minimum wage tier skills deserve, and way more than is necessary to live a decent life.

Note your lack of education does not entitle you to live in a super expensive neighborhood. $15 per hour might be necessary if you live in Manhattan, but to apply super expensive neighborhood standards to America as a whole is silly

A couple making 15 an hour each are clearing about 70k a year combined, that's more than enough to live comfortably in most parts of the country.

You don't get to judge what other people "deserve". Glass houses and whatnot.....


>You should also learn that rising wages and the cost of goods doesn't follow a 1/1 ratio.
For every extra dollar spent on low tier employees, a dollar will either have to be gained, or not spent somewhere else. This means higher prices, worse service, and less growth. The consequences are unequivocally bad, and especially harm the very shit people that are convinced they are necessary

Bullshit that's barely 60 thousand combined before taxes and that's assuming full time.

I never said they were entitled to anything. They are however entitled to lobby for their interests just like you and I and any corporation does.

>You don't get to judge what other people "deserve". Glass houses and whatnot.....
but you do?
Or fucking Bernie Sanders does?
I am just as qualified to say what they deserve as you are. The fact is no one deserves anything, they earn things

>before taxes
Please note that when Americans talk about how much someone makes, it is basically 100% of the time before taxes.

Also 60k is literally over the household median income of the country, its way more than anyone needs to live comfortably

That's not true at all. The cost of an item isn't just based on labor. There's cost of goods, overhead, research etc etc. Prices and labor costs do not follow a 1/1 ratio. Also it seems to make sense that paying people more would lead to better service.

Doesn't matter though as technology is pushing out these jobs either way.

>They are however entitled to lobby for their interests just like you and I and any corporation does
Though if these movements are successful they will legally be entitled to it, which is what we were talking about

Of course there are other pieces that contribute to the cost of an item, that in no way is contrary to anything I said
>Also it seems to make sense that paying people more would lead to better service
Thats true on the market, but if they are legally obligated to pay people more it doesn't hold, and needing to spend more per person means hiring fewer people and cutting hours which means worse service

Not all of us want to live on the household median income, given two incomes. That's bullshit and you know it. Stuff that commie stuff where the sun don't shine.

>Doesn't matter though as technology is pushing out these jobs either way
This is a silly attitude.
Just because something will be gone one day does not mean that policies related to it in the meantime do not matter. Also only a fraction of minimum wage jobs are at risk of being automated. Its not like fast food places are anywhere close to being able to automate the whole system

There's a big difference between want and deserve.

How long until this thread degenerates into tips and why customers should pay for what employers are supposed to do?

We'll you're nobody to determine that, the free market is.

>Not all of us want to live on the household median income, given two incomes
ok, then go to school, or just generally act responsibly in life and at work. Only a small fraction of Americans make minimum wage, many of which are teenagers, very few people spend more than a short period of time at minimum wage with just minimal work effort
also, by the very definition of median, half of people are below it, so sure you may want to live above the median but it is mathematically impossible for more than half of people to do that

Is fighting for what they want not earning it? I guess if you live in a world where you think anyone other than yourself is just wanting gibmes and what not I'd feel that way as well.

The welfare queen is a big myth perpetuated to keep the poor and middle class at each other's throats instead of holding those in power accountable.

It really doesn't because as it stand right now their is now way in hell a 15hr minimum wage would pass. With or without that these jobs will begin to fade away. Do some research man, companies are aggressively spending more and more to automate things.

Perhaps I already have and have been making a lot more money than you will ever see in your life. Perhaps. It's likely true, and I did that on my own, without anything to do with you.

I know what the definitions of median and average are, I think that was from 5th grade. Get over yourself. We're not all socialists.

No giving our workers rights is what did that. In China if you die on the factory floor they pretty much sweep your corpse into a dust bin until the end of the shift. In America if someone gets hurt on the job the floor stops and that person is given medical assistance.

That's China, a different nation than the USA. We don't control China and they don't control the USA. Get over it.

>Veeky Forums doesn't know ANYTHING about business
no wonder you are all poor

>Is fighting for what they want not earning it?
No, graduating high school, and being a productive employee, or making something of yourself are earning it. Having some politician hand it to you to bribe you to vote for them is not earning it
.Do some research man, companies are aggressively spending more and more to automate things.
No one said they weren't but this attitude that because something will one day happen, that everything that happens in the meantime, and bad policies that push things to happen faster than they otherwise would don't matter. Is this some sort of absurd marxist nihilism? It is a laughably illogical stance

hahaha kornholio

>In America if someone gets hurt on the job the floor stops and that person is given medical assistance.
Exactly, and that kind of communist crap needs to stop.

>Perhaps I already have and have been making a lot more money than you will ever see in your life. Perhaps. It's likely true, and I did that on my own, without anything to do with you.
well then take some economics classes with that extra money, and maybe stop believing 1848 tier outdated class warfare bullshit

Nice assumption, but dollars to donuts you've never worked for a small or large company for extended periods of time.

Take your german shit and stuff it.

this. most `people` don't deserve healthcare

there were amny factors, but there is no denying that labor unions were pretty fucking bad. Have you ever worked in a union or in proximity to union people, those people are the laziest fuckers you will ever meet. They spend more time trying to figure out how to get out of doing work than they do actually working

>he's a subhuman poorfag with a net worth not even measured in the 7 figures

if you get hurt on the job its your fault honestly

You people really sound like you're straight out of community collage and have zero experience at anything.


>Veeky Forums is full of non-whites and poors
i had forgotten


says the guy who supports $15 minimum wage

>fast food neckbeard having a meltdown

reading this thread is like going to a McDonalds IRL

Never claimed we should but minimum wage wasn't why jobs went overseas I explained why.

How do you know what I do or do not support? I support employers giving people living wages and I've spoken with some and it seems to be an agreement that those jobs are for kids who don't need living wages. Like paper delivery boys.

My father was in a union and was a hard ass worker.
Hated when they let the lazy ass Chinese join the union though those guys are fucking human roaches.

That's an easy one, it's called "cheap and easy." It's easier to hire 10 indians to get shit wrong and do it again than one person from the USA to get it right in the first place. I do know this stuff.

It keeps the budget going to get shit wrong.

We're not all hellbound idolaters either.